Waking up I frown hearing someone knocking, getting up I open the door seeing Millie "What's going on?"

She rolls her eyes pulling me along, stepping into the common room I see Alecto standing by a couch "What's wrong" I groan.

"Fleur arrived at the manor she's been injured but is healing, she asked this be delivered to you" Alecto says holding out a letter.

I nod taking it "Thank you".

She nods leaving the room "Millie, I'll let the ladies know what she says in the morning".

Seeing her nod I walk back in my room seeing Pansy curled up to my pillow, gently pulling it away I lay down by her "where'd you go?" she mumbles.

"with Alecto"

"What'd she need to tell you?"

"Maybe she wanted my company"

"Mia we both know she was reporting something because you didn't need to clean up from her attention" Pansy says chuckling.

"Rude, but she was telling me Fleur was hurt and came to the manor, she's healing up and asked for this letter be given to me".

Pansy raises up looking at it "Open it Mia, I want to know what our favorite bird said".

Rolling my eyes I unroll the letter

'Mia I was hurt trying to leave after over hearing the weasel family planning to do a bonding
ceremony, I came to the manor after I got away and I am healing up. Your mother has decided to be my caretaker it's questionable care at best, you're Niffler has joined me in the room and she argues with her and insist that the Niffler is challenging her, she has started chasing the Peacocks, poking the Gnomes with sticks, and she caught my mother in veela form and tried to poke her eye, mother tossed her around but she kept coming back laughing the whole time'

Pansy sighs as I laugh "I think you're mother needs a mind healer" she frown glaring at me as I laugh "actually you could use one but she need at least four devoted to only her".

"We're not that bad" I pout.

"You not yet but her, as gorgeous as she is she is completely

"True but you can not deny that you find her attractive for the simple fact she could snap and
come after you with her dagger or flat out kill you".

"That is not the point I was making".

Chuckling I snuggle into the blanket "Did you know people avoid trying to see in her mind?"

"Your mom?"

"Yeah a good thing about the Black madness anyone trying to see in your mind will get a terrible headache, if they try to push on then it can cause them to go mad. They see nothing but flashes of rapidly passing impulsive thoughts that make no sense whatsoever even our own family avoid trying to do it to each other".

"How did you learn Occlumency then?" Pansy asks glaring at me.

I laugh shrugging "Same as everyone else we grew up with Aunt Cissa, Uncle Luci, and Uncle Sev started teaching me young before the Black madness started showing".

Next morning

I smile seeing Argus checking the Knight near our house entrance frowning "Someone has been up sneaking around after curfew".

Stepping over I look seeing finger smudges "That's our Adopted house mate, she waits until everyone in her house is asleep then sneaks in here all her stuff is in Demon's room".

He frowns looking at me as Luna comes up behind me looking around at something only she
sees "Good morning Mr. Filch, I hope Mrs. Norris didn't keep you up all night with the jiggle mouse I gave her".

Seeing his face relax he looks at her "no, she didn't" he says softly before grabbing her robes pulling her to the Knight pointing at it "Try to not smudge this so no one learns of your movements after curfew" he gruffly orders before wiping it down.

"Yes Sir, I'll remember" Luna says before hugging him "have a wonderful day Sir" she says wondering off.

"The Gray lady was like her" he says watching her go.

"What?" I ask confused.

"The Gray lady is Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter Helena Ravenclaw, she could see creatures that where invisible to everyone else she was though to be mad".

I frown looking to Pansy "Why does that sound familiar?"

"Bloody Baron kidnapped her held her captive she escaped him and was rumored to have had a child, she hid with an unknown family he finally found and murdered her, all that started
because she rejected him when he wanted to marry her".

I scoff shaking my head "That's just disgusting".

"It gets worse, she can't find peace because even in death she has to run from him, that's who
he chases around the castle" Pansy mumbles.

I frown clinching my hand around my wand "I wonder if there's a way to forcible remove

Pansy grabs my shirt pulling me along "have a nice day Mr. Filch" she calls back leading me along.

"Mia I know your mind is working on something to deal with him but you need to focus"
Pansy says.

"Luna is the only person who has been able to meet and talk with her, I've seen glimpses of her following Luna do you think it's true about the secret child she hid away?" I mumble frowning.

"You think Luna is her heir?"

"I think Luna is the Heir of Ravenclaw, maybe that's why Lady Ravenclaw watches over her till he spots her and chases her again".

Reaching over I take Cassi then kiss Pansy "We will catch up with you" I say quickly then turn walking away quickly.

Walking to the library hallway I look around adjusting Cass on my hip "Lady Ravenclaw may we speak?" I ask looking around.

"It's about Luna" I add when she doesn't answer.

"You will not harm her" the Gray lady says suddenly in my face.

Cass jumps whimper before crying I quickly move to calm her "I mean her no harm Lady Ravenclaw" I answer swaying Cass once she calms.

"She's the Heir of Ravenclaw your descent" I say calmly.

"She is and you will not try anything".

I sigh shaking my head "I'm the Heir of Slytherin, Luna is my friend she is someone I respect
greatly, I have been protecting her from her house mates".

"You can not court her" she hisses floating above me glaring down.

"I am married already ma'am, I have no interest in Luna past friendship".

"What is it you want?" She demands.

"To protect your legacy and remove the Bloody Baron, to force him to face punishment for his crimes" I answer holding my head high.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now