A few hours later

Walking into DADA I laugh watching Milli putting Weasel in a headlock hitting him in the gut "STOP HER, SHE'S HURTING WONWON" Lavender screams shrilly grabbing my arm trying to push past me.

Pansy scoffs shoving her away from me "Okay Milli you made your point, that's enough" I say calmly.

She grunts shoving him away "Run back to your owner dog" he says gasping for air.

I grab Milli stopping her from attacking again as I step up to him pressing my wand to his throat, pulling back I punch him hearing a crack.

I laugh seeing blood pouring from his nose under his hand "Watch how you speak to the ladies, maybe then you wouldn't keep getting hurt blood traitor" I hiss.

I smirk stepping back over to my group As Lupin steps in "What happened?" he asks rushing to Ron checking him, Lavender screams about us attacking him so no reason.

He looks at me frowning "No we had a reason, he shoved Milli on the way in so she got even, I told her that was enough and to let the weasel go. He then called her a dog so I hit him, he needs to learn how to speak to ladies and not be aggressive to them".

Lupin looks unsure "We will gladly allow you to view the memories of the event sir, we have nothing to hide" I say calmly.

He sighs nodding "15 points from Gryffindor for bullying and 10 point from Slytherin for attacking a school mate".

Ron screeches about how he should earn points because Slytherins are evil as he is taken out to get medical help, Lupin looks at me "Do any of you have a complaint for points being taken
as well?"

I laugh shaking my head "Nope, it's fair we attacked, we're not sorry for it and will do it again. At least you are fair enough to admit we was not the only ones who are wrong here Wolf".

"What did you call me?"

"Your name Remus Lupin. Lupin is derived from the Latin lupinus, which means of a wolf. Remus is a figure from Roman mythology who was raised by a wolf it seems fitting to call you wolf, since they insist on called our head of house a greasy dungeon bat" I say smirking "plus you're a werewolf, who tried to kill Snape in his sixth year" I whisper so no one else hears me seeing his eyes widen.

"You look very familiar, who are your parents?" He asks frowning.

"Hermione Cissa R. Black, daughter of Bellatrix soon to be head of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black" I say smirking.

"Right, what's the R stand for?" He asks a little to interested.

"Aunt Cissa told me that mother had it placed in honor of Aunt Andi, in memory of the bond they had as children it stands for Renee".

Later that day

I smirk watching the boys taunt Potter about the Dementor again while waiting for Hagrid to start class.

Watching Potter be flown around by the hippogriff, he lands looking as if he has an adrenaline rush.

I step up bowing not blinking when he bows back I step closer petting him "Hello handsome boy" I coo.

Draco marches up upsetting Buckbeak who raises up kicking him, I reach up petting him "It's
okay boy, I know he's a rude bad boy" I coo getting him calm, when he is I turn slapping Draco's head.

"You stupid jerk, do not disrespect that beautiful creature" I hiss.

Hagrid lifts him taking him in to the hospital wing, following after them I stand back watching them working on him.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now