I sigh dropping in a seat by Pansy and the group of girls "Hermione what do you think?" Tisi asks holding up an outfit with unicorns all over it.

"It's pretty Tisi" I answer unbuttoning my shirt sightly and loosening my tie before slumping in my seat.

"Your Aunt finished with reminding you to be a proper pureblood Heir?" Pansy asks smirking.

"No I've finished learning the male role, tomorrow I have to do female then show her how I mix them to cover both titles" I groan.

They flinch looking at me "How far is she taking it?"

"All the way"

"So tomorrow you will be in heels and a dress?" Pansy asks smirking.

I shiver shaking my head "Yes and lucky me the chunk boys are involved because they were caught doing something so they were with me, tomorrow she said they would be dressed like me in dresses".

"She caught them making comments on what females were more attractive, very sexual
comments that were insulting so, she plans to dress them up as proper ladies and then have them deal with being treated how they were acting by the death eaters," Alecto says leaning on the door watching us.

"They would be very masculine ladies" I mumble refusing to say unattractive.

"See this is why you were chosen as the leader," Daphne says happily.

"Huh?" I ask looking around confused.

"You refuse to ever call someone unattractive you find beauty in all women" Alecto says proudly.

"Women are all beautiful even if some you have to look past their physical appearance to see the beauty, it sucks when a woman is physically beautiful but unattractive once you know
them" I answered confused.

"Even Molly?" Alecto asks laughing.

I frown "She is not ugly physically, not my type can't do gingers but her personality is ugly".

I squeak when Alecto rushes up yanking my head back by my hair, her hand wraps around my throat squeezing slightly making me smile at her.

"You constantly try to charm every woman you meet" she coos.

"No ma'am, I never tried to charm Professor McGonagall or the Weasel mother".

She scoffs tightening her hand on my throat and I groan trying to discreetly cover my lap with my
hands, blushing as I see her eyes quickly check my hands before she smiles grabbing my face
squeezing my cheeks together laughing "You followed me around, trying to seduce me but you're still so quick".

I gasp when she shoves my head forward walking out hearing the others laughing, I huff smoothing out my shirt while keeping myself covered "Teasing woman" I mumble.

"At this rate, we'll never get a shot" Pansy hisses slapping my head "You know she won't let me in her bed till I'm healed and you can hold out when she messes with you".

"It's not my fault Pansy, you know she's as dangerous as my mother".

"And you're the one who loves adrinline rushes, but can't last with her teasing you".

I huff getting up "I'm working on it now excuse me, ladies".

"You better go change your clothes before anyone else sees how easy you finished" Pansy snarks adjusting Cassi.

I grunt quickly leaving the room and reach my room, I pull my pants and boxers off moving
to clean myself.

"Mia" I groan hearing Mom stomping into my room.

"Just a minute" I call out.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now