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Free hour before dinner

I sigh sitting under a tree with Pansy while Cassi is laid on a blanket on her tummy, Draco comes strutting up and leans on the tree by us "What Dragon? I thought I was clear we was to be left undisturbed, we have not had any time alone as a family since her birth" I say calmly refusing
to look at him.

"Potter and his friends never came back to school".

"Clearly, what I do not understand is why you feel the need to interrupt us to tell us the obvious".

"Gryffindor has started whispering about the golden morons, They ran during the wedding and are on a secret mission for Dumbledore, and the founders ghosts have been seen along with two others no one seems to recognize it's a man and woman they are planning to make an appearance at dinner".

I frown looking up at him "What are you not telling me?" I demand.

"They will be making an announcement, others are saying it's to name the true heir's for their houses rumors are starting that Potter will be Gryffindor's since the Potter's are rumored to be his descendants".

"Two who are unknown" I whisper "Must be Merlin and Morgana La Faye".

He frowns looking at me unnerved "why do you think it's them?"

"Outside of the founders they are considered the most powerful".

Pansy gets up and grabs Cassi "Let's go I want to know what's going on".

I sigh getting up following them only for Tisi to slam into me knocking me over, she laughs rolling off of me "Sorry Mia didn't know I would go that far".

I groan lifting my head looking at her "What happened?" I ask easing myself up.

Tisi gets up bouncing, my eyes widen at how high she goes "We made a fun little spell, it makes jumping and running faster or higher" she says spreading her arms.

"I'm starting to think getting you and Milli together was a horrible idea for the safety of everyone" I mumble getting up dusting myself off.

I scream laughing when she grabs me jumping and dragging me with her in the air "Come on
Mia" she says laughing.

She laughs jumping towards the castle, reaching the doors she lets me go and I groan with a hand
on my stomach leaning on the wall by the door "I think you flipped my stomach upside down and inside out" I say before laughing and look at Tisi "Let's do it again".

Pansy steps by me glaring "You will not be doing it again".

I opened my mouth and Pansy
holds her hands up glaring at me "And you will not be getting that spell either".

I groan as she grabs my shirt dragging me along with her "You will cause nothing but trouble with that spell and I refuse to let that happen" I sigh following along nodding my head as she lists every time I've caused problems with my impulsive and adrinline rush ideas.

Passing a group of ghosts I blush seeing the founders and the two unknown watching us, the women whispering together chuckling slightly while the men look at me with a look that screams they understand.

"Madames Black" I groan at Professor McGonagall calling for us turning to look at her I see her glaring at me "Yes ma'am" I coo twirling my hair.

Pansy sighs glaring at me before looking at her "Yes Professor McGonagall" she asks calmly adjusting Cassi.

Professor McGonagall glares at me more "I found a gift opening my door that exploded covering
my classroom and bedroom in catnip, do either of you know anything about this?".

I smile looking at her refusing to answer trying to give an innocent look, before cackle as Alecto drags me in to the dinning hall forcing me into my seat.

Pansy sits by me glaring at everyone who comes by before Aunt Andi comes up and sits a
strange chair by us chuckling "The school has started giving things needed to help with Cassi".

I frown looking at the chair as Pansy moves away from it, Milli sighs looking at us "It's a high chair, you put her in it and it lets her sit with you while having both hands to eat or feed her".

We both glare as she takes Cassi and puts her in it and pushes a tray in front of her "It's a muggle tool for babies" she adds as Aunt Andi nods.

"I don't like it" I hiss.

Pansy slaps my arm and sits back down happily "leave her in the chair Mia".

I huff sitting down again watching the chair while we wait for everyone to get in the dinning hall, Pansy has a proud smile as the ghosts pass by cooing over Cassi.

Uncle Sev stands once people stop coming in "Today some very important people have came
to talk to all of you Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Merlin and Morgana La Faye" he says as they stand in front of the head table.

Salazar looks around the room with a blank face "We have watched the way this school has been ran the houses were made to place you where you would have what you needed to be your very best, over time our legacies have become nothing but disappointments to our names. No house unities, cruel attacks played off as childish pranks, unfair treatment lead by headmasters who have changed the history to fit their goals".

Godric nods glaring at his house "For years we have seen corruption and favoritism allowing students to torment each other, the victims are ignored till they fight back then punished for protecting themselves or others".

Rowena sighs looking sad "The very things we believed in and encouraged have been abandoned and false information has been given, our stories have been corrupted and twisted into lies".

Helga nods with a look that just screams a mother disappointed in her children "You are all more than the traits that had you placed in your house, there are traits from every house in each and everyone of you. Loyalty to those who have earned it, a thirst to learn and understand, Courage to stand up for what you believe in, Ambition to be the best, each House was ment to be united to work together and encourage each other".

All four founders stand together showing they support each other "My story says I abandoned my friends because they wanted to invite Muggle borns and teach them, that I believed in blood purity this is false, I believed we should remove them from the muggle world and raise them here. At the time muggles would kill anyone gifted with magic or accused of having magic, my basilisk was raised to protect the students in case the muggles found us, there have been many muggle borns who have proven that blood purity is a lie".

Morgana rolls her eyes stepping up when he holds his hand out to her "My story speaks of me as a powerful evil witch that Merlin killed, I was the first witch in a family of muggles with no magical connection at all, my crimes are simple I was a woman who became to powerful the people I spent my time helping turned on me, because the king did not like how powerful a woman was".

Merlin smiles at her "I tried to encourage the king to leave her be, that failed I met with Morgana many times in secret she was dying a slow and painful death. I vowed to kill her to end her suffering as she asked, the spell I used was powered by my grief and anger it was my spell that lash out killing myself and the king".

"Headmaster Snape has opened the Founders hall, we will all be available to speak" Salazar finishes before they all disappear.

Uncle Sev claps and the food appears for us as whispering starts around the room.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now