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I grunt running into the first-year rooms grabbing the two first years yanking them from the room one of them set on fire in her sleep, while two of the sixth-year pure bloods who were placed as their Big sisters, an idea I got from Demon, follows me in putting the bed out and fixing the damage.

I force the girls to look at me "What happened?" I demand.

One looks close to crying shaking nervously, I turn glancing at the group gathered to see what happened.

"GET TO THE COMMON ROOM, NOW IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE EVER DID MAGIC IN THEIR SLEEP" I screech making everyone but the sixth-years run.

I turn and gently grabbing the girls chins forcing both to look at me "Look you're not the first person to do something like this but we need to know what happened so we can prevent it from happening again".

"Did either of you fall asleep holding your wand?"

Seeing one nod I sigh leaning on the bedpost "Okay it's not a good idea to do that, You keep it close but not in your hand".

"I was scared I'd be hurt again" she whispers.

I nod rubbing my face "Okay in this house we protect our own you are Slytherin, that makes
you one of us, any problems we have in house we handle ourselves, anyone messes with one of us, they mess with all of us. You need to let your Big know if someone is doing something
so we can protect you".

She nods looking at her Big "Okay I'm going to leave and let you all talk" I say heading out, I grunt stomping into the common room "Okay I want this clear Bigs need to check in with your Littles, not wait for them to come to you. I'm going to bed check in and let me know if it's something we need to step in on or give them a chance to defend themselves" I order.

Going into my room I stretch hearing my back popping then crawl into bed between Pansy and Daphne.

Pansy moves to lay on top of me pressing kisses to my neck "First year again?" She asks.

"Yes, she set the room on fire" I mumble rubbing her back, starting to fall asleep again before hearing knocking on my door "Let them in" I grunt to the painting.

It swings open and I see the girl who started the fire with her big "What's wrong?" I ask calmly.

"She needs to be removed from her home".

I nod rubbing my face "Okay I'll write my uncle and see if he can find a way to get her removed from there and, placed with someone trusted who wants a child" I mumble.

They both nod leaving me finally to fall asleep.

Next morning

I get up finding the girl again holding a note with her big by her "I had Professor Snape sign as a witness to her writing it, he will add it to her file. I'm to take her to Madam Pomfrey to perform a check on her, Snape will make sure her report makes it to the welfare of magical children".

I nod "I will have my Aunt and Uncle take an interest in her case" I say looking to Draco who nods quickly starting to write a letter.

Quickly heading out with my group I smirk watching Draco take the lead on taking points from Gryffindor.

I watch Milli putting a seventh year in a headlock then body slamming them knocking the air from them, taking back a Slytherin scarf they were bragging about talking from a first year they stunned.

She gets up walking to return it before any of us can react, I hear Potter yell Flipendo followed by a loud bang.

Milli is thrown forward her head slams into the corner of the wall.

Potter looks on smugly as Tisi runs to her checking on her screaming loudly, when her hand comes back covered in blood I act without thought tackling him down.

My hands wrap around his throat tightly "I'LL KILL YOU POTTER" I scream as his face turns red moving slowly into blue.

I'm dragged off of Potter by Snape struggling to get free as Potter doesn't move "HE FUCKING KILLED MILLI" I scream.

A few hours later

I wake up in the medical bed turning I see Madam Pomfrey checking on Milli, I roll off my
bed moving closer to Milli ignoring Madam Pomfrey as I crawl into bed with Milli holding
onto her.

"Hermione she needs rest" Madam Pomfrey says sternly.

I scoff holding on tighter "She is resting, I'm not leaving her side" I hiss.

"Did I kill Potter?" I finally ask quietly worried I may have messed up.

"No he is alive, he was brought in passed out but he left already" she says watching me.

"How bad is Milli?" I ask.

"Her skull was cracked, physically she should be fine she just needs to heal, but the brain is a different story, we don't know if there's damage that our magic can't see".

I nod looking at Milli gently moving her hair from her face "Hermione, Tisi needs you to keep her in control, those girls are as close to each other as they are to you" Madam Pomfrey says placing a hand on my back.

I nod not looking away from Milli "Keep Milli safe for me please" I whisper placing a kiss on her forehead "I'll take care of Tisi for you Milli, I won't fail you all again".

Getting up I walk out finding Draco coming my way "Mia everyone's waiting for an update, I was coming to check in on Milli".

"I'll handle it, Is everyone in the common room?" I ask coldly.

He nods "Yeah we had to stop a few people from retaliating, till we know what is going on Luna is there waiting as well".

I nod stepping into the common room seeing everyone waiting, doing a quick sweep I see Uncle Sev by the door keeping guard in case someone tries to leave for revenge.

"Millicent Bulstrode was recovering a first year Slytherins property from a seventh year
Gryffindor, While going to return said property Potter hit her from behind with a powerful Flipendo. It sent her head first into a corner Her skull was cracked, Madam Pomfrey told me physically she will heal but there could be damage that our magic is not seeing to her brain" I say in a cold hard voice.

I turn looking at everyone "He almost killed her, know this, Dumbledore will treat it like an
accident that should be ignored, I refuse to take that, do not get caught but punish them. I want Potter to know his house is being picked off for his actions, we are done with being attacked while their actions are dismissed by the headmaster but not us".

Luna raises her hand smiling "They are starting a group to practice DADA I was asked to join".

I smile looking at her "Join and leave trails to the meeting for us, I want everything and everyone Potter touches or trusts to turn to dust starting with the weasels" I finish looking to the group.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now