Getting up the next day I stretch feeling Pansy wrapped around me "Come on Pans time to get up".

She groans sitting up as I chuckle standing, feeling the air on my exposed , Pansy gets up grabbing her clothes, and heads to the in-room bath dressed similarly.

I follow her in seeing she's gotten in the bath I quickly relieve myself and then join her.

Some time later

I roll my eyes listening to the boys bitching about Potter getting on the Quidditch team.

"I'm telling you, it's special treatment for the boy who lived" Drago snarls.

"Maybe if you hadn't taunted the bloody Gryffindor into coming after you, he wouldn't have come after you and been seen flying" I snark pushing him as I walk past.

"Mia you agree right? it's special treatment?" He asks.

I sigh nodding "Yes if it was anyone else they would be expelled, Potter will be treated like his daddy, a spoiled brat who does nothing wrong and others are punished for his wrong doings".

Pansy huffs pulling me along "I'm tired of being around the boys, let's go see the girls".

I smirk pulling her against me "You know I am more like my group than yours".

"Yeah but they love when you hang out with us," she says pouting at me.

I nod leading her to our rooms "Go tell your friends they can come to our room" she nods rushing off giggling.

A few hours later

Getting up I smirk seeing Pansy and her friends lying on my bed blissfully asleep.

I push the door open after hearing knocking seeing Draco who rolls his eyes smirking "Wipe your face" he says holding out his pocket-handkerchief.

I take it quickly wiping my face clean of the lipgloss marks "What's the issue? I'm busy" I say nodding back to the girls.

Snape steps around the door looking at me "The headmaster wants an explanation on why you refuse the female dress code, you are expected to head to the hospital wing".

I nod shutting the door on them and pull on some clothes, then step out barefoot heading for the hospital wing.

Walking in I see Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall with Madam Pomfrey.

Snape comes in slinging the doors open "Madam Black as requested, explain why you do not follow the girls' dress code".

I shrug quickly yanking my pants and boxers down "I'll wear one but, I won't wear boxers or underwear with it" I say smirking when both females look away while Dumbledore pales.

"I'm a female but have more" I cackle pulling my clothes back up "May I return to bed now?"

Seeing him nod I walk back to my room finding the girls awake, They look at me glaring when I step in "Sorry Ladies, seems Dumbledore wanted answers to how I dress" I say getting back to my boxers, I climb into the bed with Pansy latching onto me and the others moving closer I smirk closing my eyes.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now