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I storm threw the halls glaring at everyone who looks at me, walking into the dinning hall.

I slam my hands on the table in front of my chunk boys who jump "Where is Dragon and the rest of my girls?"

They flinch shaking their head "Don't know, Draco never came in last night" I growl swiping my hand across the table knocking stuff to the floor "Get up, let's go now" I order.

They both nod jumping up with Daphne and Angel jumping up following me.

I shove the doors to Snape's storage room open "That manipulative old goat" I snarl "find Gillyweed".

They all nod quickly moving to look "What going on? Where are they?"

I scoff moving jars around looking "Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground, And while you're searching ponder this; We've taken what you'll sorely
miss, An hour long you'll have to look, And to recover what we took, But past an hour, the prospect's black, Too late, it's gone, it won't come back." I say in a high baby voice.

"What's that mean?" My chunk boys ask confused.

"It means, they are at the bottom of the lake" I answer finding what I need.

"Let's go before Snape catches us" I say quickly rushing them out.

"What now?" Angel asks looking to me.

"I need something I can offer them to let me threw" I mumble looking around.

Angel nods frowning then runs "I have something" she yells.

We all run after her back to our rooms, I watch her throw her trunk open, pulling out a music
box holding it out to me "They like music".

"Are you sure you want me to give them this?"

"It's fine, it was my mom's I stole it".

I nod looking at it, quickly casting a spell to make it water proof and be able to play under water "Okay we need to test it now".

Angel nods grabbing it running to the perfects bathroom, ignoring the girl who sits in the bath, she jumps in with the box testing it.

She comes up again and climbs out "We're good" she says happily.

Second challenge

I quickly swallow the Gillyweed throwing myself into the water, waiting for the effect to take when I can breathe under water I take off swimming.

I dodged attacks by the water creatures seeing Fleur being stopped, I swim past seeing the
pain in her eyes.

Reaching the chains I look around seeing Gabrielle, Milli, Tisi, Pansy, and Draco as Krum
swims by grabbing Lavender I look around panicking.

"Pick one" is hissed.

I spin seeing a mermaid "I can't, those five are mine".

A weapon is pressed to my throat "Only one".

I slowly pull the music box out enlarging it "I want all five, I'll give this for them".

The mermaid moves closer looking at the shining box, I open it so the music plays.

It's swiped from my hand and the creatures clear away, I quickly blast the chains freeing them
grabbing the chains left over. I pull them up as the Gillyweed wears off.

Reaching the surface I come up gasping with them all gasping looking around shocked and

Getting to the docks I push them all up before climbing up gasping.

I drop on my back coughing, and smile hugging my group when they all pounce on me hugging me.

Pansy helps me sit up and I see Gabrielle in front of me, she leans down kissing both my cheeks
saying thank you before Fleur comes up repeating it thanking me.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now