Stepping into muggles studies I frown seeing Aunt Cissa by Aunt Andi, shrugging it off I move to my seat with Pansy rolling my eyes hearing people mumbling about how they hate the next class after this.

Once everyone gets seated Aunt Andi frowns looking at all of us "Slytherin do you have a problem with Muggle studies?"

Hearing scattered voices saying no I answer no tapping my hands on my table "So you have no problem learning more about the muggle world or it's culture?"

I scoff looking up "We refused to take it as an elective because even we could tell that the old teacher hed no idea what she was talking about, at least now we have a teacher who lived with
muggles and understands them".

Aunt Andi nods pacing slowly in front of the class "Okay so what I'm hearing is the house everyone seems to think hates anything muggle has no problem learning about it, and the house everyone swears is all about accepting difference is refusing to learn anything about wizarding culture to understand anything about this world".

Aunt Cissa scoffs "Seems hypocritical and racist to me judge people who are proud of their culture and customs".

"Let's try it this way for everyone who grew up muggle" Aunt Andi says calmly "the Queen or someone of nobility has a large social gathering, invitations are sent to friends and family do they ignore social customs and walk up to them calling someone by their name only in greeting?" seeing everyone frown she chuckles.

"No they greet with titles to show respect, I mean would you run up to the queen calling her by her name?"

"What you fail to realize is the Wizarding world like another country in a way, we may speak English but so does America, Canada, or Australia yet you know it's a different place with a different culture. You would have to learn to understand it so you didn't accidentally insult anyone, it's the same here we are essentially a different world with our own history, culture and customs, wizarding culture is being ignored and banned because muggle culture does not like it or it makes them uncomfortable these classes are to teach you about each other's culture so you can interact with each other and understand each other".

I scoff banging my head on the table "They don't care, all they care about is everyone does what they want who cares if they insult someone it's our fault for not abandoning out culture to make them happy, it's the very reason our world is hidden from the muggles if you don't believe what they do then you're an enemy".

I grunt shoving my chair back "It's the same crap that lead to hangings, burnings, and drowning witches and wizards because they didn't like we were different and if this world was
exposed to muggles again it will happen again, who knows maybe they gut us alive to try to learn how our power works or force us to fight in wars as weapons, it's all fine as long as the muggles are happy they will never understand the horrores that our world faced, why we are so paranoid about muggles learning we are still here".

Seeing everyone looking at me shocked I grunt grabbing my stuff.

"I refuse to deal with this stupidity, don't worry I know it makes me evil for not agreeing with the great followers of fucking Dumbledore, for not abandoning my culture but I'll die before I forget my history. Keep in mind to us who grew up here your the ones coming in forcing your beliefs on us because you refuse to be open minded of other cultures".

Seeing Aunt Cissa open her mouth I shake my head "I'm going to Madam Pomfrey" I grunt storming out feeling my magic swirling around me and my hair raising.

Reaching the halls I shake feeling my magic release around me making the castle shake "Damn it" I scream feeling my legs go weak.

Feeling arms catch me so I don't fall from the overwhelming drain and backlash of emotionally charged magic, I groan feeling myself lifted "It's been a while since you've lost control of your magic" I hear Aunt Cissa say calmly.

Hearing Cass crying I try to move to check on her "Cass" I mumble weakly pushing at Aunt Cissa.

"Pansy has her, you need to go to Madam Pomfrey" she says keeping a grip on me "Relax it's time to rest".

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