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A few days later

I sit petting my snake who finally looks like a snake again "Hermione" looking up I see Aunt Cissa holding up my Niffler glaring "She took my necklace, get it back".

I smile taking her getting her to stay on my lap "Aurora, Aunt Cissa needs her necklace back" I say while pulling off a ring holding it up "If you give it back you can have this".

I watch her sniff at the ring for a moment before she takes it and scurries to Aunt Cissa, giving her necklace back then dashes off down the hall.

"Have you seen your mom?" Aunt Cissa asks putting her necklace on.

I shrug tapping my snake's nose "No, she snuck off when the others got here".

Mr. Parkinson is suddenly thrown from the meeting room, sliding across the floor on his back with Mom following him cackling "What's going on?"

Mom stops looking at me confused "I'm making sure the Parkinson girl will be married to you, but he is insisting that her marriage contract has already been accepted" she finishes in a
hiss at him.

I groan throwing my head back "Mom, Aunt Cissa accepted it, all I needed was for you to agree with the match".

She nods looking at Mr. Parkinson "I accept the match" she says before stalking back to the meeting room.

Getting I go to him holding my hand out to help him up "I'm sorry about that, I thought I was
clear about what she had to do".

He nods dusting his robes off "She's gotten better with her fits, we last longer explaining now than when she first came home".

I nod seeing him magically fix the door before stepping in closing it "She's going to destroy my home" Aunt Cissa says glaring at the door.

"I would say let her loose in Black Manor but, I think she would take it as a challenge to bring it to nothing but rubble" I say frowning.

"She would and would beat the challenge" Aunt Cissa sighs.

"At least she keeps the followers from messing up your garden and furniture" I say trying to
be upbeat.

"Yes, but she messes them up herself" Aunt Cissa grunts.

"She fixed it after".

"Put everything in the wrong spot my chair, looks like I made it by getting the parts in pieces and then stopped halfway" she snarks.

"True, Do you know how she managed to make my bed a giant crib or how to undo it?" I ask.

"I do not, it blocked our magic" she grunts.

"The elves don't know what to do?" I ask.

"They all tried fixing it, I found the aftermath of that".

"What happened?"

"They tried to rip it apart by hand, I found them yanking at it, screaming and insulting the bed
because it blocks their magic as well" she says chuckling.

I groan rubbing my temples "So my room still looks like a nursery for a giant baby?"

"Yes, I will ask your dad to see if he can do anything about it later" she says sitting down in a chair.

"What all has her wayward magic done anyways?"

"The curtains can not be closed in any room, every room has night light spells, Draco's bed talks and can see, it also tells him stories, The peacocks are not white anymore they change colors, and my bed throws Lucius out if he gets in it".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now