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I sigh laying in bed holding Pansy looking at the time when my door opens Madam Hooch stands at the door motioning us up quickly.

We both nod getting up already dressed as I grab Pansy's bag handing it over to Madam Hooch "Records show you and your friends left two days ago, to be home so Narcissa can care for her and help her give birth when the time comes, I'll deliver these and them home".

I nod taking Pansy's hand kissing her "I'll see you soon" I whisper.

Madam Hooch quickly rushes her out to transport her to safety with our friends, I turn rushing to the ROR finding Draco waiting for me.

He nods opening it when there's a knocking inside "Nevermore" I snark when Mom pops out smiling happily before spinning around as we let the other throw so the group gets here.

Mom looks around almost sniffling the air like a dog, before stalking off pulling me along, I yank my hood up hiding my face "Where?" she whispers.

"Astronomy tower" she nods jogging in that direction with us following after, hearing him whispering Draco frowns knowing Potter's around watching "Who were you talking to" he demands pulling his wand as Mom keeps a hand on his shoulder whispering to him the plan.

He nods when Dumbledore pulls his wand saying how Dad will kill him for the elder wand, Draco quickly disarms him taking the wand before Uncle Sev comes out killing Dumbledore.

Mom cackles clapping excitedly as I see Draco relax at not having to kill someone yet, I nudge his shoulder before Uncle Sev pushes us to move along.

I smile seeing Alecto with her hands on her head breathing heavily "Getting too old for this
running after her" she says winking at me.

"Doubtful, I think you just enjoy the view" I snark seeing her smirk no longer playing up her

I laugh watching Mom blowing out the windows in the Great Hall jumping onto the Gryffindor's table kicking stuff off, laughing before cartwheeling off to the floor I follow her over the table jumping down.

She grabs my shoulders turning me around and looking at the enchanted ceiling "Cast his mark" she whispers in my ear swaying us "Morsmordre" I whisper casting it watching the mark appear.

She laughs tugging me along coming to Hagrid's hut Mom calls his name laughing, I peak in seeing it's cleared out of his creatures and he is gone Mom sees me nods and sets it on fire.

I look back pointing my wand at Potter coming up yelling as Uncle Sev nudges me "No, he belongs to the Dark Lord" I huff walking away catching up to everyone else, hearing Uncle Sev sneering about him being the half blood prince and using his spell on him.

Looking up I see Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall coming out with students finding Dumbledore's body as we leave with a loud clash.

Landing home I freeze seeing Pansy pacing breathing heavily in a pattern with Aunt Andi by her side "I am going to bring her back and kill her myself if she dies" Pansy hisses.

"Bella, Sev, and Alecto are with her she's safe, just focus on your breathing," Aunt Andi says.

"Yeah you're right" she says between huffs.

I jog in smiling at her "Hey beautiful".

"No, do not try being cute, I will Crucio you till you are as insane as your mother then Avada you" she finishes screaming doubling over.

I flinch looking to Aunt Andi who laughs patting my shoulder "That's probably not the last threat you hear from her, we did take her wand but her magic may react to her emotions and pain".

Nodding I take her hand remembering what Dad told me "I deserve it for you being in pain".

She glares at me before squeezing my hand "I don't want to look at you right now" she hisses not letting go, I keep my face blank at her grip for a moment before groaning "Fuck how are you so strong now?" I ask shaking my hand after she lets go.

"Piss Off Wazzock" she yells.

I flinch at her slapping my chest when I'm grabbed and pulled out "Okay Hermione your presence is needed with me" Dad says.

I nod numbly confused about what she said as Dad sighs putting a hand on my shoulder leading me into his office.

I sit down bouncing my leg when I'm handed fire whiskey I take it frowning while looking up at him "Pansy will probably say many more things that hurt your feelings or upset you, just keep in mind she doesn't mean it. It's the pain she's in, she's hurting and lashing out while bringing your heir into this world".

I nod taking a deep breath "Your mother when you were born Cruciod me a few times while having you she used your Uncle Sev's spell Sectumsempra on me He had to heal me while she was in labor" he says shivering slightly "We didn't think about taking her wand but, even if we did her wand is so touchy we all agreed after if we did it may have started a fire or something worse".

I flinch looking at him "Will she hate me after this? Is that why you and Mom are no longer together?" I ask unsurely.

He sighs moving to sit by me "Take a drink first Mia".

I sip the drink coughing slightly at the burn, feeling him pat my back "Your mom and I married because her father wanted her to marry a Lestrange brother, he refused to break the contract so I fought for her in marriage, I prefer men much like your mom prefers women, we agreed to have a child to meet the requirements for our marriage, after that we were free to be with whoever we want your mom is my best friend".

I look up and see Uncle Luci and Uncle Sev come in sitting down after getting a drink "Looks like you will be joining us for dad nights from time to time" Uncle Sev says dully.

"How is Lucia lately Uncle Sev?" I ask smiling thinking about the blonde who taught me to appreciate the art of Potions as a small child.

"She is doing well seems she met a man in America she has fallen for".

I nod smiling "How's she liking teaching at the American wizarding school?"

"She loves it" he says proudly.

"She's already been recognized as the second youngest Potions
Mistress worldwide".

I nod smiling at him "How are you handling the situation?" Uncle Luci asks.

"I don't know I feel lost and helpless, I can't do anything about her hurting" I whisper.

Before he can reply Mom busts in the room grinning madly "It's time" she screeches grabbing me, I gasp dropping my drink being dragged out of the room to another, finding Pansy on a small bed with Aunt Cissa who grabs me dragging me to the side by her, I watch as Mom and Aunt Cissa grab her legs bending them up as Aunt Andi bends looking between Pansy's legs.

"Okay momma it's baby time" Aunt Andi says.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now