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Back to school

I sigh looking at the badge on my shirt "Remind me why we are doing this again" I say to my
friends for anyone to answer.

"Because you told us to stay on her good side and this way we can mess with the golden idiots more" Draco says leaning on the wall by me.

"Right and because it means we can protect certain people easier" Milli adds nodding to Angel, who returned home to the Manor one day with a boyish haircut dyed black, body piercings as well as a few tattoos insisting we call her Demon because she had her name magically changed.

"Demon why do you have a wand with a snake around it above your eye?" I ask frowning.

"It's my wand, the snake is because I'm Slytherin" she says shrugging.

I nod moving to the door "Right, let's go ruin some Gryffindor's day".

We stalk out seeing the pink frog waiting on us, She frowns looking at Demon "Angel Smith I presume" she says glaring at her
"Muggle things are strictly prohibited from Hogwarts grounds".

She smirks "Too bad seeing as I went to a witch who did my tattoos and piercings, located in
Knockturn Alley, My guardian Mr. Malfoy took me himself and my name has been changed to Deamhan".

I chuckle knowing she didn't, that she snuck off and got them without his permission "It means Demon" she grunts seeing the confusion.

I glare at the Pink Frog seeing her face turning red looking at Demon "Detention now" she orders.

"Do you want to start a problem with two of the most influential families here?" I hiss blocking Demon from her "She is under the protection of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black as well as The Most Noble House of Malfoy".

I smirk seeing her pale "All of Slytherin house is off-limits, as well as Luna Lovegood" I war leaning closer to her "I'm more than happy to let my mother know you upset me, if I remember correctly she taught you how to swim with the giant Squid's help" I whisper harshly so only she can hear me.

When she nods and quickly turns walking away, I cackle loudly seeing her shiver "What'd you tell her?" Demon asks.

I shrug smiling innocently "Just that her outfit is a very lovely shade of Pink today".

I stalk off watching my friends running around taking points for any reason, They decide to while going after Gryffindor most.

I frown seeing a Gryffindor girl pushing Luna calling her Looney "250 points from Gryffindor" I shout catching the trio's attention.

"What, why?" Weasel shouts at me.

I grunt shoving the Gryffindor girl away taking back Luna's pin she clearly made herself, And hand it back to her "Simple really if I see anyone messing with Miss. Lovegood, or hear of anyone messing with her. They will face me if that fails, I am more than happy to take this up to Wizengamot or further" I hiss at the Gryffindor.

"Nothing is higher than Wizengamot" the girl scoffs I chuckle looking at her "Only one thing is, that's an honor battle to the death the last one called was years ago, between Cygnus Black
and an unknown man for the right to marry my mother the unknown won, When this happens it's old rules meaning any and every spell is allowed and the Wizengamot can do nothing about it".

"Her family's blood traitors too why protect her?" Weasel demands.

"No her family is neutral they pick no side and just wish to live their lives, I am willing to
stand up for her because she doesn't judge anyone, she's bullied out here, her own house
bullies her, And she still sees the good in everyone She has a pure loving heart".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now