A few hours later

I bite my lip hearing some of the death eaters chuckling as Dad passes in his snake face disguise coming up to me.

"Hermione what is so funny?" he whispers confused.

"You're not Tom Riddle right now Dad, the Dark Lord is walking around cooing at a baby rocking it" I whisper back.

He nods smiling at me "That does explain why they keep laughing when I come by, at least they are having a good day"

"Dad I have a question"

"What's on your mind, Mia?"

"You have the resurrection stone, Draco has the elder wand, and Potter has the invisibility cloak what's the plan?"

"I plan to destroy all three they are too dangerous for the world, I will dual Draco to gain the wand and then rid the world of it"

"Okay but Potter has the cloak what's the plan there?"

"Mia, He will bring it to me personally and never even know it"

I nod watching him coo his plans to Cassi "Dad, did you ever interact with Potter's dad?"

He scoffs rocking Cassi "Yes we had many interactions normally because I went after him for
something he had done to Sev, or because Sirius started a fight with Bella he was the type of pureblood they claim us to be. That night I went to speak with Lily alone she had bruises all over her, I almost got her to leave with her child and get away from James, she was packing when he came home I cast the killing curse to protect her. I didn't count on Sirius being there he cast it as well at her, her magic reacted to it, I tried jumping in the way but she flinched while trying to push me back. We ended up both being hit I knew part of my soul was trapped in Harry unfortunately Sev is correct he is just like his father, but Lilly was a very kind
woman someone who could have done amazing things had she never been tricked and trapped by James. I can understand why Sev fell in love with her it's too bad her mind was manipulated by the Order, she was brilliant she and your mother almost tied for brightest witch Bella beat her by one point".

I nod frowning "Am I ever going to have a sibling?" I ask smirking as Dad's eyes widen.

"I am unsure if I will have another child Mia but you're mother has made it clear she wants more".

"So either Hooch or the old cat" I cackle.

Dad groans covering Cassi's ears "Hermione if your mother has a child with them that's her business let's not expose my granddaughter to that just yet".

I nod leaning up and kiss his cheek "I'll just have to ask them when we return to school".

"Yes, you do that" he mumbles frowning at me.

I take Cassi and head back inside seeing Mom having tea with Aunt Cissa, Aunt Andi, Alecto, and Pansy.

Smirking I walk over and sit down by Pansy "Mom will I have a sibling anytime soon?"

She cackles looking at "Awe mommy's ickle baby wants an ickle baby sister" she coos in her
sing-song voice pinching my cheek.

I hiss slapping at her hand "I'd like to keep my dimple Mom".

She hums waving me off and takes a sip of her tea "I have thought about it, you will have a sibling do not worry" she says after putting her tea down.

"So should I expect a harpy or cat?" I ask smugly crossing my arms as Pansy takes Cassi.

"Maybe both Mia, it doesn't matter really".

"Yes it does I need to know so I can plan their deaths if they upset you".

She cackles looking at me "Mia I get upset over simple things like that Niffler stealing my jewelry, and Luci's peacocks running from me, you can't plan for that plus if they do something I don't appreciate I'd kill them myself".

I hum nodding "True, okay I need to know so I can threaten them".

"Your tormenting them at school is threatening enough Mia, they know you are more than happy to hurt someone who upsets someone you care about".

"I'll just have to up my game then" I snark.

"You will not or Alecto will get to punish you and not the way you like" Pansy says glaring at me.

A few days later

I sigh looking at the inner circle sitting around the table with Dad "My Lord, Potter and his friends have taken up at the Weasley house a wedding is about to happen" Uncle Sev says slouching in the chair.

I scoff shaking my head "Who in their right mind would marry one of them?"

"Your friend Fleur Delacor, she gave me this for you"

I frown taking the letter and open it, reading I laugh shaking my head "Okay so she has gained
trust with them and plans to secretly sabotage their plans from the inside, she will send word on plans but has made it clear she needs us to stop the wedding they want to do a muggle wedding".

Dad nods drumming his fingers on the table "Mia this young lady is a friend? How did this happen?"

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament, she was in a rival school she's Veela, Pansy and I talked with her she was unsure of me because of the rumors, but we did gain her trust I saved her sister in the second task she insisted that she would follow my lead".

He nods "Then we must ruin this wedding, someone who is Veela and a member of the Delacor clan should not be tied to a Weasley".

I nod smiling "My Lord, they are unaware that we have taken over the ministry, have someone they trust send the alert, and then we can crash the wedding," Uncle Sev says sounding bored.

"Yes, that is perfect Sev I'll leave the planning to you and Bella," he says standing up and leaving the room.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now