I growl after dinner following Pansy to Aunt Cissa's class, ignoring the Gryffindor girls
following us complaining about detention.

Walking in I shiver seeing Aunt Cissa calmly leaning on the desk with her arms crossed smirking.

I sigh standing in front of her as Pansy moves around to her desk sitting in her chair.

"No, you do not sit come stand here" Aunt Cissa says calmly glancing at the girls, they huff
moving to where she points.

Her wand comes out and I squeeze my eyes shut feeling my clothes transfigured into a dress
before my shoes are switched to heels.

I shake my head hearing Pansy whistle, opening my eyes she smirks blowing me a kiss, I
glance seeing the girls have the same treatment.

Aunt Cissa walks back to her shelf grabbing three books casting a spell on them she hands us each one, I frown glaring at it feeling it's weight before a line appears moving threw the room
including between the tables stopping at a table with three chair.

An elf pops in setting the table "Start at the door place the books on your heads follow the line to the table and sit without dropping it, complete proper dinner adequate if you drop your book or mess up you start from the beginning again till you complete it properly".

"I'm not a pure blood, I don't see why I need to know this" one of the girls says scoffing.

"This is more than about being pure blood it's about knowing how to act like ladies and having manners" Aunt Cissa says looking at the girl with her Ice Queen look "women have more freedom nowadays but, have forgotten how to be ladies when it's needed now go".

Rolling my eyes I move to the door placing the book on my head and start my walk ignoring
the Gryffindor girls when they start behind me, feeling ones hand on my back I tighten my
muscles carefully placing my hand on a table to not trip "start over for sabotaging a schoolmate".

Taking another step I relax my body "Madam Black, how is your family?"

"They are doing well Madam Malfoy and yours?"

"We have been wonderful, did you happen to read the article about the newest medical breakthrough spells that was made by student at Hogwarts?".

"No ma'am I did not, what is it?" I ask glance at her seeing her smirk.

"Apparently this student has made a spell that will help encourage fertility for women who have trouble conceiving".

"That is truly wonderful it could help many families who have been trying to become pregnant" I answer sitting in my chair balancing my book.

I bite my lip trying not to laugh seeing the girls dropping their books having to restart "Madam Black Complete your task" Aunt Cissa says glaring at me.

Nodding I complete a fake dinner looking to her "wonderful now walk the room".

Fighting back a sigh I get up walking the room "keep trying girls" Aunt Cissa says calmly before walking to her desk transfiguring it into a sitting area for tea.

I roll my eyes seeing her and Pansy gossiping once their tea arrives "Professor Malfoy how long do we have to do this?" One of the girls whines.

"Till you complete the task or detention is over" she says smirking.

A few hours later

I groan sitting down on my bed while Pansy rocks Cassi to sleep "I hate heels".

"Yes well you shouldn't have annoyed your Aunt" Pansy snarks while placing Cassi in her crib in a room that appeared in ours.

She comes back and straddles me I smile placing my hands on her hips rubbing my thumbs over the sides of her stomach, feeling the slightly lose skin and stretch marks from her pregnancy.

"You're beautiful" I whisper sitting up wrapping my arms around her feeling her fingers
scratching my head "as mad as you are, at least you are smart" she says softly.

I chuckle pressing my face to her chest.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now