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Two and a half months till deadline

Slipping back into bed Pansy turns over cuddling up to me "I don't like you leaving to work on that" she mumbles.

I hum pulling her closer to me placing a hand on her belly "I'm sorry, but it's important we have to finish this so we can start making changes, by the time our baby is heading off to Hogwarts, we will have made sure this experience is as wonderful as the founders had wanted for all the new witches and wizards coming to learn".

She nods sighing "Milli and Tisi had to stop me from tracking you down" she mumbles.

"Why was you going to do that, you know where I went?" I ask confused.

"I know, just I started thinking you were sneaking out to meet with some slag, I was ready to kill her and you" she huffs pouting.

"Pansy I love you, we both know I have no reason to sneak out to sleep with someone if I want to all I have to do is tell you, same as you. We're both allowed to sleep to with our friends when ever we want even other people with each other's permission" I whisper.

"Yes, but I'm huge now I look fat and bloated" she huffs pulling away "I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't want to touch me".

Reaching out I grab her pulling her back to me "you are beautiful Pansy Black, Every time I look at you I wonder how I got so lucky to have you".

"I had a crush on you even as children I followed you around demanding your attention, then
you kissed Tisi and I attacked her yelling Mia's mine" she mumbles blushing.

I laugh shaking my head "Aunt Cissa still says you had the Black temper before you got the name" I add.

"Is it time to get up?" she asks softly.

"Almost, oh I almost got caught but Professor McGonagall was patrolling, she seen me told me hurry along and not to get caught coming back".

Pansy nods "I'm honestly Happy the old cat changed her mind".

"Me too, she has promised to keep watch in case you go into labor from all the stress we both
know you're feeling, oh look at this" I grunt catching the letter that comes flying to me after a
quick accio.

"Mom wrote a message for her, I'm expecting to deliver it personally".

"Why haven't you" she asks grabbing it.

"Do you want to hand deliver a sexual love note to your teacher from your mother?" I snark pointing at it as she reads.

"Fuck" she whispers in a breathy voice "Mia I want to try getting with her".

I scoff taking the letter "who the old cat, the old harpy, or my mother?"

"Hooch and your mother" Pansy groans covering her face.

"Go for it" I laugh getting up "I won't stop you".

She hums tucking my pillow under her stomach "I'm not going today, could you ask my favorite healer to come check me out, I'm sure I have a fever or something".

"Yes, I'll go ask her to come check you out, I'm sure she will find something that means you get to stay in bed all day".

A few hours later

Seeing everyone leaving the room I quickly hand Professor McGonagall the letter "Enjoy this
because it will never happen again" I mumble before rushing out.

I sigh watching the Golden Idiots following Draco being obvious about it, I smirk casting a quick Locomotor Mortis on all three.

Draco looks back glaring at them before moving on quickly ditching them.

I chuckle grabbing him yanking him around the corner out of sight covering his mouth as we
press against the wall, hearing their footsteps "Come on Harry use the map" weasel says loudly.

I listen to them arguing over Potter losing the map getting further away "I noticed they found us to easily so Luna told me about this map, they have that tracks everyone around
Hogwarts" I say chuckle and lifting the map before burning it.

"Now we have a bit more freedom" I say as Draco nods walking off.

"You prat, I'm telling Aunt Cissa" I screech at him as he flips me off walking away.

I cackle watching him stalk off "Just wait dragon you will regret that".

"Hagrid is having a funeral for his spiders would you mind accompanying me?" Professor
Slughorn asks from where he was raiding the green house.

"Sure Professor Slughorn" I say walking towards the half giant in the distance.

Skipping up I see Hagrid looking at the body sadly "I'm truly sorry Hagrid, I tried to get them to stop and go back" I whisper.

He nods sniffling "I know ya did, you didn't want hurt them".

"No I thought they was amazing just maybe not safe to have so close to students, with their
aggressive nature I am sorry for how I acted fighting them".

He nods patting my back "You're just like her the excitement made her happy like you, but you still helped with getting them loaded up on my cart after, was respectful to them doing it".

I keep in a grunt and flinch from his rough patting that I know is completely accidental on his part.

"Could you say some words?" he asks crying.

I nod when Slughorn steps up speaking, I fight back my eye roll when he asks to extract venom from them.

After it's done I clear my throat "I'm sorry for you're lose Hagrid, I'm sure they were good friends to you".

"How dare you show your face here after what you did" I sigh hearing Potter yelling behind

"Simple really Potter I like Hagrid and came to pay my respects to amazing creatures that unfortunately was to dangerous to be so close".

"You killed them" he snarls getting in my face.

"So did many of the teachers including Professor McGonagall and Hagrid even though it hurt
him" I say calmly.

"You're actions got them killed" he yells.

Hagrid pulls him back shaking his head "Harry she's not wrong I shouldn't have had them here, it was only a matter of time before they came onto the grounds for food. The forest has very little food left for them" Hagrid says sadly.

"I'll see you later Hagrid I'm not confident I can put up with his abuse without hurting him, so
I will take my leave it is inappropriate to fight at a funeral for your friends" I say walking

Two months till deadline

I chuckle watching Pansy slam her fist down on a chocolate frog "I hate those things" she huffs wiping her hand off handing the frog to Goyle who eats it happily.

"Still good" he says with a mouthful.

"Disgusting" Pansy grunts curling her nose.

"Okay, I have to ask how did you two get together?" Demon asks eating a Cockroach Clusters.

I chuckle watching Pansy glaring at her for a moments before smiling "If you ask our families it was when I jumped on Tisi for getting kissed by Mia, but when we were almost 8 is when we really got together. Lavender's parents were still trying to push a friendship with us she was just as hateful and judgemental then, so one night Mia got up to use the bathroom. Lavender being a nosey bitch followed her and peaked at her then started insulting Mia, I attacked her from there our relationship started".

I nod smiling at Pansy who scoffs pushing me gently "That's kind of sweet" Demon says frowning.

"From there, when we got curious about sex it started including our friends" Pansy says shrugging.

"And it's no longer a sweet story" Demon says shaking her head.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now