Fourth year

I groan laying my head on my arms at the table, hearing the girls giggling and whispering.

"What's wrong Hermione?" The chunk boys ask together, I frown looking up at them "I feel like you two are some kind of weird separated twins when you do that shit".

They share a look shrugging before looking at me again "I'm sore" I mumble.


I smirk nodding my head to the girls "Spent the night entertaining them" I mumble.

They nod going back to eating "Do you know anything this year?" one asks.

"Can we talk in the room, just let me sleep a little, my adorable chunk boys" I mumble yawning.

I groan being nudged lifting my head, seeing Pansy smiling while moving hair from my face "Come on, the opening feast is over" I nod getting up, making my way to the room, stepping in I see the group has all gathered in my room.

Chuckling I see them each putting something on a plate "What's that?" I ask yawning.

"You didn't eat, the girls said you would be really hungry when you woke up, so we all managed to take something for you" Draco says.

I nod taking the plate as Pansy holds out a cup of water, sitting down I eat trying to stay awake "Okay um Dumbledore mentioned the Tri-Wizard tournament, and that Moody guy is a fake" I say yawning.

"How can you tell?"

"Did you not see that darting tongue thing?" Seeing them shaking there heads I sigh.

"I'm pretty sure that is Barty Couch Jr".

"How can we know for sure?"

"Watch his tongue, listen to his lessons in class, how he acts around others" I mumble shaking my head trying to stay awake.

"Okay we'll keep watch and all meet in a week to compare findings" Draco says leading the
boys out.

Looking up I see the girls getting in my bed, Pansy takes my plate sitting it on the desk, she tugs me up and starts pulling my robes off.

I yawn feeling my eyes closing, becoming harder to open again "Okay girls I can go more".

Pansy hums leading me to the bed, I crawl up getting on my back, feeling Pansy laying by me
"Let's go to sleep now".

I nod "Okay, but I can go again if you want" I mumble.

Hearing giggling before feeling Pansy kiss me "We know, but we are tired let's sleep now".

Next day

I hum waking up hearing a groan, opening my eyes I see Tisiphone Carrow holding her stomach, I get up pulling on pants and a shirt "Tisi are you okay?" I ask squatting by her.

"No I started, I'm hurting really bad and got really dizzy" she whispers.

I move grabbing a blanket putting it around her then lift her bridal style, pressing a kiss to her head "Okay let's get you to Madam Pomfrey" I whisper.

Quickly moving threw the halls up to the medical wing, using my wand to open the door, I gently kick Madam Pomfrey's office door.

She opens it seeing me holding Tisi, then nods rushing me to a bed "That time again Miss. Carrow?"

She groans covering her face, so I reach out rubbing her temples "It is, she woke me I was worried she wouldn't make it without passing out along the way".

She nods chuckling "What I hear is you found her in the common area, stumbling from being dizzy" she says smiling slight.

I nod "Yes of course, I heard her trip knocking over some stuff and cry out, so I checked on her and decided she needed to come here".

Madam Pomfrey nods "Very good, now back to your room, bring her a change of clothes
back dear" she says adjusting her blanket seeing she's in panties and a sleep shirt.

I nod heading to the room being caught by the new DADA along the way "What are you doing out in sleep close?" He demands.

I shrug walking on with him following me glaring "A house mate needed help getting to Madam Pomfrey, I helped her get there".

He nods turning and walks away, I roll my eyes getting back in the common area, opening the door to my room I step in seeing blood on the sheets and the girls up glaring.

"Good morning ladies" I say bowing.

"Where's Tisi? How bad is it?" Milli asks worried.

"She's with Madam Pomfrey, it's worse then last month but, not the worst we've seen" I say calmly.

"You helped her walk there right?" Milli asks getting up.

"I carried her Milli she was dizzy".

She nods quickly getting dressed, grabbing Tisi an outfit from their emergency outfits, kept in my room before running out I smile watching her.

"What are you thinking?" Pansy asks wrapping her arms around me from behind "Milli has a crush on Tisi, I'm trying to figure out how to get them together".

She nods kissing my neck "You do that, they are perfect for each other".

Heading out I cackle kicking the books Lavender dropped heading for a class "bitch" she mumbles.

I run back dropping in front of her cooing "Poor ickle baby" I say because jumping up holding up her notes, ripping them up then tossing them in the air walking off.

Some time later

I watch as Moody uses unforgivables on spiders seeing Angel watch excitedly leaning
forward, I chuckle pulling her back "Easy, don't draw attention to yourself" I whisper.

I glance at Draco mouthing tonight and he nods smirking.

After class

Outside for free hour I grunt climbing up the tree, laying on the branch, I feel a hand tugging
my pants looking down I see Pansy holding her arms up pouting.

I chuckle pulling her with me, she sighs laying on me relaxing till I hear weasel insult Aunt Cissa.

Pansy quickly moves off me, and I stand jumping out to him landing on the ground bending my knees while hitting the ground, I run at him tackling him
down hitting him.

I frown seeing Draco try to curse Potter when he turns his back, I growl hitting Ron again "Keep my Aunt's name out of your mouth Weasel".

I turn running at Draco slapping his mouth "Talk as much shit as you want, but you leave mothers out of your drama".

I gasp when he turns into a ferret, being bounced around before being shoved down my pants, I quickly reach in grabbing him "Do not fucking bite me again Draco" I warn seeing Professor McGonagall getting onto fake Moody.

I hiss holding Draco by his scruff with a hand on my groin, as Professor McGonagall comes
over looking worried "Are you two okay?"

I hiss holding out Draco "No, turn him back, so I can kick his ass, he bit my dick".

I growl when he twists biting my wrist making me drop him, chasing after him I screech "Come back here Dragon, you're only making it worse for yourself".

I shove Potter and Weasel heading in to get treatment again out of my way then pull my wand, and throw stinging jinxes at Draco ignoring Professor McGonagall yelling at me to stop.

I cackle hitting Draco again making him jump in the air squeaking loudly "I'm going to ruin you're pretty boy face Draco".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now