Second year

Getting up I stretch nudging Pansy to wake up, she huffs rolling over looking at me "This
year no Slytherin can go alone anywhere, Always have someone with you more so than usual, I will need at least four or more".

She frowns sitting up looking at me "What's going on?"

"Uncle Luci gave girl Weasel a fake diary that will mimic a Horcrux, she's going to open the
chamber of secrets".

"Anything else?" She asks looking worried.

"Yeah we need to teach ourselves DADA this year, Lockhart is teaching".

She groans covering her face "Why is our teacher that moron?"

I shrug smiling "Because he's the only one who applied for the position since it's cursed" I
say laughing.

She nods "Okay I'll tell the girls what's going on" I nod watching her get dressed before leaving the room.

I get up changing and step out seeing the boys waiting for me "Everyone has been told to stay together in groups of three or more, but only trusted people know the reason why".

I nod seeing the girls coming down "I think for me, it's best if we all stick together for better
protection, oh How about this year we do something different?"

The girls join us looking confused at what I said "Like what?"

"Okay so any females not in Gryffindor we," I say motioning to myself and the boys "respond to like perfect gentlemen and since our groups will be sticking together we continue around each other".

Pansy frowns crossing her arms "Why do you need to impress more girls?" she hisses.

"Think about it, Slytherins being perfect gentlemen, helpful to the women of any statues, it could win us more supporters and make it harder for Gryffindor to make us as bad, plus it would piss them off".

Draco nods and the others eventually agree I hold my arm out like a gentlewoman to Pansy, she quickly slips her hand around my arm, I nod seeing the boys follow my lead with the girls.

Walking out I smirk as Draco and I are front and center with Pansy on my arm and Daphne on his making our way to eat, I open the door for a first-year in Ravenclaw colors giving a bow as she passes, then lead our group in.

We all sit down being glared at by the teachers since we skipped out on the opening feast for the start of the year.

I smile holding my hand out to Pansy, She grabs it easing on to our sits, and smirk as the boys copy me again.

We eat then continue with the day like that moving to the library, I watch the boys help first years get books or find a book.

Pansy leans on me pinching my side "Do not charm these girls Hermione, I don't want them
following you around".

I smile grabbing her hand kissing it "Never was my plan Pans, I have you and when you're feeling generous the girls, I'm perfectly happy" I whisper.

Some time later

Hearing everyone rushing to a hallway we follow, I frown seeing a cat hung up by her tail "Enemies of the heir beware" Draco scoffs.

"Really Potter, not getting enough ass kissing need more?" Draco says, I roll my eyes when Dumbledore sends everyone back there rooms.

Reaching the room I see the angry mudblood who somehow ended up in our house, punching the wall "Girl what is your problem now?"

She glares at me shaking in anger "I end up here in the most powerful house, ready to learn anything and everything I can, my plans are ruined because I'll be fucking killed I know what that message means" she says.

I huff grabbing her shirt dragging her to my room with the girls following "What plans girl?" I hiss.

She clinches her jaw before jutting her chin out "to make people like my parents pay for their abuse".

I click my tongue grabbing her face "Just how would you do that?"

"Dark magic" she hisses.

I scoff yanking her up and shoving her out my room, seeing Goyle I grab him "Tell Draco to ask uncle to look into the mudblood's muggle history" I whisper.

He nods rushing off, I turn going back in seeing the girls all laying on the bed happily.

I sigh crawling up laying in the middle "What's your plan for the mudblood?" Milli asks.

I hum shrugging "find out her muggle history first, if it checks out I may place her under house of Black protection, once she's proven to be honest in her desire to hurt those kinds of muggles".

She nods grabbing my shirt yanking me forward, I laughing grabbing her trying to wrestle
her down as the rest of the girls watch laughing.

Some time later

We all sit in our common room since everything is on lockdown and you have to move with groups, three of the girls have gone home for Christmas break as well as my chunk boys, I look up as Draco leads my chunk boys in who we all know are gone as well as a fake Milli.

I tilt my head sitting on a couch with the girls all around relaxing "Milli you're back early".

She nods not speaking, I see Pansy smirk getting up pulling her over whispering in her ear,
she whimpers looking to the fake boys as they question Draco.

Pansy pushes her so she straddles me "you know Milli, Hermione was just saying how much she misses you".

I smirk slowly sliding my hands around her yanking her closer so she's pressing against me, I watch the boys quickly leaving covering their hair and forehead so I lean forward near her ear "Lavender if you wanted a shot, you should have just said so, not try to sneak in when we all know Milli is gone for the holidays".

She quickly leaves rushing from the room, and I cackle as Pansy sits on my lap "you almost made
me think you were going to take her to the room".

I scoff shaking my head "hell no, even if we didn't know Milli was gone, that was not Milli she would never let us control her like that" I say laughing.

End of the year

I watch as everyone runs for the dinning hall, grabbing Pansy's hand I lead her to the perfects
bathroom, opening the entrance to the chamber.

We quickly rush down heading to the chamber, I jog to the dead snake, where I take her last fang and some skin putting it in my bag.

"Hermione an egg" Pansy says waving me over.

I rush over carefully picking up the egg placing it in my bag, I tap my chin looking at the books in the nest room, grabbing any that are clearly written by hand putting them in my bag.

We both rush out with me closing the entrance, as I shrink our trunks after putting my bag in and pocket it smiling at Pansy.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now