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I groan feeling Pansy's body on me and her hair in my face, Grabbing her hips I stop her
movements "Pans" I groan.

She grunts covering my mouth "Mia shut up" she growls, I nod relaxing my body "I'm not sure if I can do it" I mumble.

She jerks up glaring at me "Why not?" she hisses before her eyes fill with tears "I disgust you" she whispers.

I grunt feeling her hand slap across my face grabbing both her hands when she tries again, I snarl flipping us so she's under me "Do not ever do that shit again Pansy, I will not ever allow
that" I hiss pinning her hands down with one of mine.

Grabbing her face with my free hand being careful to not be rough but using enough strength to me her look at me"I will let this go now because you are emotional, now What I was saying is I can not get up it's tired so what you were trying won't work".

She sniffs jerking her face to the side "So we are going to try something different, I want you
in the middle of the bed waiting" I say raise up and gently smacking her inner thigh.

Getting up I see her move and nod, grabbing my house robe I put it on and leave the room.

Coming to the door I need, I walk in finding Milli and Tisi, Walking over I nudge them both getting them up.

Milli yawns sitting up "Yeah?" she mumbles.

"Get up both of you I'm dead" I snark pointing to my groin "So you two get to test my improved spells out on Pansy".

I chuckle seeing them both wake up completely rushing for my room, walking in I find them both looking at my book and working out the spell before casting it on themselves.

I crawl back in bed by Pansy kissing her "Okay Pans they are going to help" she nods watching them.

A few hours later

"Why was I left out?" Daphne asks, I grunt opening my eyes.

"Daph I wasn't involved either, I couldn't handle more" I mumble opening the blanket she huffs crawling in by me.

"Still could have invited me" she mumbles grabbing me, I hiss grabbing her hand removing it
and get up.

"You four are trying to kill me" I grunt scratching my stomach, which has red claw marks down it from Pansy.

"Yes, then we will combine our gathered wealth and spend all our time fucking" Pansy mumbles sitting up and kissing Daph "Those two are amazing together" she whispers.

I huff throwing my hands up "Good you four can handle each other while we recover" I snark
pointing at my groin.

"Hermione" she says warningly.

"What Pansy? You four are killing Alpha Carinae" I say smirking.

"Damn it, Hermione you are not allowed to name it, talk about it like your best friends, or talk to it" Pansy yells throwing a book at me "You're so fucking childish" she screams at me.

I huff grabbing my outfit "Fine you ladies enjoy your day, I'm going to Hogsmeade" I snark
getting dressed before tossing packages on the bed wrapped in Slytherin colors, along with my pouch of money after grabbing a large handful that I put it in my pockets for them.

Storming into the common room I see my chunk boys jump up looking confused "Keep an eye on Pans, don't let her get in trouble" I bark "Also I want a least 10 Gryffindors fifth year and up, sent to Madam Pomfrey" I add before walking out.

I quickly rush to the ROR grabbing a package with brown wrapping paper slipping it into my pocket.

I sigh heading out to the three broomsticks going to the back room, finding Draco waiting and
hand him the package "What's wrong?" he asks frowning.

I sigh shaking my head "I don't want Pansy around this thing" I mumble, he nods as we see the door crack open slightly, Draco peaks out frowning then slams the door closed.

"That's Potter" he mumbles as the door cracks again, and we act like we don't hear it "So what happened?" Draco asks in a snarky voice acting up the hateful loner.

"We had a fight I left" I say frustrated.

"So go buy her something and start begging for forgiveness" he snarks yanking the door pushing me out.

I sigh nodding before moving to the bar and getting a butter beer, it's placed in front of me and I sip at it slowly after moving to a booth when a body sits across from me.

"I never thought you two were a good match" I frown looking up seeing Lavender batting her
eyes at me, before placing her hand on mine "Maybe I could show you I'm a better fit".

I hum moving my hand away from her drinking a little more "Sure because you haven't been
fucking the Golden Boy, the Weasel, and every other guy, willing to risk catching whatever
you have" I snark downing my drink and walking out.

I sigh moving to Honeydukes "Excuse Mr. Flume could you help me?"

He nods looking unsure so I sigh blushing "I've been married a few months, we just had our first real fight. I need to get things she likes to start apologizing to her but, she's pregnant. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on candies that wouldn't be a problem I'm worried some may have effects on the baby".

He smiles looking at baskets behind him and tapping his chin "Okay you need more than candy, How bad would you say you messed up?"

I shrug "Not bad, I just made a comment she found childish in front of her friends" I answer

"Okay so you embarrassed her in front of her friends" he mumbles frowning.

"Okay got it" he says grabbing a large basket "Now normally I would say medium but, she's pregnant so you have to do more" he says walking threw the stores.

"Tell me what she likes" he says happily.

I follow him around naming stuff she likes watching him putting things in, When he's done he nods leading me back to the counter where I pay frowning "Now two doors down go there,
let them know you need a large apology basket for your wife, They can help from there".

I nod quickly walking down where he pointed going in the door of a blank building My eyes
widen "Hello, I need a large apology basket for my wife" I call out looking for anyone.

A lady pops up behind me "Hello Madam Black" she says in a deep sultry voice and I spin looking at her.

"Hi" I say frowning confused "I'm not sure why I was sent here, the store is empty" I mumble looking around.

"You need an apology basket for your pregnant wife" she says winking at me and leading me to a curtain that wasn't there before "I can help you".

She hums walking away swaying her hips digging threw unorganized shelves, tossing things behind herself uncaring while mumbling to herself.

I watch as she climbs up and along the shelves almost like a spider on the wall continuing her looking.

Spinning I look for the woman losing track of her when my basket is taken I spin again frowning.

She drops down in front of me from above holding out the basket "There we go some lovely
jewelry, some flowers, a few things to help you perform, some lovely outfits for her, and a
hand-stitched quilt for a baby in Slytherin colours".

I open my mouth to speak only for her to lunge forward covering it "I know she's pregnant I've accounted for her size" she says.

Seeing milky white eyes and fangs I frown "I didn't know vampires could be blind" I mumble confused.

She chuckles shaking her head "Not blind dear, I have future sight" She leans closer to my ear "Tell your father, Madam Raven and her coven still support him dear".

I gasp when she disappears and the store is empty again walking back out I frown, seeing my basket is beautifully packed to showcase parts of the gifts while the more private stuff is in the middle.

I shake off my confusion of the encounter heading for the castle.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now