Pansy turns pushing me back out of the door "leave I need to speak with her alone" she orders before shutting the door in my face.

Nodding I jump seeing Hooch run up knocking on the door Frantically when Pansy opens it again she quickly ducks in "they are being brought in" she says before closing it again.

Turning I run down the stairs to the ball room seeing mom, Uncle Luci, Aunt Cissa and Draco.

Mom turns grabbing us both "is this him?" She asks.

Draco frowns looking at Potter with a swollen face reaching out I go to move his hair but it won't move.

Turning I walk over to the self still holding stuff from my soul bonding ceremony grabbing the hair removal and the rag I pour some on his hair watching as his hair starts falling out.

Rubbing the rag on his forehead I smirk seeing the scar on his head "it's him" we both say.

Mom smirks pointing her wand at him "Obliviate".

I smile watching as Potter looks at us blankly while two death eaters handle Lavender and Weasel, once all three look at us confused Aunt Cissa smiles stepping up "hello could you tell us your name's we found you three in the woods unconscious".

When they shake their heads confused Aunt Cissa nods giving a sympathetic look "it's okay we're going to get you help".

Helping them up I walk them to Aunt Andi and Aquila "this is my Aunt and cousin they will take you to get help Okay?"

Seeing them nod I smile watching them lead them out to get them out of the Wizarding world after taking them threw the core removal, used for when a Witch or Wizard is banished from our world after having their memories erased.

Seeing them lead completely out I sigh slumping at feeling a wait lifted off my shoulders "that's one part down" I whisper glancing at Mom.

She nods digging threw the bag we took finding the cloak and handing it to me "help him complete this part" she says.

I nod grabbing it and running to Dad's office holding up the cloak "we got it dad".

"Wonderful" I help him carefully place them in the symbol used for the three brothers story before stepping back.

Feeling the room turn freezing cold I fight off my shiver seeing the shadowy figure form in front of us.

"You have collected all the hallows and can control death what is your choice"

I flinch hearing multiple voices speak at once before looking at dad worried he will fail to resist temptation.

"Return them to you, humans are to weak for this power" he says shaking.

"Is this what you truly want?" Death asks.

Dad looks at everything and I see him starting to give in reaching out I place my hand on his arm catching his attention "dad please, for us" I whisper, he smiles sadly at me cupping my face "it's corrupted to many don't let it get you, remember the plan to start fixing the damage it's caused" I add.

"Remove the temptation of this from the world so we can repair the damage they started" Dad say keeping his eyes on me "Masters of death are not the future, our future stands before us in every child".

Feeling the room warm up to normal I look over seeing a handsome tall man with black hair and eyes standing in front of us "you have resisted the power for your child, you will craft the new world with her in mind".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now