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Next day

Walking threw the great hall helping Aunt Cissa heal people I smile at a few who look at me shocked "everything is fine I promise" I whisper.

"What happened to the Weasley's, Harry, and Lavender?" A girl asks nervously.

"Memories of magic removed and magic core destroyed they are in the muggle world, living there and have enough money to survive till they find work if they are smart about their money" I answer.

"You didn't kill them or send them to Azkaban?"

"No, Azkaban will be destroyed and a new prison will be built, that place was not okay even for Criminals"

Moving on I smile seeing Luna sat on the ground with her eyes closed "hey Luna do you want to help me with something?" I ask.

"What's that Hermione Black?"

"Let's go find the Bloody Barron"

She nods getting up "would Lady Ravenclaw be willing to be bait for him?"

"Let us ask"

Following Luna I watch as she wonders around till she finds her ancestor and asks.

"You believe you can do this?"

"I know I can"


"The great hall make an example of it"

She nods taking off as we turn heading back to the great hall, we stand in direct line of the door as I place to stones before waiting.

Hearing Lady Ravenclaw screaming we get ready, she passes threw before I place the final stone locking him in.

Chuckling I pull the knife looking at him "for years you have harassed Lady Ravenclaw, many have watched this and laughed never knowing the truth of the crimes you have committed abduction, rape, and the murder of Lady Helena Ravenclaw today you will face punishment for your crimes" I say calmly.

Pulling the dagger out I quickly nick his hand so he can see he can be hurt, walking around him I push each rock closer till he can't move.

"May I?" Luna asks touching my arm when I lift the dagger.

Nodding I hand it over watching her "I'm the Heir of Ravenclaw I will have the justice we have been denied for years my hands will finally take the revenge we deserve" she says calmly before thrusting the blade into his stomach twisting it.

I flinch slightly watching as Luna screams continuing to stab him till the magic fully burns him away, grabbing her arms I stop her and take the blade "okay it's done Luna you avenged her" I say softly while rubbing her back.

12 years later

Watching the kids running around the platform excitedly I smile seeing Cass with a group of kids that follow her around.

"She's like you, catches their attention and holds the charm of a true Black" Pansy says smiling while keeping a hold of our second born who took after me with magical blessings.

"I told you no brooms"

Looking up I laugh seeing Mom taking a broom from my baby sister who glares at her before yelling in what's clearly Veela language.

Laughing I step closer yanking her up over my shoulder making her scream slapping me "no Black looks but you have the temper" I say teasing her before sitting her down and gently tugging her blonde hair.

She huffs fixing it before glaring at me "Aunt Cissa has blonde hair and blue eyes".

"True but she doesn't yell in Veela when mad"

"I'm gorgeous" she says flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Athena" Cass yells grabbing her in a hug before dragging her away.

"You'd think they haven't seen each other all summer" McGonagall huffs holding a small boy's hand that looks around excitedly "Robert the cat" I hiss taking a book from his hands.

He looks up at me and bares his teeth in a manic grin showing he's just as crazy as Mom.

"Where's your birdy?" I ask Mom while pushing Robert into McGonagall when he tries to bite me.

"Hiding in a room mad" Mom says cackling.

"Baby names again?" I ask.

"Yes it's some form of passive aggressive protest because I don't like her first choice, it's to muggle I'd understand if it was a honor name but she hasn't said it is"

Nodding I look around seeing Tisi and Millie standing with their daughters beside Alecto and Andromeda, beside them stands Nymphodora with her little boy Pollox 'teddy'.

Crabbe and Goyle stand together with a son that reminds me of them as children happily eating a sweet with a confused look.

Ginny with her children she had apparently married a cheater and he had a sudden accident, seeing her glance at Blaise I raise my brow seeing him leading a little boy over to her I smirk knowing he had a hand in the accident.

He glances at me and smiles nodding his head in greeting it still seems strange how much things changed since the war.

Seeing Daphne and Astoria both leading two girls up I chuckle at the fact that they are known as lovers now and managed to have two children together with my help.

Seeing Scorpius run past with Draco chasing him I roll my eyes because Draco and Blaise both managed to have a child with someone who dropped their children off refusing to raise them.

"Kinda seems wrong without Luna, Gabby or Fleur here" Pansy says.

I nod knowing they are seeing off their child or in Fleur's case second child off to the French school since they all three came last year for my sister.

"Ladies Black"

Turning I see Argus waving with a large smile leading two children up "I'd hoped I'd find you two" he says proudly while putting his hands on the children's shoulder "this is the Lady I told you about" he says.

Looking at the two children I smile holding my hand out "Hello what's your names?" I ask.

"Crono" they both answer.

Nodding I glance at him seeing him shrug "interesting names" I say smiling.

"They chose them when we went in to have their name changed to mine, their my children" he says puffing his chest out proudly.

"You're family is beautiful Argus" I say before spotting my sister and daughter waving as the train moves away picking up speed.

Looking around I smile before panicking at not seeing Robert as Mom and McGonagall search.

"Lady Black, he's there" Argus says pointing to the train getting further away, with Robert holding onto the back cackling madly.

"Fucking Black trill seekers" Pansy says sighing as I grab the broom Mom dropped in her search to go after him.


Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now