Next day

I sigh watching the Demiguise side step mom disappearing from sight as mom charges into the room cackling with Cass on her hip.

"Hello Bellatrix Black how are you today?" Luna asks looking above her head with a smile.

Mom waves her off stalking from the room "Mom do not get Cass involved with your games" I call out.

Hearing her shush me I roll my eyes watching her head for Uncle Luci's office.

Hearing Uncle Luci screaming Mom comes back with Cass chewing on his cane that holds his wand completely oblivious to his screaming.

Pansy frowns looking at me then at Cass and Mom "Don't look at me, I'm not getting involved with them I already got stuck to a wall because they are playing pranks".

"I can't touch anyone without being shocked" Draco adds.

"My shoes ran away from me" Luna sighs.

Milli and Tisi sigh refusing to speak "She stuck them together and no matter what we wear it changes into dressed" Goyle says motioning between himself and Crabbe.

Pansy laughs looking between us all before frowning "I feel like I should be happy she hasn't got me but I feel insulted that she hasn't".

"You would feel insulted my mom hasn't pranked you" I snark.

"Maybe that's the point she knows you love having her attention so by ignoring you she's already gotten you" Tisi saysrolling her eyes.

"Yeah I mean she did catch you in her bed naked last night" Milli adds laughing.

Pansy hisses like a snake at her before getting up and taking Cass from mom, handing back Uncle Luci's cane before walking out of the room.

"Mia, Luna, and Bellatrix come" Dad says passing by us heading to his office.

Getting up we follow him to his office where he sits down motioning to the chairs and couch "Luna I have gathered a few things I believe would interest your father, will any of them work?" He asks motion to the books.

She steps up looking over the books "these books are extremely rare one of a kind about creatures and beasts" he says picks up one with a proud look "This book was written by Helena Ravenclaw herself, it lists potions and spells the founders helped her make to make invisible creatures visible".

She smiles taking it and opening it flipping the pages "this is similar to the potion Mia gave me that makes Thestrals visible".

"I found it in there and Aunt Cissa helped me change it to lure them in and make them visible, you are correct they are beautiful if you can appreciate morbid beauty" I say softly.

"Father would love this one Sir" Luna says dreamily.

Dad nods looking to Bellatrix "Mia looks less threatening she should be the one to speak with him she's good with earning people's trust or support".

"Father knows she's been keeping me safe Sir, he was uneasy about it but has accepted that she cares about my safety" Luna speaks up again.

Nodding I take the book from Luna putting it in my robe pocket  with the others then moving to the fireplace, Luna goes threw first and I follow, stepping out I dust myself off seeing her father sitting in a chair drinking a thick muddy tea.

"Mr. Lovegood" I say giving a respectful nod to him.

He pales looking at "I found something in my families library that, I thought may interests you Sir" I say softly pulling the books out.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now