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That night

Sitting on my bed with Pansy on my lap, Milli on one side, Tisi on the same side curled on me between Milli and Pansy, Draco sits on the other side by me, our shoulders touching, my chunk boys across the bottom of the bed on their backs and finally Angel and Daphne over my legs.

"You could only take one" Pansy mumbles.

I nod "Yes, but I traded for everyone, thanks to Angel giving me the music box".

"They put multiple for you knowing you can only take one, Mia look at the group they picked from".

"The people I'm closest with" I mumble.

"Yeah but the picked suspected death eaters children, Milli was the only one not a suspected death eaters child, they all insist she will be one that she's our muscle, you could only pick one and that song. It hinted that anyone left would never be back, they planned to kill us" Draco says grabbing his hair pulling gently clearly panicking.

Pansy leans up grabbing him and pulls him to us, making him lay his head on her chest "She
wouldn't have left anyone of us Draco".

He nods grabbing my arm "Yeah, Mia wouldn't let us die" he whispers looking up at me, like
he needs me to confirm that.

I nod moving my arm grabbing his hand "I will always protect you or die trying Dragon, for any of you".

He nods as we all move closer together making a large pile "Is this normal?" Angel asks from
the middle of the bed out of the pile.

"Yes it's normal, if you watch the others in our house, we all have a bond with a small group that we tend to stay by and even all gather together, like now away from others. When something happens that has scared us, it's normally groups who grew up together" I mumble playing with Draco's hair.

She nods "How come I'm included? I didn't grow up with you guys".

Milli groans leaning forward grabbing her and dragging her up in the pile we all made together
"Because you have proven you can be trusted, and even help us. You gave up something personal to help Mia, so we have taken you into the group like you've always been here" Tisi says throwing her arm over Angel.

Third challenge

I shake out my hands trying to play off the shaking, glancing back I see my group is all together.

No ones missing I try to reassure myself once again they are all safe.

The girls hold up a sign with my name cheering, I smile blowing a kiss before getting ready to run into the maze.

I shoot off being given a head start rushing forward, the others coming not long after.

I gasp seeing a large hole shot into the hedge near my head as Krum with glazed eyes, wonders around blindly throwing spells.

I shove him into the wall shooting a red light into the air, running deeper in I find Fleur wrapped in vines from the hedge, crying out with Potter just looking on I scoff sending another off.

"Fucking coward" I mumble running down a random path, I glance up trying to figure out how long I've been in here but the sky has been dark and gray all day.

I find the trophy sat in the middle between myself, Potter, and Cedric before I look between us.

Running up I reach out before stopping as they walk closer looking at me then it.

"Together?" Cedric asks.

I nod glancing between them "I'm okay with that, I never wanted in this anyway" seeing both nod Cedric counts to three, then we all grab the trophy.

I gasp grabbing myself, when I land with a knee in my groin "Fucking fuckers fuck fuck" I say in a high voice curling up.

I feel someone grab me helping me up before seeing Cedric "kill the spare".

I look up seeing the rat holding a bundle, before I'm suddenly pinned to a statue beside Potter.

Waking up I groan, seeing I'm in the medical wing again "What happened?" I ask.

"Your awake" Madam Pomfrey says cupping my face "What happened?" I ask again.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Wormtail killing Cedric, Potter and I being held by a statue" I answer frowning.

"It seems the trophy was a port key to somewhere else, you three grabbed it together, Cedric was killed Potter brought you both back with him".

"Why can't I remember?"

"He says you were trying to get free and hit your head, knocking yourself out. I had to heal a large cut on it and fix where you cracked your skull".

I nod frowning "I really shouldn't be surprised you managed to crack it, your mother did a least once a year" she adds Thoughtfully.

I smile slightly "Damn, I failed to beat her a something".

Madam Pomfrey chuckles "your friends are waiting to take you to the end of term feast, no excitement try to stay relaxed" she says sternly.

"Yes ma'am I'd hate to upset my favorite healer" I say smiling at her.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now