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One and a half month till deadline

I chuckle making faces at the little creatures in Black Lake who swim up making faces at me.

"You are so adorable" I coo at a baby merperson who swam up looking in curiously.

I chuckle seeing it stick it's tongue out at me before baring it's teeth "oh so scary little one" I coo pressing my hand on the glass.

It chitters placing it's hand on my mine "I'm going to have a baby of my own soon" I whisper nodding to Pansy, who sleeps on the couch with a hand protectively over her belly.

"In eleven years she will be here, you could be making faces at my baby" I say chuckling "I know she's going to be so excited to see the merpeople at this window".

I smile hearing it's chittering excitedly "Even if she's not Slytherin, she will see so many
amazing things here" I say looking back at it.

Seeing an adult merperson come up and nudge the baby along I smile waving "Bye little one" I murmur seeing it swim off with the parent looking at me tilting it's head "They are adorable" I add waving.

Sitting down on the floor in front of Pansy I place my hand on her belly smiling as I rub "Hi baby" I whisper pressing a kiss to her stomach "Mia if you get her moving, I will kill you with my bare hands. She finally stopped kicking my bladder" Pansy mumbles.

"Awe Cassiopeia are you being a drama queen already?" I coo feeling Pansy's finger's in my

"If she's a drama queen that's your fault" she sighs.

"I'm not the one who set a girls hair on fire for bumping into me, then spent a week whining about scuffed shoes" I snark smirking.

"Your mother managed to destroy a Fidelius Charm on 12 Grimmauld Place, break in, take
her Aunt's portrait and other family heirlooms and then set the place on fire just to prove she could" she huffs pushing me "and we both know she did it because the weasel was bragging about Black property housing them, after their house was burned down something you reported back to her".

I chuckling shrugging "Serves them right for defiling Aunt Walburga's home, with their disgusting worthless lives so I guess we are both giving her petty drama queen".

"Oh Merlin, she's going to be the queen of petty drama queens" Pansy groans covering her face "She'll be doomed and will torment us forever".

I laugh leaning up kissing her forehead "She will rule her peers, when she starts school just like us".

"Says the so called Queen of Slytherins" she snarks.

"Technically we are queens of Slytherins, Draco is Prince, and our groups together are the rulers, I really don't understand the logic used to come up with that" I say frowning.

"Because who ever came up with it are morons" she huffs pushing me gently "Now move and get me up".

I nod jumping up, pulling her up and watching her waddle to the restroom as I sit down on the couch.

She comes waddling in sitting down putting her feet on my lap "I'll be glad when she gets out of me" she sighs as I rub her feet.

"I get to rub your feet now?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes, the love of my life for body rubs is not here, so I'll settle for you" she snarks.

"Oh how kind of you to settle for me" I snark shaking slightly holding in my laugh.

"I know, I'm a saint for allowing you to rub my feet" she says laughing.

One month and two weeks till deadline

I sigh slipping out of the castle with my broom getting a running start, I jump getting it under me taking off into the sky getting up above the castle, I sit up tilting my head back breathing deeply as the crisp cold air whips my hair around.

As far out as I can see it's dark like the darkness of the world has decided to cover everything reminding people of the wrongs they happily ignore.

"You're breaking curfew being out here" I chuckle looking to Madam Hooch on her own broom floating by me.

"They are up to something" I say point in the distance seeing lighting flashing, in a darker mass of clouds I know forms my father's mark.

She nods looking at the spot "Strange how something everyone sees as evil brings me peace and happiness, your mother cast it".

"You can tell?" I ask surprised.

"Look at the edges they are sharper curling slightly, almost daring the world to play her games, if you focus on the magic you can feel the caster. Close your eyes and relax, allow your magic to reach out and feel the energy around you".

I nod listening to her taking a deep breath letting my grip on my magic go "Tell me what you

"Anger, longing, happiness and peace" I whisper looking at her "Your feeling my magic focus to the mark".

I nod looking at it when I feel it playfully nudging me I gasp "It feels angry, dangerous, joyful, and safe" I whisper.

"Your mother's anger at the world for missing your life, dangerous because she is truly one of the most dangerous people you could face, her Joy is being free and back with you as well as enjoying her work, the safety is because you're her daughter, her magic recognizes yours and embraces you".

I nod pulling my magic back to me "What do you feel from her?"

"Freedom, happiness, protection, and lust" she says chuckling.

I nod smiling "Now what are you doing out here breaking curfew?" She asks.

I sigh looking in the distance "I tried to sleep but my mind and body wouldn't let me rest, I felt like I need to do something, that something is going to happen. I left so I wouldn't wake Pansy she's been really tired lately".

"It's good she's sleeping but it sounds like you're feeling the calm before the storm, your not
the only one many people in war feel it. It's your instincts telling you something big is coming".

I sigh rubbing my neck "Madam Hooch, I have a request" I whisper.

"What's wrong?" She asks moving closer, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know a lot of people will die in this but, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey have agreed, now I need you to help them. If things start going wrong and it looks bad for our side, take my family and get them out of here to safety" I whisper looking at her.

"I will do my best to get them out safely" she says squeezing my shoulder "Now, let's get you back inside to bed" she finishes before shooting straight down to the ground then yanking up landing safely I chuckle following after her.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now