I huff pacing with Cassi finally asleep in my arms "They are okay, they won't mess up" I whisper trying to stay calm.

Hearing a loud clash of people Apparating I move out and see a tall woman who looks like an
older and taller Fleur with Gabrielle glaring around the room.

"Mia" Gabrielle says charging to me and hugs me while avoiding Cassi as she does "Hey little bird good to see you" I say awkwardly patting her back before stepping back.

I gasp when Cassi is taken by the Delacor mother cradled in one arm as Madam Delecor coos at her.

"Oh um please be carefully Madam Delecor I just managed to get her to calm down," I say shocked and slightly intimidated.

"You all cut it very close with stopping that wedding and she was feeling your nerves" she says looking at Cassi smiling "I was concerned my daughter who is the next to lead our Clan would be stuck with that poor excuse for a wizarding family attached to her".

I shake my head "No ma'am when I got her letter my mom and uncle set to work on stopping it".

She nods looking at me frowning "When Fleur came to me with this story you told her, I was
doubtful she insisted that you were telling the truth, after you saved Gabrielle we started looking into what you told her, and we found you were telling her the truth it made her honor
promise easier to accept".

"Where is Fleur?" I asked unsure of what to say to her.

"Still undercover with a warning that they are being watched if they try to get married again we will be killed".

I nod relaxing "Okay, so that part is done now we just need to get Luna here" I mumble.

Hearing Pansy come in I sigh sitting down as she walks in and greets Gabrielle and Madam Delecor before taking Cassi back "If I didn't know better I'd swear Cassi hates me" I say as she sits by me.

"She was fussy again? And ladies please have a seat" I groan rubbing my face "I forgot about hosting".

Next day

Waking up I hear Pansy talking to Cassi "Mia get up" I groan rolling off the bed to the floor.

Getting up I stretch smiling at her "Good morning beautifuls" I greet before quickly dressing for the day and kissing them both before rushing out.

Finding Mom in the hall pacing and mumbling to herself I frown "You okay?"

I barely duck a stinging jinx she throws at me while she keeps talking to herself I smirk throwing one back that she blocks easily.

Throwing three more she blocks I growl casting Avis, she screeches dropping to the floor, and glares at me as I smirk till I hear a crash freezing I look seeing a vase broken on the floor.

"You're so dead," Mom says cackling as I hear Aunt Cissa coming "Run from death Mia" she says rolling out of the way with Aunt Cissa's high heels barely missing her hand.

"Fuck" I mumble turning I run getting six steps before screaming as I hit the floor in a body bind "What did you do to my vase Hermione".

"Merlin's saggy balls" I mumble trying to get free "Mom help me" I call out hearing her laugh harder.

I scream when I start floating following Aunt Cissa "Mom was pacing and talking to herself Aunt
Cissa, she didn't answer when I asked if she was okay she tried to jinx me" I mumble hearing mom still laughing.

"You broke my vase" she hisses glaring at me as I'm dropped to the floor roughly.

"It was an accident" I grunt struggling to get free "I'm sure it was," she says standing over me.

I shiver watching her, "I think you need a refresher course on how to behave like a proper
pureblood Heir" she coos, I gulp shaking my head no.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now