Holiday break

Stepping into the manor I sigh hearing mom cackling and someone yelling in French, rolling my eyes I carry Cass following the sound "Mom stop tormenting our guests" I call out just knowing she's messing with someone.

Stepping into the tea room I see Madam Delecor with fireballs half shifted, her feathers puffed
up watching mom, as she balances in a crouch while Fleur and Gabby try to calm down their mom.

"Mom your granddaughter wants you" I call out, her eyes look to me before she rushes over taking her leaving the room.

"Madam Delecor I apologize for my mother but could you please calm down" I ask softly.

Once she no longer looks like she's moments away from a full shift I smile seeing the red flakes in her eyes along with a few feathers.

"Someone better explain why I have scorch marks on my floor and furniture" Aunt Cissa demands looking around the room.

"Mom thinks poking a Veela is a fun pass time" I squeak backing away.

Seeing her eyes snap to me I hold my hands up "I just got here right before you, I got Mom to stop and leave Madam Delecor alone using Cass as bait".

"She has started picking on creatures Madam Malfoy" Fleur says waving her hand around in

"Hermione your guest will be arriving at any moment go welcome them"

I sigh nodding "Great another creature mom will try to mess with" I mumble.

"If you mean the Demiguise Luna bonded with Yes, I'd recommend keeping her distracted from her".

Walking to the guest fireplace I sit down waiting once it lights up green I stand up smoothing my clothes, Luna comes gliding out with her familiar on her shoulder looking around "Luna welcome just a heads up Mom may try to mess with your familiar".

Luna nods reaching up petting her "They will be caught soon Hermione Black, the cloak will be in the bag make sure you grab it" she answers smiling.

I sigh leading her to Dad's office barging in "Dad, Luna has something important to tell".

He looks up motioning to the chair watching Luna's familiar move to her lap "Your friend is very lovely Ms. Lovegood, what do you call them?"

Luna smiles petting her "Thank you Sir, her name's Bellatrix"

I fight back a smile seeing Dad laugh "A wonderful name very strong" he says after he stops
laughing "Try to keep her away from the witch who shares her name, now what do have you to share with me?"

Luna nods before repeating what she told me "We may need to use you as bait, would you be willing to play like a prisoner with a few more people?"

"Anything to help Sir, I've wanted a more active role" Luna says shrugging.

"You're role has been a very important one by being unmarked and viewed as a neutral, they have told you information to win you to their side you have given us important information and managed to convince them. you are starting to side with them sabotaging their missions you're work has been perfect" Dad says calmly while praising her "When we win your family's honor will be restored".

Luna opens her mouth to speak and Dad nods holding his hand up "You have my word we will do our best to protect your father but understand that this is war, I can not guarantee anyone that loved ones will survive however we all will do our best to protect each other's families even if we have to force him here and treat him like a prisoner we will do our best".

Luna nods before her familiar's eyes glow "Potter will go to my dad demanding answers before
he comes here, I need to speak with him before Potter arrives Sir".

Dad nods "Do you have a plan or know when this will happen?"

"If someone high ranked offered him something he wants, he will help he values knowledge not power".

Dad nods smiling "That explains why I was never able to get him to join, give me two days to find somethings. We shall go from there I will try to ensure you and him spend your holiday break together".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now