Sitting on my bed I sigh tilting my head back thinking about my friend and how we all became this, while most of us grew up together Milli and Demon are who joined us at school.

*Coming from my room after Pansy fell asleep we've been experimenting some mostly kissing, but haven't moved past that, Aunt Cissa says Hogwarts is a place where we can figure out who we are and what we want in life.

Stepping out I see my half blood cousin Millicent fighting with Blaise he use to be in our group but him and Draco had a fight and he's now been like this I was never told what happened.

Hearing him insult Milli I sigh planning to let them handle their problem, till he elbows her in the face busting her nose calling her fat ugly slag.

Running up as she gets him in a head lock I grab his head slamming it to my knee dazing him before she knocks him out and drops him to the floor.

She looks at me breathing heavily shaking with anger reaching out I tilt her head slightly and sigh shaking my head ignoring her slapping my hand away.

"You need to go to Madam Pomfrey to get that healed" I say softly motioning to the entrance while grabbing Blaise and dragging him to the door with her following us frowning.

Reaching her office I knock getting Madame Pomfrey up, she comes out in a gown with her hair braided and looking at him and Milli "I should have known you'd be involved with the first visit of the year just like your mother" she says.

Tensing I glare at her till I see her smile fondly at me "get him on the bed and tell me what happened girls" she says motioning to a bed before patting another looking at Milli.

Tossing him on I slap his forehead roughly smirking at Milli "I'm not sure I came from my room planning to come here and ask for something to help me sleep and found them fighting, I ended up involved with it" I answer trying to keep in mind what I was told about Madam Pomfrey.

"Slytherin rules are to let in house problems be handled by the ones with the problem, so why did you jump in?" She says before healing Milli.

"I heard him insult her I'm not going to allow a man to insult a lady that's unacceptable"

"Understandable, now why couldn't you sleep?"

"I'm uncomfortable ma'am my clothes are uncomfortable to sleep in but I can't sleep like I do at home"

"Nude?" She asks.

Nodding I frowning crossing my arms seeing her chuckling "wait here I'll be right back girls" she says before walking off.

She comes back with some kind of cloth holding it out to me "this is a sports bra, muggle girls wear them, they are comfortable but keep you covered, I don't think you need something to help you sleep give it a few days so you can adjust to being here".

Frowning I look at it before shrugging and pulling my shirt off then putting it on after checking it "thank you Madam Pomfrey".

She nods waving us out before covering up Blaise, walking with Milli I pull my shirt on and glance at her "are you okay?" I ask.

"What do you care?" She demands.

Shrugging I smile at her "okay don't answer, I'm Hermione Black my family and friends call me Mia" I say holding my hand out to her.

"Millicent Bulstrode now why did you protect me"

Shrugging I glance around seeing caretaker Filch "out of bed after curfew" he says harshly.

Before Milli can speak after seeing her starting to get mad I step up smiling at him holding my hand out "Master Filch it's an honor to meet you, my Aunt Narcissa spoke very highly of you I do apologize for us breaking curfew Sir, we had to go to Madam Pomfrey" I say carefully making sure to give him proper respect as an adult and member of the Carrow family.

He pauses looking at me confused before his eyes widen "I didn't expect to run into you so soon but my aunt sent something with me for you and Mrs. Norris, would mind you escort us to the Slytherin rooms and allow me to retrieve it for you?"

Seeing him nod I smile slipping my hand around his arm to rest on the crook of his arm, making him instinctively place his hand over mine as we walk with Milli following us frowning.

"How has your Aunt and uncle been?" He asks nervously.

"They have been fine Sir, I'm sure they'd be pleased to hear how you and Mrs. Norris have been would you like me to send them a letter for you with mine?"

He nods as we reach the entrance for our room stepping in I lead him in with us and slip to my room digging up the care package she sent for them.

Coming out I hold it out to him "your cousin Alecto sent a few things as well Sir" I whisper seeing him smile at that before looking in the package "the sent things to help with my teeth, I'll have a letter ready to go in two days will that work?" he says softly.

Nodding I smile at him "that's perfect Sir, I planned to send mine in three days".

Seeing him leave I step back in my room pulling my clothes off down to my boxers and the sports bra, I'm mostly naked so it's more comfortable then before.*

Shaking my head I look at Pansy coming in with Ginny following behind her nervously "Madam Hooch okayed her to leave the room" Pansy says before moving to the bed laying by me "come sit Ginny just try to relax, your brother is not a threat to you anymore and your family will not be either".

"The twins never did anything they protected me they been wanting to learn the wizarding history but couldn't get anyone to teach them" she says nervously.

"I'll make sure everyone knows they are not against us and considered neutral" I answer smiling slightly.

"Will I have a marry someone I don't like?"

"No, you will have a choice about who but it has to be mutual for you both" I say smiling.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now