Stepping into muggles studies I sit down with Pansy waiting for the rest of the class to come in, I sigh looking at the groups come filing in setting down as Aunt Andi sits on her desk smiling.

"Okay everyone show of hands who lives in or visits the muggle world often?"

Seeing hands raise I slump in my chair "wonderful you can help your partner with understanding muggle things" she says happily.

I frown watching as she moves people around seeing two muggle born ravenclaws by us.

I roll my eyes seeing they look scared "I'm Hermione and this is my wife Pansy" I grunt sitting up tapping my hands on the table.

"Now we're going to start with something you all will hopefully find fun".

I frown looking at the bags she places in front of us, cackling I grab it opening it "Hermione
calm down" Aunt Andi says glaring at me.

I scoff yanking a box out shoving it to my ravenclaw partner "How's it work? What is it?"

He frown opening the box pulling out a strange toy "It's a remote control car"

Nodding I watch them quickly get it ready once done I lean closer watching "How's it work?"

Watching him work it, and driving it around he finally hands it to me explaining it.

I cackle sending the toy off ramming it into Aunt Andi's ankle, she glares at me as I cackle "Hermione I will give you detention" she warns.

Turning the car I send it off slamming it into anything and everything I can mostly people or other toys.

After class

Walking out with Pansy I laugh putting my arm around her shoulders she's smiles glancing at me as we head to the next class hearing the others talking about the last class excitedly.

Walking in I frown seeing Aunt Cissa standing with family trees hung up as Uncle Sev stands
watching us.

Everyone takes their seats quickly and quietly "Today each of you will take a blood test to
show your family tree".

Hearing people mostly Gryffindor start yelling about it being wrong to use it to get easy lists for targets, I roll my eyes "EVERYONE SHUT UP" I scream slamming my hands on my table.

"Almost all muggle borns can be traced back to the wizarding world from a squib who left,
there is only one line that had a child of only Muggles, her heir is unknown now take your test so we can can begin" Aunt Cissa says calmly.

When they finally get everyone to take the test I fight back a groan knowing exactly what my test will show, Aunt Cissa walks by taking each test "Each family has gifts and traits some have rare births seen as magical blessings, The Weasley family has fertility but it comes with a price one girl for each generation she will have the same gift, The Black Family has a very rare birth every so often a female is born with male genitalia, family magic will kick in and she will be named head of house of Black and any children they have will be next to take
head of house, no matter what family her father is, the price is more personal for the child born".

Seeing everyone looking at me I keep my head held high showing no emotions "Each of you has taken the test and now have the family tree to see how you connect to them, a member of
that house will personal teach you the traditions, as well as any magical blessings you may have or may come up in your line later, this is to teach you why many pure bloods try to hold on to our traditions and family history".

Seeing a hand raise I glace at a Slytherin muggle boy two rows ahead who looks confused at his list "I don't understand how I'm related to Professor McGonagall or Madam Pomfrey".

I cackle jumping over the tables till I'm on his, sitting down I grab his list looking it over

"Look here, The McGonagall's are half bloods her Mother was a pure blood who fell in love with a muggle she gave up her wand for him, Madam Pomfrey is a half blood both her parents met at Hogwarts they are distant cousins, you are their cousin because Professor McGonagall's uncle on her father's side had a child with one of Madam Pomfrey's cousins".

The boy looks at me confused then the family tree "This made sense to you?"

"Yes, anyone raised with the wizarding traditions is taught how to read these, as head of my
house I had to be able to read these, memorize all the pure blood families, and be able to
identify them in a glance" I answer before standing up on the table jumping back to mine.

"Hermione" Aunt Cissa says calmly, glancing at her I shiver dropping in my chair "detention, be here after dinner".

I gulp nodding "Yes professor Malfoy" I answer calmly.

A few hours

Walking out of Aunt Cissa's class I sigh running my fingers threw my hair shaking it out as Pansy grabs me pinning me to the wall "your Aunts are professors here now, you can not act like you did before unless you plan to spend all your free time in detention" she hisses glaring at me.

Opening my mouth to respond I frown seeing some Gryffindor girls standing beside us "What" I growl.

They snigger "So the Queen of Slytherin is scared of someone or is it really King?"

My hand twitches glaring at them "Anyone who claims they are not intimidated by my Aunt Cissa is a liar, and I'm not embarrassed about my birth I'm proud of it, in fact many of the ladies in Slytherin enjoy my company" I say calmly leaning on the wall seeing Aunt Cissa glaring at me and the girls "maybe you girls forgot but I'm just as nuts as my mother and she fears upsetting Aunt Cissa just as much so think about how terrifying she must be to scare her".

"She's a house wife that's not scary it's pathetic you two are scared of her" the other adds

"I see I have two more students to add to detention, all three of you be here after dinner" Aunt Cissa orders smirking at them.

I laugh nervously when her eyes move to me "You need to listen to Pansy or you will find yourself in detention all year" she orders before looking at Pansy and her smile changes to a calm caring smile "Pansy you may take your wife and go".

Pansy grabs my hand looking at the girls "House wives are more dangerous than you know, they run the house and have final say on almost everything" she chuckles pulling me along.

"Pansy I expect to see you for our evening tea after dinner as well".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now