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One month later

Getting up I see Pansy pulling her sleep clothes on "good, your up come on meeting time".

I nod quickly dressing before heading out with my arm around her, fighting a yawn we listen carefully as we sneak up to the ROR stepping in, I see our meeting room set up with drinks
and snacks ready with the others already waiting minus our chunk boys who are back in the rooms asleep.

Sitting down I yawn rubbing my face "okay, what's the update on jobs?" I mumble.

"They golden idiots have not noticed Demon's absence and whatever the ladies did to Lavender, they are convinced you did it since she refuses to speak about it" Draco says with his head tilting forward before he jerking it back up rubbing his face.

I nod looking at Demon "progress is moving better now, I'm thinking just before holiday break it will be ready".

Pansy jerks up pointing at her "no that doesn't work, that's when baby watch happens, I'll be due any day then".

Demon nods frown "okay, I forget that, if I can get someone else to help with shifts, we could cut it down by a week or two but it still lands close to where you could go into labor".

"I'll do it, if I disappear randomly it will unsettle the idiots" Draco says.

"What's your timeline with three or more to help?" I ask seeing Pansy panic.

"It needs to be people who know what to do between us, that's you, Draco, Tisi, and me if we all take turns we could cut back a month I think" Demon says frowning working out the estimated time line in her mind.

I nod looking to Pansy who huffs crossing her arms "I'll be a little over eight months".

"Typical pregnancy last 40 weeks from the first missed period, not the date of conception which generally occurs two weeks later, anything less then 37 weeks is early for the baby" Milli mumbles leaning forward using her palms to keep her head up.

"Why do you know this?" I ask watching her.

"When my letter came in mom dragged me to a gynecologist that's a muggle healer for vaginas, She was a squib so we could be honest about where I was going. She explained how it works I was even shown videos of both vaginal birth and a C-section birth" Milli says  shivering slightly.

"What exactly did you all do to Lavender?" Demon asks changing the subject looking sick.

"Just a few broken bones, mainly the face and she may have been dropped in with the giant Squid naked" Pansy says yawning.

"Aunt Bella did that to the frog" Draco adds frowning.

"Yes and my amazing but slightly terrifying mother-in-law gave me the idea but, I just had her dropped in completely naked" Pansy says huffing as she wiggles around.

I get up holding my hand out to help her "no, I'm doing it myself" she says stubbornly.

Sighing I watch her till she stops letting her body relax breathing heavily "why is it at six months I'm like this?" she hisses glaring at me.

"Because your tiny ass is pregnant and your wife was a huge ass baby, I heard mom say
healers where worried Bella couldn't get her out without her bones breaking or her getting
stuck, so they cut her open and pulled Mia out, now your narrow ass will have the same problem" Tisi mumbles.

"Tisi has a point I read once that women with wide hips have an easier time with carrying kids and birth" Draco says.

"He's not wrong muggles have all kinds of stuff to help with pregnancy now, it's not as big of a problem anymore, now let's go back to bed" Milli says before yawning loudly standing up.

Next morning

I groan rolling over away from Pansy landing on the floor "I hope your dick gets bruised" Pansy mumbles getting up.

Chuckling I get up wide awake "Rude" she glares at me "Why do you do that every morning lately?"

"I have been ban from my more risky adrinline rushes, so I'm getting fixes where I can" I laugh stretching.

"And why were you ban?" She asks curling up again.

"Something about my flying" I say shrugging.

"No not something, you decided to fly standing up on your broom lost control hit the Whomping Willow, that then threw you into the spider pit in the forbidden forest. Where you landed on the damn dad spider got in a fight with them and killed Hagrid's friends".

I huff throwing my hands up "I said I was sorry but they chased me out on the grounds, I tried reasoning with them they refused and even went after other students. I love Hagrid he is a good person but he needs to learn somethings are truly dangerous, not misunderstood those things where dangerous, I know Dumbledore has known about them, he gave the same warning every year do not go into the forbidden forest, that old Tosser was allowing an invasive and dangerous creature to stay, even sending children out to the forest for detention".

She nods getting up "Yes but while fighting them, you climbed on the back of one and rode it while attacking others, you ended up with Madam Pomfrey for a week".

I cackle nodding "That was fun" I say sighing happily.

"Yes well those memories better be enough to cover your urges, because till our baby is in Hogwarts. You will not get to do that stuff anymore" Pansy says pulling on her school robes.

I smile moving behind her putting my hands around her waist placing both hands on her belly "I'm more then happy with that, you two are more important than my rushes" I whisper swaying her.

She hums pinching my arm laughing "Good answer Mia, I'm sure the baby will give you plenty of rushes, She is a Black and you all are known for being impulsive and doing dangerous things. Now let's go to classes".

Dinner time

Draco comes walking in sitting at the end of the table away from us eating, I hum knocking on the table bouncing slightly "Madam Black is something bothering you" I frown looking up at Slughorn.

"Nope" I cackle, he nods looking at me "You act so much like your mother, she was not great with Potions to impatient but clearly you got your Aunt Narcissa's skills with it".

I hum nodding "Possible, but could be from my father as well don't know" I say cackling more.

Pansy finishes and smiles at him "Good evening Professor Slughorn, I have to unfortunately pull my wife from this conversation".

He chuckles nodding "Of course I hope to see you both at the Slug Cub Christmas party" he says when we both stand.

Pansy nods smiling "We will try to make it" she says smiling at him.

Walking away she sighs once we are out of sight "Why do we have to be nice to him?" She huffs.

"He is loyal to my dad and Dumbledore wants information he has on dad" I whisper.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now