One Month later

Sitting in the living room I frown seeing Dad run past completely pale and shaking, he ducks behind the couch I'm laying on with Cass napping on me "Merlin, Morgana, anyone save us" he mumbles over and over.

"Do I want to know why the all powerful Voldemort is hiding behind a couch like a terrified child?" I ask fighting back a laugh.

"It's her" he whispers with a shaking voice.


"Your mother is acting like she did when she was pregnant with you"

Perking up I frown working out the math "that's around the time Mom was making up for lost time with Hooch and invited Pansy and later McGonagall" I mumble quietly.

Groaning I get up handing Cass to him before making my way to Pansy's girl time gathering to try to get Ginny comfortable with them.

Knocking on the door I open it finding them all laughing telling stories while having a home spa treatment "sorry to interrupt ladies but I have a question" I say leaning on the door frame.

"Well hurry up" Aunt Cissa orders glaring at me for interrupting her spa time.

"Around a month maybe a month and a half ago did any of you get with Mom and use either version's of the spell used to have a penis?"

Seeing multiple hands raise including Aunt Cissa I sigh tilting my head back "she maybe pregnant"

Pansy, Milli, and Tisi look at me wide eyed while Aunt Cissa laughs going back to ignoring me.

"I'll start making a list of who are possible parents to my possibly new sibling" I says before sighing.

Walking off I stop by my room grabbing a journal and muggle pen Milli gave me that's a giant black feather and write down the names from them.

Finding Fleur with her mother and sister I rub my forehead looking at her "did you sleep with my mom a month ago maybe a month and a half?"

"Oui" she says completely unfazed like always.

"You use the penis spell?"

"Oui, she insisted"

Nodding I write her name down "she's possibly pregnant" I say softly before walking off to find anymore women who have possibly been with Mom.

Asking four others I turn seeing Aunt Andi and Alecto who is blushing looking nervous "I did" she mumbles ignoring Aunt Andi's slapping her head smirking.

"Not me" Aunt Andi says rolling her eyes.

"I'll have to ask Pansy Milli and Tisi but so far everyone says she kept insisting on the spell"

"She's trying to get pregnant?"

Shrugging I glance around nervously at how silent it's gotten Aunt Andi and Alecto look around frantically "Mia come here" they both order placing our backs together in a circle.

"What's going on?" I ask nervously.

"Your mom use to do this as a child it's some demented game she liked to play, your going to lose all your senses but sight and hearing, you will have no control of your body, stay calm because whatever you see will get worse if you're not"

Nodding I grit my teeth feeling my legs shaking "bring it you Psychotic bitch" Aunt Andi taunts.

"Andi shut up this is why it's always worse if you're around" Alecto hisses.

Dropping to the ground I take a deep breath thankful that someone knew what was happening and how to not fall busting my head open.

Hearing mom cackle I slow my breathing as I see Mom come from a shadow showing she's in early stages of pregnancy "Mia come to Momma" she coos.

I watch as Black Manor forms behind her before myself as a child runs to her "your sister's napping how about we fly?"

Nodding I frown hearing a rumbling sound suddenly the Manor blows up and the child me flies threw the air hitting the ground completely mangled and bloody.

I take a deeper breath seeing another child in a tree burned and mangled before seeing mom laying on the ground just as bad, as a group comes rushing in dressed in white outfit that cover them completely, they carelessly toss the bodies in bags before moving them out of view.

Feeling my magic pulsing beneath my skin I focus on it to pull more up before my hands light up filling the entire room with a blinding light.

"Morgana's saggy left tit what did you do" Alecto groans, tilting my head I see her against the wall across the room.

"Don't know but it stopped it" I mumble going limp on the floor "I can't move I'm to tired" I add.

Hearing Mom screeching I groan when she pounces on me "I don't like you right now" I slur as she gives me a manic smile.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now