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Hearing the clashes of people coming in followed by screaming, Pansy jerks awake looking around for a threat while trying to soothe Cassi "Take her to the room" I say getting up running to the room set up as a medic station.

Coming in I look around "Hermione handle anything you can, don't worry about minor injuries for now".

I nod going to work quickly ignoring the blood getting on my clothes, it feels never-ending with people coming in needing help.

A few hours later

I sigh leaning on the wall seeing people sleeping after being healed from major injuries, others being fed and placed either in guest rooms or on medical beds to be monitored.

"You did well Mia, you are proving to be a truly worthy heir" Dad says from behind me.

"Thank you" I whisper "I didn't see Mom here, is she okay?"

"Your mom was leading the attack on the ministry she left last to make sure all our people got
away, she was just tired Cissa checked her already, now you should head to bed" he says.

I nod giving him a quick hug before moving to my room finding Pansy asleep with Cassi in the crib by her, I smile checking on her before pulling my clothes off and showering.

Getting in bed Pansy turns over cuddling up to me mumbling in her sleep I hum pulling her closer before allowing my exhaustion to take me away to bed.

Waking up to Cassi crying I raise to go get her when I feel a hand on my back "You two sleep we got this".

I frown laying back down turning over and seeing Pansy still half asleep, Aunt Cissa pulls Pansy's
shirt up holding Cassi up to feed.

Seeing Aunt Cissa hand Cassi to mom then pull Pan's shirt back down I hum pulling her closer cuddling her.

A few hours later

Waking up I see Pansy gone, chuckling I get up stepping out of my room watching mine and
Dad's snake slither off checking things "Good morning beautifuls" I say softly to them, getting a greeting returned from one I see mine has a shiny Gillion in her mouth.

I laugh seeing Aurora chasing them Chittering while they take off, reaching down I pick her up "Did they take your shiny" I coo keeping a hold of her only for her to disappear landing on the ground running after them.

I huff shaking my head following the smell of food, and take a plate from Draco "That was mine" he whines.

Chuckling I smirk when Beeley comes in taking it away from me before putting another down for me looking around freaked out.

"Thank you Beeley, are you okay? Why are you not working at Black Manor?"

"Bossy Mistress ask to come help so many here, other elves need help" she says tugging at her dress.

"Well, we all know you're the best at organization and getting everything ready" I say rubbing
her back.

"Yes, Beeley good elf" she says nodding looking unsure about everyone.

"You are, just remember if it gets too much take a break from work, and if someone wants
something you are not comfortable with you can have someone else do it, I don't want you having a breakdown again" I say making her look at me.

She nods quickly leaving "Your elf is strange" Aunt Andi says frowning.

"She is, I think she's mad" I say tapping my head.

"You know muggles have a name for different kinds of madness, I studied them to see if they have anything on our family madness".

"Really, did they?" I ask confused.

"I'm almost sure we have bipolar, but your elf seems to have anxiety and OCD".

"The bloody hell is OCD?" I ask.

"Everything has to be done in certain ways look a certain way for her, but there are many different types".

I cackle looking at her "Of course our families mad, why not employees".

She sighs looking at Pansy who watches me frowning "I don't think she needs much to be as
mad as her mother".

"No, but she's not completely gone" Pansy says sighing.

"Bellatrix, what the hell is this" Aunt Cissa says loudly.

I chuckle seeing Mom running past laughing looking pleased with whatever she did, Aunt
Cissa comes in with hair matching Mom and Aunt Andi's in color and wild curls glaring at
the back door.

I frown looking at her "That looks wrong" I mumble covering my mouth trying not to laugh.

"You laugh and I will punish you" she warns glaring at me, I nod biting my lip.

"The snakes have been picking on your Niffler" she says calmly sitting down.

"I saw that this morning, she's set on getting back her gillion she stole" I say smiling.

Beeley comes in handing me Cassi looking freaked out and I sigh seeing she's in a baby dress like mom's "Beeley can't get dress off Mistress".

I sigh nodding "It's fine Beeley Mom did it".

"Your mother acts like her granddaughter is her baby" Pansy says chuckling as she takes Cassi.

I nod smiling "at least she can say her grandmother was fun to be around and encouraged mischief".

"Yes because that's what the world needs the third coming of Bellatrix, I'm not sure how Hogwarts stood surviving her and you, Cassi may be the one who finally brings the school down" Aunt Andi snarks.

"Okay first Hogwarts handled your group and that insanity, the fights between Mom and Sirius, and it handled us just fine" I say rolling my eyes.

"Yes it handled us as groups, your daughter is the first of the next generation your friends have not had nor planned to have one anytime soon, so it looks like she will be without a group to keep her in check and help make sure she's not caught for now, it could change".

"She will not go alone she will have a group or make her own" I say glaring at Aunt Andi.

"What are you going to do? get your friends pregnant?" She snarks.

"No but my group could have a child, if not she could make her own when she starts".

"Well at least she doesn't plan on making a pregnancy vow" Aunt Andi says glaring at Aunt Cissa.

"The hell do you mean pregnancy vow?" I demand looking at them.

"Your Aunt Cissa got the group to agree that they would try to have a child around the same time so the kids could be friends".

"That's a wonderful idea, after we win the war we could encourage the people to help repopulate the dwindling magical community" Dad says coming in proudly.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now