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Two weeks later

Walking into the old cat's class I hop onto her desk sitting down, smiling at her while she glares "Aunt Cissa told me, my mom use to have fantasies about you, She always talked about how she wanted in your bed well yours and Madam Hooch's" I say smirking at her blushing.

"Madam Black, go to your seat" she says sternly.

I huff crossing my arms and pouting "You're so cranky, Do you have a hairball or something?" I snark moving to my seat.

Humming I bang my hands on my table "Professor McGonagall, if you slept with another cat Animagus while both of you are cats would the female have a litter?" I ask.

She stops looking at me confused "I'm wondering because your Animagus is male but you are female, My mom's Animagus is a female feline so say she as a cat slept with you as a cat, would she become pregnant with a litter?"

"Madam Black, how is this relevant to the lesson?" She asks frustrated.

"You are teaching us about being Animagus and how it affects a witch or wizard, I want to know if it effects pregnancy" I answer smugly.

End of class

"Madam Black, a word" Professor McGonagall says from in front of the Animagus door in my wall.

"Um Cat nip?" I answer rubbing Pansy's belly, who glares at Professor McGonagall.

"That is two, now we need to speak" she says ignoring Pansy's glaring.

"Then speak pussycat" Pansy snarks.

"I want answers" she says slowly.

I nod looking at Pansy "Can you help us with the unbreakable vow?"

She huffs getting up holding her wand out "Fine let's go" she snarks.

"Do you Minerva McGonagall, swear that any information you hear today will never be passed to anyone without my permission?" I ask.

"I do" she says swallowing nervously.

"Do you swear you are Minerva McGonagall and not someone sent to gather information?" I  ask smirking at her.

"I do" she answers confidently.

I nod as the spell ends and cross my arms watching her, She looks confused at me "Okay ask your questions".

"Is what you keep saying about the plan he has true?"

"Yes, everything I have said is true".

"Is Dumbledore keeping this hate and Injustice going?" She asks looking unsure.

"Yes, he has been from the start, he has done this once before ensuring no progress is made unless he approves it, with his ex-lover Grindelwald".

"Is your father one of the Lestrange brothers?" She asks looking heartbroken over my last answer.

"No, my mother married another, so their child would be recognized as his heir, They are no longer together and both while married are free to do whatever they want".

"Is your father Tom Riddle?"

"My true name is Hermione Cissa Renee-Riddle Black, the one the only heir of Tom Marvolo Riddle, He is not like others say, he wants to protect the wizarding world from muggles who would destroy it, to bring magic back to its true power before we started abandoning our traditions. When it was at its most powerful" I answer calmly.

"What of half bloods and muggle borns?"

"Blood matters little our kind is dying out Most muggle borns have a squib in the family somewhere, which means it's where their magic comes from, squibs have magic they can't access caused by a birth defect. When they go out having children with muggles who have
more themselves the block clears up allowing new magic to start, Magic like the weasels is becoming more common if we keep this up magic will die. It's no longer pure, muggle borns and squibs are the answers" I say closing my eyes smiling.

I giggle slightly looking at Professor McGonagall "That was the true message my father was
saying, Dumbledore twisted the message to make him look evil. I've never gotten to say the true message to anyone without risk".

Seeing the shock on her face I nod "Look I'll be honest my mother wants you on her side Madam Hooch is already, You are everything a teacher should be if you would stop letting others mess with your mind, Gryffindor and Slytherin are the same we just focus on things differently. If you choose to be neutral like Madam Pomfrey that's fine, She's a healer and while she wants them to win she's happier just following her passion for healing, so the question is what matters more the future of all your students and Hogwarts legacy or
following him? It's your choice" I say nodding to the Animagus door.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now