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I scream running from Aunt Cissa who calmly follows throwing spells at me, dodging another I look around panicking before throwing any spells I can think of to stop her only to have them blocked, I run threw my list and sigh with only one left I haven't tried.

Figuring it will either rebound off or do nothing I give in "Riddikulus" I shout seeing it hit

I freeze looking in shock as Aunt Cissa stands in two different high heels that don't match, bright rainbow-colored leather, and make-up like a toddler did it "What the hell" I whisper before I'm thrown back.

I groan rolling over putting my hand on the back of my head "The hell happened?"

"You proved Riddikulus works on witches and wizards, it just makes them extremely mad" I hear Dad say chuckling.

"I feel like I was trampled by a hippogriff" I groan more.

"Stop being so dramatic Hermione" Aunt Cissa says sounding amused.

"It's death, Mom's right Aunt Cissa's death" I groan feeling around me.

"Here lies Hermione Black she never got to sleep with my mom, so sad okay let's toss her in the ground" Tisi snarks.

I grunt sitting up glaring at Tisi as Aunt Cissa forces me to drink Potions "We have contacted the Parkinsons and they have agreed you will be married to Pansy before the birth, you and Draco will be initiated tomorrow night, and You both will accompany Bella and Lucius on a scare tactic attack after which you both will take your mark" Dad says proudly.

I nod looking to Aunt Cissa who smiles sadly at me "Could I have a moment with Aunt Cissa please?" I ask not looking away from her.

Hearing my door shut I hug her pressing my face to her stomach "I'm sorry Aunt Cissa if I disappointed you" I whisper.

She sighs rubbing my back "I'm not disappointed with you, you're just too young to start a family, and you and Draco are being dragged into a war we should have won the first time".

"We want to fight, we believe in this" I whisper looking up at her she nods pressing a kiss to my forehead "Just promise me to watch out for each other, I have always seen you as the daughter I never had. For the first few years you thought I was your mother, Even when we tried to get you to call us Aunt Cissy and Uncle Luci you refused till you were six" I giggle slightly feeling her sit by me.

I sigh leaning against her "I'd be just as proud to be your daughter Aunt Cissa as I am to be your niece I love you".

"I love you too my princess but, no more surprise pregnancies or pregnancy scares" she says

"I'm not little, I'm big now" I mumble smiling as I remember being 7 and insisting, I was not
little and she couldn't call me that anymore "Like I told you before you'll always be my princess just like Draco will always be my prince".

Next day

I bounce as Mom checks my robes fixing my hood on my head and placing my mask "Now, no killing Mia, we are to burn that disgusting excuse for a house down, they will be so busy trying to figure out what we are up to and what attack was real or just a cover".

I nod bouncing more "Can I at least hurt someone a little?" I ask excitedly following her out.

"Yes but no killing" she warns again I see Draco standing by Uncle Luci proudly, They give
instructions to us on what will happen and what to do, then take off holding us with a loud clash I laugh looking around at the black smoke.

"Focus Mia" she says before cackling as we travel through the home with her casting Fiendfyre.

We land and I run into the high grass of the marshland hearing Mom skipping around with Harry chasing her "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! Are you coming to get me?!" She cackles in a sing-song voice.

I watch as Harry blindly throws spells around and smirk seeing the werewolf coming in to save
him "Maximum timorem" I whisper hitting him.

He screams doubling over, lurching forward Mom rushes over grabbing me and getting me out as I cackle.

Landing back home I drop to the floor laughing insanely "What is so funny" Draco demands "It's not a full moon but, that werewolf was turning".

"No he thinks he is, I wanted to try my new curse" I say laughing more hearing Mom join in.

Calming down I chuckle smiling proudly "Not sure what happens if it's not stopped" I say tilting my head.

"Are you saying he could go mad?" Mom asks laughing harder.

I nod shrugging "It's possible, being mentally tormented for a long time, can have amazing effects on the mind" I say pointing to Mom who laughs nodding happily.

"It truly is fascinating but your mother was already suffering from Black madness by then" Dad says "You are already showing signs of it as well" he adds thoughtfully.

I nod happily before going to rush to my room to see Pansy only for Dad to grab my robes stopping me "Business first Hermione then you will be allowed to spend time with your
growing family".

I pout nodding as I follow him to the meeting room, seeing all the death eaters and my group with Pansy standing between Aunt Cissa and Aunt Andi.

"Tonight we give the mark to the youngest death eaters to ever prove themselves, They completed their mission Hermione, Draco, and Demon step forward and accept your marks" Dad says holding a hand out to Draco.

Draco holds his arm out standing confidently as Dad grabs his arm glancing at us each before pressing his wand to Draco's arm, he clenches his jaw as his face turns red while he looks into Dad's eyes till he is released, When I'm done I cackle feeling the mark burned into my skin.

Demon steps up getting hers She shakes, face turning red, and sweating refusing to scream when she's let go she takes a deep breath, shakily moving back to us before looking at the angry red mark on her arm smiling.

"Fascinating the youngest to join and they embrace the pain of the mark, where even grown men and women have cried out. You three will go far in life when we win this war" he says proudly.

"Everyone but my inner circle is dismissed" he adds.

I watch as everyone but the Parkinsons, Malfoys, Mom, Alecto, Snape and a few others stay "My friends some of you are aware but Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson, and Bella and I have learned our children have been given the most precious of gifts, while unplanned and unexpected they are bringing forth the first child for our new world" Dad says while putting an arm around me leading me to Pansy smiling proudly.

I smile taking her hand "They wish to be married as soon as possible, we must ensure it gets approved without issue" Dad says proudly before allowing us to leave or talk together.

I gulp when Mr. Parkinson comes to me leading me aside "Sir, I did not mean for this to happen I" I start getting cut off.

"My wife and I had a child while in sixth year It happens, what I care about is that you will continue to do your best to keep her happy, that you will treat her with respect, and you will still see her as a person with her own life".

I nod glancing back at Pansy flirting with Alecto while pushing Aunt Andi away from them smiling happily, I smile looking back to him "Her happiness and our future kids are the most important thing to me Sir, I want her to have her own life outside of our family as well as with our family. They are why I'm joining this fight now to make a better world for them and whoever they choose to spend their life with later on".

He nods patting my shoulder "I'm sure you will be a wonderful partner for her but understand if you hurt her I will dual you being the Lord's daughter will not protect you".

I nod looking up at him "Sir I'd never try to hurt her, I'd do everything I could to fix it if I do
but I would not blame you for fighting me".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now