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Next day

I hum putting on my new robes feeling more attractive, Mom came with me to get my new ones, she recommended I try the more adult robes and I love how I look and feel dressed like this.

Looking at my hair after a quick detangling spell I shake my hair out with my hands seeing my hair has a wild look like Mom's.

Pansy comes out tossing her socks and shoes on the bed glaring at them "I'm not going" she snarls.

I frown looking at her "What's upsetting you?" I ask slowly moving closer in case she starts
throwing stuff again.

"The shoes hurt my feet and my socks dig into my skin, and my ass is too fat for my pantyhose" she mumbles looking down.

I nod frowning before looking around I spot the house shoes Aunt Cissa got her, grabbing them I drop them in front of her and put them on "I'll write Aunt Cissa for a spell to help with the shoes for now where these" I say softly.

She nods smiling at me "And you look beautiful, now let's go to classes and when we finish, I'll rub your feet" I offer to encourage her to go.

She crosses her arms raising a brow at me "I want Milli to rub my feet, she does it better".

I nod lifting my hands in surrender "Okay, I'll get her to rub your feet".

Going to the first class I chuckle as Tisi throws spells at any Gryffindor who crosses our path, before smirking at seeing Lavender running up the moving stairs, hiding my wand I quickly casting a sticking charm to her feet.

Seeing her wand come out I cast again knocking it out of her hands, where it rolls off the stairs when they move again.

We all laugh heading up them shoving her as we pass, I push her backward before we reach
our class.

Skipping the rest of class

We all come out planning our research seeing Lavender no longer on the stairs, I shrug as we move on coming to the old cat's class.

I tilt my head looking at her seeing She looks tired, even unsure about something I bite my lip remembering the stunners she was hit with trying to protect Hagrid from the Pink Frog she was out the last few weeks of school.

I slowly walk up pulling a few strips of paper and transfigure them into flowers, She frowns looking at them then at me "Heathers means Admiration, I'm glad you are doing better after the Pink Frog used those stunners it was cowardly. I admire you for trying to protect Hagrid he is a good, kind man and the strength you have to to take three stunners so close to your heart" I say placing them down.

I turn going to my seat sitting down seeing her look confused, I sit threw class calmly not causing problems noticing she looks more confused at my actions.

She dismisses us, sitting down in her rarely used chair sighing "Hermione Black stay" she says tiredly.

I nod sitting my stuff down waiting for everyone to leave "You wanted to see me, Professor McGonagall?" I say standing in front of her desk.

"You have never been calm in my lessons what are planning, If it's a prank just give me a five-minute warning at least" she says tiredly.

I shake my head shrugging "I'm not dumb ma'am I mean my mother was the brightest witch of her age, I've known since I was a small child how people looked at me. I was hated and treated horribly because of who she is, I knew it wouldn't change here. I was right you all look at Potter and see his parents just like you all look at me and only see my mother, No matter if I do something anyone else will be congratulated or told they did well, it goes unnoticed but if I protect myself or someone in my house I'm horrible, did you know Madam Pomfrey was the first staff not part of Slytherin to show me kindness here? In first year Potter kicked me in the face on the broom after going after Draco, he laughed about it My house told you this yet you believed him even while I had blood on my face, you rewarded him for that. She believed me and even told me how his dad did the same things and got rewarded, I decided then that if I was only seen as my mother so be it, I would embrace it but you are not at your best right now".

I turn grabbing my stuff ignoring her calling my name while leaving the room but frown seeing Potter near my group yelling and pointing his wand at Pansy who Milli tries to block.

Running up I punch him in the back of his head putting my foot on his wand and his fingers
when he falls forward, with mine pointed at him "You will not threaten the mother of my child Potter" I sneer grinding my foot on his fingers.

He yanks his hand back jumping up yelling insults about Pansy who blasts him back, I pick up his wand snapping it in half "You come near her or my child again Potter, I'll kill you myself" I hiss grabbing my mom's uncursed dagger dragging the flat side over his cheek "You can't, your Lord wants to kill me himself" he sneers.

I laugh looking at him "he is not my Lord Potter, and keep in mind there are things worse than death" I hiss trailing the dagger to his groin "I could end the Potter line now with one little cut, You would never be able to get up long enough to ever have a brat to carry on your worthless family name".

I quickly hide my dagger seeing the old cat finally reacting "Madam Black, get off Mr. Potter now" she orders I scoff getting up seeing Potter smirk at me.

"20 points from Slytherin for intimation, 250 points from Gryffindor for threats to a schoolmate and a pregnant lady, Mr. Potter you will have detention every night this week
with Professor Snape, Madam Black I suggest you and your friends hurry off before I change
my mind on detention for you".

I nod leading my group away since we now have free hour till dinner.

Stepping outside we settle at Black Lake under the tree, Pansy sits leaning back on me putting her feet on Milli's lap who starts rubbing her feet.

"Have you thought about names?" Daphne asks rubbing her hand on Pansy's belly.

"Mia wants Cassiopeia after her great aunt and to fit with her family's tradition of star or mythology names, I want Camellia to fit with my family's tradition of flower names it was
also my grandmother's name" Pansy says happily as our chunk boys give her snacks and drinks proudly.

I nod holding her close "We agreed on Cassiopeia Camellia for a girl or Pollux Calix if we get surprised with a boy" I answer shrugging slightly.

"Why would a boy be a surprise?" Goyle asks looking confused.

"Because I am a female I'm more likely to be able to have girls than boys I may have some that can make boys but it's less likely," I say shrugging.

"Why?" Crabbe asks.

"Half of the kid will come from me Aunt Cissa looked into my condition once it's extremely
rare, she told me my sperm will mostly ensure girls. The few cases known about like mine have all had girls and that the chances of a girl like me, balances out the typical boy or girl with traditional couples the last witch known of to have the same condition in my family was my great aunt Cassiopeia".

They both nod smiling after that "Oh so for you a true boy would be something that's never been done".

I laugh looking at the Lake "Yes" I whisper.

Pansy snores loudly making me look at her "Milli you put her to sleep".

"I'm just that good" she says winking.

"Well you can be just that good getting her back to sleep tonight" I snark.

"Awe does our favorite toy not want to play tonight?" Tisi coos tapping my nose.

"Between her hormones and you ladies, I'm using pepper-ups so I can keep up" I snark glaring at Tisi before we all relax and talk a while.

I chuckle when Pansy groans holding her hands out "Get me up, I smell dinner" she mumbles.

Milli gets up pulling her up before we all jump up walking in, with my arm around her waist heading in to eat.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now