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I look around the house frowning with my group around including Angel, the office doors open and I see Wormtail scurrying out whimpering "Where is my Heir?" I hear threw the house.

Aunt Cissa leads me to the office closing the doors with us in the room.

"Tom, she's here" she says leading me closer, he spins looking at me moving closer before cupping my face in his hands "My daughter" he hisses smiling at me.

"You look so much like your mother" he says proudly.

I sigh relaxing against him when he hugs me, wrapping my arms around him I take a deep breath "I have been told you have news for me, tell me" he says pulling back.

"A mudblood was placed in Slytherin, she has the desire to learn dark magic and hurt people who hurt children. I placed her under Black protection, Millicent Bulstrode has been accepted and added to the family tree, she is a child created like you" he nods looking at me.

I take a deep breath to gather my courage "I want to marry Pansy Parkinson, Aunt Cissa and Uncle Luci accepted the marriage contract in first year" I finish strongly secretly worried he will break it.

"You love the Parkinson girl? It's not just agreeing for your Aunt or Uncle?" He asks tilting my head back to look at him fully.

"Yes, I love her I have since we were small Dad" I whisper.

"Then I agree and I'm sure your mother will agree as well, now bring your friends in so I can meet them properly".

Fifth year

I sit down feeling Pansy cuddle up to me, frowning when I see the woman in pink watching me closely after I sit down.

"Ministry lap dog, stay on her good side" I whisper to our group glancing up at the woman again.

"She's a muggle hater, Angel stay with our group at all times" I whisper to her.

She nods moving closer to Draco who places his arm around her waist, I tune out Dumbledore's obvious propaganda speech before introducing the pink blob, who interrupts him to speak to the students.

We smirk seeing Dumbledore fail to hide the anger that someone doesn't kiss his old saggy ass like he's a god amongst us.

Being released we all leave happily, I shove Draco laughing when he tries to strut looking like one of Uncle Luci's peacocks "Okay peacock, you can preen your feathers in the room".

He smirks strutting again with his arm around Angel, who laughs strutting like him "Great we have two peacocks in the school" Milli snarks by me.

I cackle seeing the pink blob flinch looking around fearful making me laugh harder "I think mom may have scared her before" I whisper to Milli who nods smirking.

Getting in the common room Draco drops in one of the chairs, throwing a leg over the armrest with Angel sitting on his lap.

I whistle loudly getting everyone's attention "Normally Draco handles warning you all what to watch out for every year but this is more important, so right now I want muggle borns and half bloods who lived in the muggle world together at the
couch, half bloods who lived in the wizarding world by the fireplace with neutral pure blood families, and finally pure bloods who where supporters or suspected supporters by the boys' hall".

Seeing everyone move slowly I sigh "MOVE NOW, I'M NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH ANYONE" I scream making everyone move quickly.

"Thank you now look around why are my group and I not in a group best marked? Anyone can answer".

I see one of the half bloods raise their hand "because it's public knowledge that your mother is a follower, meaning it's reasonable to assume Malfoy's parents are as well same with all of you but Angel"

"Yes and no, Carrow's mom and Uncle are suspected death eaters same with Parkinson and Malfoy but, Bulstrode is a half-blood her mother was never a suspected death eater. Can anyone tell me what the death eaters were trying to do?"

"Remove mudblood and half breeds and make slaves of creatures" one of the lower level death eaters kid snarks.

"No that means you have proven to be a lower-level death eaters child, you do not have all the facts and most likely are not trusted" I snark back.

"My mom is Bellatrix Black she was the second in command, a member of the inner circle. She bragged about bringing the magic of old back, magic was at it's strongest when creatures, wizards, and witches lived in harmony, when jobs were given to someone best fit for the position" I say sitting down.

"How about this muggle borns only learn about this amazing world at 11, we are thrown in
with little knowledge or understanding of how things work here, of customs and traditions. we come in knowing less than our schoolmates and have to play catch-up. I can admit I felt lost and alone, even confused about this world did anyone else?" Angel asks nodding when the ones not exposed to magic nod.

I smile "see that is a problem, you are given this gift but not given any knowledge, just thrown in expected to know everything we do".

"Did you know offerings are given to higher powers as thanks for the gift of magic? That magic is a living part of you that responds to your emotions?" I see them shake their heads no.

I nod throwing my hands up "does anyone know what a mudblood or blood traitor is or even a half breed?"

"A magic thief, someone who supports magic thieves and someone who's parents are one of each of pure and muggle" the same guy yells.

I laugh looking around "you're a moron, who knows nothing of the true meaning".

"Draco deal with this before I hurt them" I grunt rubbing my temples.

"Mudblood is someone who comes in and abuses the gift of magic, refuses to learn anything about our traditions but expects us to learn theirs, a blood traitor is a pureblood who willingly rejects their history, half breed is someone who has some understanding of traditions and
customs but refuses to accept or learn more about their magical side" he says looking at each

"The point is muggles willing to learn more about our traditions and customs, to understand us are not mudblood, muggles have made many amazing things that could be useful to us. we need to learn to understand each other and be supportive" Pansy says rolling her eyes.

I nod happily "Yes thank you Pans, now this year no matter your views or thoughts. We are
Slytherin and we protect our own that includes the muggle borns and half bloods, that pink frog is a blood purist and we will keep anyone in our house she may target safe, we deal with enough abuse from the other houses. The rules have always been any in house problems we handle ourselves, protect our own, we handle punishment of our housemates. Today any problems of the past between anyone here mean nothing, we watch each other's back. Anyone have a problem with that?"

The same guy mouths off again saying he does, I nod "good I was looking for a reason to kick
your ass" I say cackling.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now