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I sigh seeing them finally dragging Lavender up "She tried hiding but, came out and looked
like she was heading to Professor McGonagall's office".

I nod pushing the door open nodding my head waiting for them to go in, I go to walk in only for Pansy to push me back out "No you go back to the rooms" she orders slamming the door in my face.

Huffing I stalk off back to the room being stopped by Potter and Weasel "Where's Lavender?" Weasel demands.

I roll my eyes looking under my feet "Nope not there so, I don't know nor do I care" I snark.

I chuckle when Weasel puts his wand in my face "Weasel you can barely cast the simplest of spells, you are barely above a Squib even they can understand the simplest of instructions for magic" I sneer grabbing his wand and snapping it in half before he can react.

His face turns red looking at me, I chuckle leaning back kicking him in the stomach when he tries to hit me "You truly are a pathetic excuse for a wizard or man" I say chuckling while moving on to go to the rooms.

Walking in I go to my room and find Daphne sitting on my bed reading a book "Hey Mia the muggles seem obsessed with this wizard" she says holding up a book.

I frown seeing Holy Bible on the cover "You think he's a wizard?" I ask sitting by her.

"Yes, one of the muggles let me borrow the books her parents sent with her when I asked about it, From what she said it's a religious belief, This wizard healed muggles who are blind, or can't walk, lots of things we have been able to get rid of. They turned on him killing him somehow he comes back and now judges them" she says frowning.

"They hunted and killed witches and wizards too, saying we are evil and work for a dark wizard calling himself the devil" she adds grabbing another book pointing out the marked page.

I frown gently taking the books away "Okay let's put those down" I mumble.

She nods as I grab the rest of the books she borrowed "Are all these books about them killing
witches and wizards?"

She nods frowning "Yes, and how a wizard named God will kill everyone evil".

"Okay, That's just weird they call witches and wizards evil but follow two wizards?" I mumble.

She nods looking at me "Yes two wizards a father and son and a ghost" she says reaching for the books again.

I slap her hand shaking my head "No, you don't need to read more of this weird hate speech, we hear enough from people here".

"Do muggles see us as evil?" She whispers.

I shrug sitting by her "I'm sure there are some who don't, we have muggles whose parents don't understand this world but, are happy their child is part of something so special. While others do crap like this" I mumble motioning to the books.

She nods cuddling up to me "We need to do more to make sure muggles like that never learn about us".

I hum rubbing her back "Yes we do and we will, but we need to take things one step at a time" I mumble closing my eyes "Now let's nap".

I grunt waking up seeing Pansy straddling my lap "I come back finding my wife asleep, letting our paranoid friend obsessively read about muggles killing witches and wizards" she hisses.

I groan looking to Daphne who clutches the books tightly while the others try to get them away "Damn it Daphne, I told you no more of those books".

Pansy scoffs getting off me and helps take the books away "Great I'm still in trouble" I mumble.

I grunt when the books are dropped on my lap "Get rid of these" she snarks.

I sigh getting up making my way out, getting an idea I turn and head to Professor McGonagall's office knocking on the door "Professor McGonagall could you help me with this?"

"What Madam Black?" She sighs.

"Normally I'd take these to Professor Snape but he's not here, One of our muggle borns let Daphne read history books about muggles' interactions with Wizards and witches, and something called a Bible. She's paranoid enough, she's now panicked about muggles hunting her and burning her alive".

She looks at me confused and worried "We are trying to keep her calm but, we need these away from her so she doesn't get them again" I say sitting them down on her desk and quickly walking out closing the door.

I jog back to the rooms going to my room seeing the others reassuring Daphne, I sit down rubbing her back "It's okay Daphne, we won't let the muggles do that to you" Pansy says.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now