Two months later

Hearing an explosion I jump up looking around before hearing shouting, rushing I grab the Emergency bags shrinking them and putting them in Pansy robe pockets as she grabs Cass who's crying.

Seeing Daph and Astoria come rushing in I hand them the port key hidden as a book while kissing Pansy then Cassiopeia's head "Snape" I whisper jumping back as it activates taking them away.

Turning I rush from the room seeing many of the house mates ready to fight while the younger ones look scared.

Taking a deep breath I close my eyes fighting back tears "let's go" I order before trying to open the entrance feeling it stay in place.

I snarl lifting my wand blowing it off seeing two Gryffindors under it knocking out and bleeding "morons" I hiss before following the sounds of battle "Abott get the first and second years somewhere safe, they can't fight" I order.

Hearing mom cackling I shiver looking seeing Draco coming up I frown looking at him "what happened?" I demand.

"We need to find our people" I say while moving threw the castle seeing Ravenclaws rushing past I frown when I hear a thump in their room, pulling Draco back I watch as professor Sprout leaves the room glancing around.

Seeing her turn the corner I blow the door open finding Alecto on the floor passes out rushing over I check her before slapping her face.

"Wakey wakey" I say before shaking her.

Hearing her groan I huff grabbing her arm and yank her up over my shoulder to drag her "Draco watch our back and protect us" I order before heading out holding my wand.

Dropping a few Gryffindor's along the way to the dungeon I reach my room and drop her on the bed putting her wand beside her then turn walking out seeing Draco waiting.

"Aunt Bella is here having fun"

I nod running to the fight sliding in and joining in before hearing mom scream getting angry after Molly's spell cuts her hair.

Dropping another person I see Mom being pushed back looking panicked "Crucio" I scream hitting Molly before she can finish her spell.

Seeing her drop to the floor screaming I snarl pushing more power into the spell hearing mom cackling, I glance at her seeing her bouncing and clapping while watching Molly "mom focus on the fighting" I screech.

Being thrown across the room I groan holding my side that hit the step where the professors table sits, shaking it off I get up looking at Lupin glaring at me.

"Big bad wolf" I say in a mocking baby voice.

Hearing Grayback softly growl I smirk casting a stunners missing him while driving him closer to Grayback, getting him in place I laugh seeing Grayback grab his throat while slamming a cursed blade into his stomach "I got a better big bad wolf".

Hearing Grayback chuckle I smirk till I see a crystal ball fall on Grayback's head "Who wants some I got more come get it".

Groaning I look up seeing professor Trelawney launching Crystal balls across the room hitting people "the one time we need you to stay a sniveling coward drunk off your ass" I say rolling my eyes.

"Expelliarmus" I call catching her wand, she looks at me shocked "Petrificus Totalus".

Seeing her drop I call her down before dragging her outside with me "honestly you're useless when you're wanted but helpful when you're not" I grumble while blocking spells and killing others, reaching the woods I grunt pushing her to the tree and softening it so I can push her in but leave her nose free to breath.

Stepping back I quickly harden it and nod "crazy bint" I mumble before sneaking up to the students facing off with the death eaters.

"Your hero has failed you, this is your one chance join us or die" dad says looking over the group.

Stepping forward I walk over to him taking Mom's hand as Draco comes standing between his parents.

Watching more people slowly come over including McGonagall and Hooch I smile slightly looking at what order members there in shock seeing her join us.

Seeing many of the students stop fighting showing they're not fighting us I smile holding my hand out to a Muggle born Hufflepuff first year that's hurt

Stepping closer I carefully heal her broken bone before helping her stand "it's okay I promise" I say gently before leading her to Professor McGonagall

"All magic blood is sacred the gift of magic shall judge your worth not blood or money" I say loud enough everyone can hear while looking at the girl

"You're place is decided by skill weather you're creatures, witch, or wizard no more rights denied because of your heritage, our world is dying out because we refuse to see what is front of us. Squibs later have magical children, creatures can help strengthen witches and wizards magic is weaker because we are divided it's time for magic to reach it's formally glory" Dad says calmly "You have fought us to continue denying equality for everyone to let those who can't understand us in and risk all our world, stand down no more fighting, no more magical blood spilled, we must strengthen our world or risk dying out".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now