Third year

Sitting with the group on the train we all laugh talking, my snake changed to look like a cat sits on Pansy's lap looking at her while she pets it.

"Sirius Black escaped" Milli says handing me the paper.

I nod "he did, he'll come to Hogwarts for that stupid rat weasel has and to meet Harry".

"Should we be worried?" Pansy asks.

"From what I heard our teachers a werewolf" I say.

"How do you know that?" My Chuck boys ask together.

"Remus Lupin was friends with James and Sirius, they decided to trick Snape into unknowingly getting close to him, since they'd been hiding him while at school he almost killed Snape" I say not looking up from the paper.

"That's what you were talking about when you mentioned they almost killed Snape?" Pans asks.

I nod smirking "I know that look what are you planning?" Draco asks.

"Look we all agree when it comes down to the teachers we are loyal to Snape, but let's give him a chance he maybe a decent DADA professor" I say.

A few hours later

Finally reaching the school I walk with Pansy leaving the boys to pick on Potter, after learning he fainted seeing a Dementor.

"Are we going to the opening feast?" Pansy asks.

"No, let's slip to our room and spend the night relaxing" I whisper.

Getting in we sneak past, reaching our room we quickly get in closing the door, Pansy smiles
running for the bathroom stripping her clothes off, I laugh following her before getting in the bath with her, I sigh feeling the heat from the water.

Pansy cuddles up to me with her leg over mine "This is not opening feast ladies".

I groan tilting my head back seeing Professor McGonagall "We know" I snark.

"Up girls, get dressed for the opening feast, let's go" she says clapping.

I tighten my grip on Pansy refusing to move "See the problem is, I refuse to eat with a werewolf watching us".

"You are being difficult, no one is a werewolf" she says harshly.

"No I'm correct, Lupin was a friend of Potter's daddy him and Sirius tricked Snape into going near Lupin on a full moon almost killing him" I say turning around to face her.

I see her eyes panic while her face stays blank "I will be writing my Uncle about the werewolf being around children with the headmasters approval".

"That is enough girls, get dressed and go to the opening feast"

I scoff getting out magically
drying myself before pulling on my school robes with Pansy following.

Walking into the dinning hall I see Lupin at the teachers table, and stop crossing my arms "To your seat Miss. Black".

I cackle tilting my head back then howl loudly "Miss. Black, Miss. Parkinson how nice you decide to attend the opening feast" Dumbledore says glaring at us.

I laugh looking at him "Of course seemed only fair we walk with kitten here, after she watched us in the bath" I say loudly leading Pansy to our table.

She groans covering her face "Why did you make it sound like we put on a show for her?"

I shrug smirking at the headmaster "Wasn't meant to sound like that, but I'm happy it came out that way".

"You make it sound like you find her attractive" Milli says shaking her head.

I laugh banging on the table "Look the old cat is a beautiful older woman, I'm sure she was
hot when she was younger but, no chance I'd be able to stay in the mood with her around or watching" I lean closer to Milli "plus she's paying attention far to much to Lavender. If she's not having some weird mother urges then she likes a student to much to be okay".

Pansy stares at me for a moment then looks away curling her nose "Milli how was your summer?" She asks.

"Fine, my mother finally got the family to accept me so we could leave dad, she obliviated him he has no memory of us or magic. I'm not sure how she got them to accept me I'm half-blood".

I smile stabbing my fork into a chunk of meat watching it so excitedly that, I miss Draco
nudging Milli nodding to me.

"Hermione what did you do to get them to accept me?" Milli asks frowning.

I frown stopping with my meat stabbing, Pansy sighs taking both the plate and fork from me
mumbling, I look at Milli tilting my head "Doesn't matter" I say quickly.

"It matters to me" she hisses.

"Fine your dad's a mudblood, I found proof he used those stupid mudblood made love potions on her. I brought it up to Aunt Cissa and Uncle Luci, they agreed with me since I'm to be head of house Black but not old enough to be in control yet, Aunt Cissa acts as a stand in, she had your mom added back on as family and added you" I mumble crossing my arms.

Pansy slides my plate back with my meat cut up in small bite size pieces "Now stop killing meat that's already dead and cooked" she orders and I huff looking at it.

"Thank you Hermione" Milli says.

I nod waving it off getting a bite on my fork "Your family Milli, a Slytherin who believes in
Slytherin views, you earned the right to be accepted".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now