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Walking in I groan being stopped by Professor McGonagall who has Draco and the Golden Idiots.

"Madame Black, do you know anything about a cursed necklace meant for Professor Dumbledore?" she asks looking unsure still before frowning at my basket.

"No ma'am, I have been busy" I say lifting it slightly as evidence.

"We saw you and Draco plotting together in the three broomsticks" Potter hisses.

"Firstly you had no business listening in or spying on us Potter, Secondly I was meeting with him because my wife and I fought, I wanted my best friend's advice on what to do" I hiss out
glaring at him.

"You lie, You're working for him trying to kill Dumbledore to change how things are done" he

"You stupid childish boy things need to change here, Creatures should have the same rights as witches and wizards, jobs should go to those best for the job, and finally muggle borns should be exposed to this world sooner and even removed from abusive muggles, not sent back to keep being abused THINGS NEED TO CHANGE" I finish yelling keeping my eyes on Professor McGonagall seeing she's shock at my answer.

"I'm more surprised someone named the brightest witch of her age would support things how they are, allowing things like that to happen and act like it's perfect" I grunt "Now excuse me I have a wife I need to apologize to for upsetting her, oh and Lavender you do remember how Pansy reacted last time you pulled that stunt you did at the Three Broomsticks?" I say smirking when Lavender pales shaking her head.

"You're not going to tell her right?" she whispers.

"I do not hide things from her or our friends Miss. Brown" I snark looking to Professor McGonagall She nods stiffly "Go on Madam Black, Mr. Malfoy" she says glaring at the Golden idiots.

I quickly walk off heading to my room finding it empty, I place the basket on her side smiling sadly "I'm so sorry Pans, I just have to keep you safe, I hope you forgive me" I whisper my note so my quill writes it then place it on her pillow.

I jump seeing Professor McGonagall appear changing back to human "At least I'm not naked" I snark crossing my arm.

"Room of requirements" I say seeing her pick up a book on ancestry magic.

She frowns nodding as she sits down in a chair "You believe what you said" she says softly.

I cackle sitting across from her "Listen pussycat, I'm insane just like my mother, I randomly say shit, don't take me seriously".

"No you've said that before many times, You're not insane, slightly mad yes like your mother was, I taught her she was the first Slytherin I was ever impressed by. I even hoped she would study transfiguration after leaving, I was ready to mentor her, her mind was brilliant".

"Her mind is still brilliant even in a fit" I snark crossing my arms.

"My point is they believe you are lying about what you said but, I remember your mother and
her sisters. They did many questionable things but they were honest to the point it upset others".

"They are snarky, fight like maniacs, attack first ask questions later, and have strange habits" I add on cackling.

She glares at me "As I was saying, you truly believe what you say I have to ask why?"

I see Draco come in glaring "Dragon we need an unbreakable vow" I say watching Professor

She looks shocked and panicked "Look you want the truth? I need protection" I snark.

She stands up moving away from me "Fine leave but as you said, I'm as painfully honest as my mother. You will have answers to questions you've been wondering even have your doubts answered" I say calmly.

I see her quickly change dashing out "She'll be back, curiosity kills the cat but, her mind is working overtime trying to work out her doubts" I say to Draco.

He nods looking at me "Are you sure it's a good idea?"

"Completely if we get her to join, She's a skilled fighter Mother even admits she was unsure of if she was going to best her, last time she ended up leaving when a killing curse just barely missed her" I say softly.

"We just need to keep her questioning what to believe, showing her the faults of the so-called light side, and the world" he says tilting his head before smiling.

"Do it Dragon" I say seeing he had an idea to try to expose the truth to her.

He nods rushing off and walking out I go to his room barging in and open his trunk grabbing the box of Every Flavour Beans sitting on his bed and pick one out that I look over "I need to
find a way to figure out the flavour" I mumble.

"The risk is half the fun" he snarks.

"True, that's why I'd never tell anyone the trick just, Pansy has been making me try a piece of
each one to know the flavor before eating it, if I could figure it out. I could just do that and give her the ones she wants, We could sort them and Re-box them so any nasty ones are together then give those to the Gryffindors".
Draco frowns looking at me.

"Just think the weasel is such a pig, he would keep eating a box
of those trying to get one he likes" I say smirking seeing the smile on his face.

I chuckle looking at the bean in my hand knowing I just got him to solve my bean problem "Hey dragon eat this one" I say holding it out to him.

He scoffs taking it putting it in his mouth eating it only to curl his nose and spitting it out "So what was it?" I ask curiously.

"Some kind of nasty Sweat" he frowns.

"Huh I've never heard of that one before" I say frowning at the box seeing 25 NEW FLAVORS, I laugh pointing it out to him shaking my head "That's just wrong and scary, They found 25 new flavors.

I sigh setting the box down on Draco's bed before getting up and make my way back to my room, Lying on the bed I hear the ladies come in and Pansy steps into the room glaring at me.

Getting up I picking up the basket "I'm sorry I upset you Pansy".

She frowns looking at me and then at the basket "What's that?"

"Did you know if you tell the guy at Honeydukes you need to apologise to your partner, he helps you put together an apology basket then sends you to a vampire named Madam Raven,
who has future sight to finish what you should have in it?"

"Tell me why you said that this morning?" she demands.

"I had to help Draco with something I didn't want you near, If you knew you would either get mad or insist on coming" I mumble.

She sighs sitting down "Does it have anything to do with the rumors that a half-blood was sent to Madam Pomfrey?"

"He wasn't clear on the plan but yes, I didn't want to risk you or the baby being near it" I whisper.

She nods "Anything else you need to tell me?" She asks shortly.

"Lavender tried getting with me again, I rejected her and pointed out how she slept with half of her house and anyone else willing" I say worried about if I will get blamed.

"MILLI, TISI, AND DEMON COME HERE NOW" Pansy screams making my ears ring.

All three come running in worried seeing Pansy heading to them "I want Lavender Brown
found and brought to the ROR, go now" she orders they all nod rushing out.

Pansy spins looking at me "You make sure the boys remember all of us doing homework together" she orders.

I run out finding the boys telling them, before Pansy grabs my shirt tugging me along to the ROR.

She paces before stepping in leaving the door open enough it stays in place I shiver knowing
her temper.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now