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I sigh as my hand is healed watching Mom swaying with the baby happily as Pansy glares at

"Mom can we see our baby?" I ask.

She sighs looking at her stroking her cheek "Very well here's little Bellatrix" she says like it's an inconvenience to let us hold our child.

I smile at the dark-haired girl wrapped in her Slytherin quilt I got her "Her name is Cassiopeia Camellia Black, not Bellatrix" Pansy huffs.

Mom cackles "She has my hair" she says proudly.

"She has yours and Hermione hair, just Hermione's color is like her dad" Aunt Cissa coos at the baby.

"She's fully female" Aunt Andi says smiling at me.

I nod sitting by Pansy looking at my daughter, black hair that's clearly going to come in as wild curls, she looks like me with Pansy's nose and eyes.

I smile stroking her face "Hello my sweet" Turning I press a kiss to Pansy's forehead feeling my eyes fill with tears "She's perfect my love" I whisper.

She nods smiling at me "Take her so I can sleep some please" she says.

I nod watching her kiss the baby's head before handing her over I shake slightly as Aunt Cissa helps me hold her correctly.

Sitting in the chair I hold her close rocking her just looking at her before accioing a book and enchanted quill I smile seeing the book open and the quill raise ready to write "Cassiopeia
Camellia Black you are named after my great aunt and your mom's grandma, you are the heir of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. If you are getting this it means we failed to change the world, this stuff is all you need to know about the truth of our fight, but most of all what you need to know is while you were not planned so soon, we wanted you from the moment we knew your mom was pregnant your mother and I love you, now if we failed you should be with people who are our best friends or someone we trust to care for you".

I smile sadly kissing her forehead "Beekey" I say calmly when she pops in I hand her the baby "Could you please put her to bed?"

She nods leaving with her and I sigh getting up finding the box mom used for me that locks with blood magic, opening it I check making sure it's packed up with photos and diaries belonging to me and Pans as well as my parents, the Black family book, and Pans goodbye letter I place mine in seeing a photo of Pansy, me and her, locking it I let it take my blood to secure it.

I smile sadly putting it in the bag packed for her, picking it up and taking it to her room I sit it down on the dresser "It won't come to that, I won't let it and if it does I will make sure you both leave with her".

I nod not looking at Dad "I have to plan for this outcome as well dad, I need to be sure she will be taken to America to Uncle Sev's daughter" I whisper looking at her.

He comes over looking at her placing a hand on my shoulder "I understand, but you two have had a beautiful child".

I nod smiling "She's perfect" I whisper.

A week later

I frown seeing the death eaters all gathered walking to the group with Cassi I listen "Tonight we take the ministry and Hogwarts half of you will secure the ministry, the other half the school. Once it's taken Severus will take over as headmaster, now at Hogwarts, I have been told Professor McGonagall is on our side, Madam Pomfrey is neutral, and remember Madam
Hooch is with us".

I raise my hand keeping hold of Cassi "My Lord, am I to go on either mission?"

"No Hermione, you are not going I do not send people out who have just had a child" he says waving me off.

"Is there something I can do to help here?" I ask.

"Yes, you may help your aunts with healing our people when they come in" he says proudly.

I nod leaving the group finding Pansy on the couch asleep I smile sitting down by her "Pans there's a mission tonight it may get loud" I say softly.

"Your not going" she mumbles grabbing my shirt.

I chuckle putting my hand on hers "No, I'm supposed to help my aunts with healing".

Her grip loosens as she looks at me "Good so what's the mission anyway?"

"Get control of the ministry and Hogwarts" I say shrugging.

"Okay give me my baby" she says yawning as she sits up pulling her shirt off.

I chuckle handing over Cassi watching as she gets her to latch humming softly.

"You're both beautiful" I whisper.

She chuckles looking at me "Thank you, oh your Aunt Andi has some muggle books on raising children".

I smile nodding "I read them already".

Feeling her lean against me I put my arm around her "I'm taking her with us to Hogwarts" Pansy says.

"Pans a war will happen there, are you sure that's a good idea?" I ask worried.

"Yes because you will be with us, we have our friends and family there, I heard Alecto will be joining the staff, and your emergency backup plan will be there, it makes sense to have us both there if it comes to that" she says looking at Cassi.

I sigh nodding taking her to burp her "You're right, just I don't like you two being in danger".

She smiles kissing me "Take a nap with us, you have been going so much with very little sleep".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now