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One month till deadline

Walking in the common room I sit down seeing Tisi slam a book on the table screaming loudly "What's the problem?"

"my Animagus form is the problem" she hisses.

"Oh you finally got it?" I ask excited.

"I got it and hate it, I'm some damn muggle dragon like my damn Patronus" she screeches
throwing the book to me.

I frown opening to the page marked in the book frowning "Hey someone who grew up in or interacted with muggles come here".

Seeing a first year muggle boy I never learned the name of come up nervously, I hold out the
book "I thought muggles didn't have dragons".

He laughs nervously "We don't but I think some of the legends of dragon sighting, may have been real dragons getting into the muggle world".

"What's this hippogriff shit?" I ask.

"The big book of dinosaurs, those are animals that are extinct now" he says confused.

"So this is not a weird deformed dragon?" I ask pointing to the one Tisi marked.

"No not dragons I guess they kind of look similar, but that's a velociraptor a carnivore it's large claw was used to pin down food, they were very fast and hunted in groups".

I nod looking at it "They are dangerous right?"

"Yes extremely" he says nodding.

"Okay, thank you" I say moving to the room reading the information on the book.

"Hey Tisi, apparently this thing is extinct, but was extremely fast and dangerous also not a muggle dragon, it's some kind of animal" I say coming in.

"It's ugly" she says pouting with tear streaks on her face.

I frown tilting my head looking at the frozen muggle photo "It's not ugly Tisi, it's different sure but it's beautiful, like the Thestrals something that's dark and misunderstood with a beauty you see by understanding it".

"You don't get it Mia, everyone talked about my mom being ugly as a kid, I look just like her and heard the same things, Now my Animagus form is this ugly creature that looks like a deformed dragon" she says curling up crying.

I growl stalking over to her grabbing her face forcing her to look at me "Your mom is beautiful, you are beautiful, your Animagus form is beautiful I better not ever hear you insult your yourself, your mom or your Animagus again or you will regret it, am I clear?" I finish in a hiss.

She nods gulping slightly "Yes ma'am" she whispers.

"Good I will not allow you to do that Tisi, you are amazing this creature is amazing and beautiful" I say before kissing her.

Stepping back I pat her cheek "Now get in bed and relax" I whisper.

Two and a half weeks till dead line

I sigh seeing Demon looking terrified coming up to me and Pansy "What's the problem?" I ask.

"We won't make the time limit we set for Pansy, someone damaged it" Demon says flinching at the glare Pansy has.

"What do you mean someone damaged it?" Pansy hisses.

"Someone damaged it, setting us back I don't get it, why do that instead of destroying it" she whispers.

I tense looking at her "No, he didn't" I whisper jumping up "Chunk boys watch her" I order.

"Dragon ROR go now" I order.

He nods rushing off as I run up grabbing the girls then coming back grabbing Demon "Pansy stay in a large group at all times" I hiss.

We all quickly move to the ROR, running in I slide on the floor stopping in front of the cabinet, reaching out with my magic feeling the damage done "He did this to set us back on to his timeline" I whisper.

"What do we do?" Draco asks.

I pace back and forth tugging my hair "Fuck, fuck, fuck, okay do we still have any of the shit we got from the Weasel twins, that make you sick long enough to get sent to bed?" I ask trying to not panic.

"Yeah we almost bought them out" Tisi says looking at the cabinet.

"Okay we use those, get sent to bed then sneak out, come here and spend the day working on it" I mumble.

"If we do that we would be done just before holiday break again" Demon says flinching.

I nod rubbing my temples "Okay, if it's only one where would they land?"

"Closer to end of term" Demon says frowning.

"Okay so we work day and night in shifts till it's done" I say seeing them all agree "Good this is going to be a rough time everyone".

Two days after old deadline

Walking in I gasp seeing it's finished "How?" I whisper letting my magic reach out to it, feeling Madam Hooch, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall's magic on it. "They finished it" I whisper smiling.

Reach up I open it finding a note inside "Tonight 11" I read seeing a reply of "We will be ready" responded on it.

I smile burning it "Tonight at 11" I say looking at Draco who nods "Okay my turn now".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now