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I smirk seeing the guy coming in the common room, using a walking stick "Ickle baby" I coo "so do you still have a problem with following the house rules?".

He pales shaking his head quickly "Good boy now, stay out of my way".

"Miss. Black come" I groan hearing Snape, turning I follow him out to the hallway.

"In first year, you were named the leader of the house you had Draco handle dealing with the
announcements. You would handle punishments yourself" he says crossing is arms.

"Yeah I don't like dealing with those morons" I snark crossing my own arms.

"You have never caused a housemate to need two weeks of healing, that is excessive for you, tell me what happened".

I sigh pacing "The pink frog, she's going to Target muggles and halfs. We all had a long talk even explaining in great detail the plans death eaters had, so they understood our anger, they have even started trying to learn more about our world. I made it clear any past problems are no longer a problem, we need to stick together protect our own. He challenged me on this, I had to make an example of that, I can't have them doing that they wouldn't like it or allow it".

He nods sighing "Hermione you have to find a balance between them fearing you and respecting you".

"So how bad is he?" I ask sighing.

"He will have to use that walking stick for the rest of his life".

I nod frowning "Would she?" I ask unsure of what I want to know.

"She would be impressed with your work, and proud you managed to ensure he backs down" he says nodding.

"What did mom do to the pink frog, she had the same look everyone else gets who's been
attacked by mom".

"Your mom in fifth year flew by her yanking her up and dropped her in the middle of Black lake many times, also threw her into the Whomping Willow a few times" he says chuckling.

"Do you know why?"

"Your mom didn't like her, no one but her knows why, but it's rumored she tried to get with

I nod smiling "How's my record compared to mom?" I ask excited.

"You have less medical trips, even with upsetting other students, less with putting other students in the medical wing, you have her beat on angering the teachers" He says chuckling.

I smile seeing my housemates leaving for classes I take off after them stepping in to the DADA class and sit down with with my group taking up the back two rows.

"Girls we have seating arrangements in this class".

Pansy sighs shaking her head "It's not a good idea to separate us, we keep her calm and she keeps Milli and Tisi in line" she says motioning to me.

We end up being separated with me in the front between Weasel and Lavender "Madam Umbridge it's a rule Hermione not be let near Lavender or Ron" I smirk looking back at Neville.

"I knew I liked you for a reason Longbottom" I coo, he flinches back from me then glares.

The books are placed in front of us and I start bouncing in my seat when mine comes I yank it slinging it to the side hitting Lavender in the face while I throw my body onto Weasel elbowing him in the stomach.

"Oops" I say smirking as I lean closer to Weasel "I think we can all agree you want me as far away from you three as possible as much as I'd rather not have to smell you're poor stinch, so I'll give you a free pass that we can fight in this class till she moves me and there will be no retaliation from my house deal?"

He frowns glaring at me then nods looking pleased I smirk settling backing my seat, Ron
suddenly slams his arm across my face.

I cackle jumping on him taking us both to the floor as we hit each other.

I'm yanked up hearing Milli grunt before I'm thrown over her shoulder, I watch Potter help weasel up who nods to me when I smirk at him.

I'm put in a chair by Pansy in the very front as I cackle louder kicking the table sending it
sliding across the room.

Later that day

I sigh standing with my group as Potter and his full group come in the perfects bathroom "What do you want now weasel I held up my end of our deal".

Potter nods looking at me "You're good at making things harder for teachers".

I laugh looking at him "Thanks for the compliment, get to your point".

"A temporary truce the twins plan on pulling pranks and messing with things, you could do any annoying thing you want. We need to make sure the pink toad leaves or make it harder for her to be here".

I cackle clapping "I called her pink frog, so you want me to agree to make things as horrible as possible for her, Do you have anything you want off limits?"

"No parents being dead or gone, no insults about parents, no hurting the Gryffindors that are
1st to 3rd year".

"Fine, same with parents and our younger Slytherins for us, anything else is fair game".

Pansy taps me whispering to me, I nod rolling my eyes "We want to buy some of the Weasley contraband products as well" I add.

Harry nods after checking with the twins who agree, I smile holding my hand out to him.

He nervously shakes it "Pleasure doing business with you Potter".

I watch them all leave but the twins stay looking excited "Okay gentlemen, I believe we need
fun things to make this frog's life miserable".

A few days later

I frown looking at the new decrees on the wall crossing my arms, I glance at the twins reading it with me "So can you do it?" I ask glaring at the wall.

"We can if, you tell us why you refuse to go near it".

I frown thinking over if I should answer "My mom" I answer knowing they would form their ideas but still accept the answer, they nod running off.

I smirk tilting my head looking at the wall "Miss. Black, I can't help but notice the fighting between Slytherin and Gryffindor, has become less of a problem" Professor McGonagall says standing by me looking at the wall.

"Right now we have agreed that the toad problem Hogwarts is dealing with needs our full

"Does this mean you will continue to be less disruptive in classes?"

"No, that new decree is a challenge to me and the Weasel twins but, I believe the teachers are being challenged as well. Maybe the teachers take a bit of a hands-off approach, they could
sit back relax, and see the fire Hogwarts students have when the two most challenging houses find a common thing to fight".

"By the way I bet Slytherin green" I add walking into the dining hall seeing Pansy with Ravenclaw blue hair, laughing I sit by her grabbing my hair looking at it seeing it's Gryffindor red.

I huff shaking my head "How long does this last again?"

"A week" Draco grunts with Hufflepuff yellow, I smirk seeing Professor McGonagall get Slytherin green hair, while Dumbledore had been given Ravenclaw Bronze.

I nod seeing the twins come in cheering loudly as agreed, to let us know if they managed to move the boggart and unlock its door in the toad's office.

I cackle seeing the toad come in getting Gryffindor gold "I think I'm going to enjoy this truce for a while".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now