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Pansy smiles at me hearing the announcement for the Yula Ball, I chuckle seeing Draco groan
because it means dress robes.

"We're going right Mia?" Draco asks.

"Yes Draco we are, I have no choice I'm in the tournament, you are coming because I want to
see you suffer" I say smirking at him.

"Fine, I'll write mother to have our robes sent".

"Pans you need robes too so we can go together" I whisper.

She nods curling into me "I better be your date".

I scoff playfully nudging her "I was thinking of asking Tisi but, I guess you can be my date" I snark.

She hums pinching my side "I'll tell Milli you're trying to steal Tisi".

Laughing I kiss her head "No threatening me but, maybe we can make it where they go
together" I whisper glancing at them.

Pansy nods looking at them as I lean over the table grabbing Draco's shirt yanking him forward "You make sure everyone stays away from Milli and Tisi, they will be going together even if I have to give someone a week long visit with Madam Pomfrey".

He nods going pale "Anyone else?"

"No besides them and Pans the rest of the girls can be asked by anyone but, I will gladly teach them a lesson if they upset my girls" I whisper.

Dance lessons

I laugh watching Weasel awkwardly dance with Professor McGonagall while she looks
almost disappointed.

Raising my hand she nods "Professor McGonagall, maybe someone who knows the steps
would be better for an example".

She frown looking at me before giving a stiff nod "Yes that maybe more helpful, sit Mister. Weasley".

I stand up when she motions me to come up "May I?" I ask getting a nod, she steps back clearly keeping her distance.

Looking  to Madam Pomfrey who stands by waiting for the inevitable injury to come from this crap I smile.

Walking up I bow holding my hand out to her "Madam Pomfrey, may I have this dance?"

She nods placing her hand in mine, Professor McGonagall gets the traditional music playing and
I lead Madam Pomfrey in the dance completing the steps and lifts in perfect formation and

At the end I bow again placing a kiss to her knuckle "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey you dance

I step back glancing at Professor McGonagall "Very well done Miss. Black" nodding I smirk sitting down by Pansy, when Professor McGonagall calls for us all to split and find a partner to practice with I roll my eyes.

I dance with Pansy even moving to dance with the girls of our group, before moving to Milli
then Draco easily switching to letting them lead in the dance.

Being let out I smile talking with Pansy, who snarls shoving weaselette knocking her down
"Pansy that was uncalled for" I say moving to her helping her up.

She tenses yanking back from me glaring "I apologise for Pansy Miss. Weasley, she's jealous of anyone she doesn't approve of being anywhere near me, I hope you are not hurt".

She frowns looking confused at me when Weasel rushes up shoving me, I step back raising a
brow "Stay away from my sister Black" he yells.

I shrug rolling my eyes "so I should have not been a gentlewoman and help her up right? I should have left her on the ground, where she could have been stepped on and hurt?"

"She doesn't want or need your help" he yells louder.

I scoff ignoring him "very well, Miss. Weasley once again I apologise, have a wonderful day" I say bowing slightly.

A few hours later

Sitting at the table in the library with Tisi both going over a book together, I frown hearing a throat clear.

Looking up I see weaselette fidgeting, she glances at Tisi looking worried "Do you need
something Miss. Weasley?" I ask pointing out what I was helping Tisi look for, she nods taking off with the book.

"Why are you being nice to me?" she demands nervously.

I smile leaning on the table "I was raised to be respectful to people who have not been disrespectful to me".

"Your not nice to my brother, Harry or even Lavender".

"No I'm not, because from the day we started your brother has been rude and disrespectful to me, Potter as well, with Lavender her parents use to try to force a friendship with my group and her, but she's always been rude and liked to insult me so I have never liked her".

"Then why be nice to me? You're family hates mine, and you hate my brother".

"Your family acts like the crimes of my mother are my crimes, I never did it I wasn't able to control her Miss. Weasley, why should you take the blame for how they treat me, it would be
no different than how I am treated. We can not be blamed for our families actions but we are, we are called evil because we are Slytherin, my Aunt Andi was a Slytherin yet she gets a pass for being one and a Black, because she fell in love with the Tonk's boy. You're parents are both pure bloods and not seen as evil because they are Gryffindor, but a pureblood Slytherin who loves another Slytherin who is also pureblood, they are evil and blood purists. Everyone ignores the fact we all hang out with Milli a known half blood and Angel a muggle born, who asked us to teach her how to survive the abuse, we all take from the other houses. If we fight back it's because we are evil right? Not because we refuse to allow someone to attack us, we are ambitious, they call us self serving, we aim for being the best, they call us power hungry.
It's why we stick together, we have each others backs we know we can trust our friends".

I see her frown looking confused going over what I've said, I turn walking back to Tisi, who growls punching the table causing her hand to going threw it.

I sigh getting her hand out rubbing her back "Come on, I figured it out" she nods walking
with me I stop by weaselette again "I hope our conversation satisfied your questions" she looks at me frowning as I smile walking away.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now