A few days later

Rocking Cass I chuckle seeing Pansy come from Mom's room with a dazed happy look "You okay?" I ask trying not to laugh.

She nods coming over to take Cass, I laugh stepping back "maybe shower first" I say softly.

Seeing her nod I lean back from her trying to kiss me "Pansy as much as I'm perfectly happy with how things are, I refuse to kiss you after you have spent a night with my mother".

She scoffs glaring at "you have no problems with Millie or Tisi".

Laughing I nod looking her over "true but they didn't give birth to me I'll pass on that, so go shower".

Grumbling she walks off to our room as I hum before talking to Cass while she smiles looking around till I see Mom and Hooch come out of her room "really both of you?"

Mom shrugs smirking at me before walking off to the kitchen, seeing a mark running from Hooch's throat down under her shirt I recognize, I chuckle poking it "I see Pans got a little enthusiastic".

She nods flinching slightly "yes it was great in the moment but she managed to blocking healing it".

"She likes to mark her work" I say shrugging.

"Her nails are like a dagger she got Bella as well"

"Nail polish, she played around with it, makes her nails like goblin steel and sharp at least it was fresh, she doesn't use as much pressure like after a few days of wearing it"

"I'm considering that everyone in this family shouldn't be allowed to experiment with spells or make anything new"

Laughing I look at her shrugging "pure bloods are mental you just ended up with completely insane ones".

Aunt Cissa comes up taking Cass and giving her to Hooch "come we have something to do".

Before I can move or even process she drags me out and Apparates to knockturn alley before I'm ready "Morgana's saggy tits do you have to do that every time Aunt Cissa? You left my bloody stomach back at the manor".

She tsks at me and turns walking to the dark arts book store "you're as dramatic as you're mother" she says while dragging me in.

"Why are we here?" I ask smoothing my shirt.

She smirks nodding to a corner, turning I frown seeing weaselette slumped in the corner, sighing I walk over watching around me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

She jumps yanking her wand shaking, lifting my hands I shrug seeing she's panicking "easy there, you really shouldn't point that at me" I say completely relaxed.

"Hermione?" She asks squinting at me.

"Yes now what happened to you and why is your face messed up?" I ask gently lowering her arm.

"My brother heard about me defending you at school when they stopped by before taking off again, he ordered me to stay at the house because I was going to go out on some mission from Dumbledore I waited a bit before leaving"

Nodding I look around "why are you here?" I ask motioning around.

She starts laughing hysterically "I'm a Weasley, we don't have money I have no idea how to survive in the muggle world, and I'm known as a blood traitor and a traitor in the Order for not condemning you for that magical discharge I made it this far and had no idea what to do after".

Nodding I glance back to Aunt Cissa seeing she's forced the owner to close the store "why are you here?" She asks sounding defeated.

"Reported sighting of you, you're on the list of undesirables just a very low level one" Aunt Cissa says stepping up tilting her face up to look at her.

"This was just from your brother?" She asks frowning.

"My face yeah" she mumbles.

Aunt Cissa nods walking around her "well let's go" she says motioning her on.


"You're injured, can barely see or defend yourself in this condition, you're alone, and on the undesirable list we'll take you in, get you healed up and go from there now hand over you're wand" she says calmly holding her hand out.

Seeing her panic I gently grab her wrists playing like I'm being rough while leaning towards her "don't resist to much or we will have to be rough, we are being watched we are getting you out of there" I whisper while acting like I'm smelling her.

"Does this one fit what you're looking for Mia?" Aunt Cissa asks sounding bored.

Sighing I nod pulling her to me while taking her wand feeling her struggling around till I press mine to her throat "maybe I'll have to see after fixing her face and washing that disgusting poverty scent off then maybe she can be a pretty pet" I say laughing.

"What do you mean pet?" Ginny screeches struggling harder.

"Yeah I asked Mom if I could get a pet, I'll get you the prettiest collars and clothes, and I already have you a nice dog bed and room set up, oh you'll need toys to so you don't get bored" I add feeling her freeze.

"Please don't" she begs, leaning towards her I smile taking a deep breath as I make her move forward "keep it up till we can Apparate" I whisper softly.

Reaching the street I lift my wand blocking a curse flug at us "oh look it's WonWon" I coo.

"Let my sister go now Black" he yells.

"No she's my new pet, I'll take good care of her honest I'm sure her new bed is better then whatever she used at that disgusting place you call a house I take really good care of my pets" I say laughing.

Ducking another curse I laugh shoving Ginny to Aunt Cissa while pointing my wand at him "that wand doesn't like you, it fights you" I say laughing before throwing a Bombardo sending him flying backwards so we can Apparate back home.

Getting her in I smile leading her to a room "you can't really wonder around until we figure out if you're a threat but you need rest right now anyway, so enjoy your room if you need anything call for Beeley now go shower and relax she will bring you clothes and remember this door won't open for you".

Shutting the door as I slip out smoothing out my shirt again I gasp when I'm pushed to the wall by Pansy kissing me, pulling back she takes a breath and freezes before she has her wand pointed at my groin.

"Who has been on you because that's not any of our perfumes" she demands.

"Pans it's Gin..Ouch stop digging your wand in and let me explain"

"Talk" she orders not putting anymore pressure but not letting up either.

"Reported sighting of her, we went to see figured it was a false report but no she was there hurt by her family for what she said at school, someone was watching so we made it seem like we captured her while I claimed she was possibly going to be a pet and got us away from Weasel"

I watch as Pans looks me over then to the door before barging in looking around, she turns glaring at me before we hear water sloshing and Beeley talking.

She turns moving closer to the bathroom door "be all better, mistress Mia take care us mistress Pan very nice" Beeley says.

Pansy frowns knocking on the door before opening it slightly "Beeley how's Ms. Weasley, does she need healing?

"Beeley got it"

Pansy sighs looking back at me "Okay Beeley but don't get yourself worked up take a break if you need too"

"Yes Mistress Pan Beeley remember"

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now