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Holiday break

:I am writing to you regarding information I have recently learned of, Near the end of the war you used a spell that allowed two women to possibly have a child together. This was successful you have another child I have sent a vial of blood for you to test yourself, and the test was done by Professor Snape.

Sincerely Hermione Cissa R. Black, Head of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black:

I quickly put the letter in a pouch tying it to the large black owl "Take this to Andromeda Tonks, only she can get it".

Watching as the owl flies away I sigh "Please don't let this end badly".

Going back to the house running in, I duck under Dad's arm as he yells at a follower lifting his arm, I grunt when I slam into a body hearing a pop and screaming.

I roll away cackling seeing one of the Lestrange brothers holding his arm that's clearly broken.

Jumping up and stepping on his face I run for the stairs, then slow down to a walk I drag my fingers over the walls.

"FUCKING GET OUT, I'LL KILL YOU" I frown hearing a body slamming and some glass break, I move to the door knocking "Mom may I come in?"

I flinch hearing her scream before cackling, pushing the open I grunt when her body lands on me taking me to the floor "How did you stop it?" she screeches grabbing my shoulders tightly.

Moving to look in the room I see it's dark "I'll show you" she nods following me closely holding her wand ready to fight, I grab the curtains to open them when she starts screaming about it being a Dementor and sets them on fire.

I jump back holding my arm where I got burned then calmly put the fire out and remove the damage I can, making sure to leave the windows without curtains "Okay it's not dark and the curtains are ashes, Aunt Cissa is going to kill me" I mumble looking at the scorched wall.

"What happened to my curtains" I freeze feeling my body go cold like my blood has frozen "Death's come for me" Mom whispers.

She turns grabbing my arm running with me jogging lightly to keep up, She pushes past Aunt
Cissa dragging me "Run Mia it's death" she screeches at me cackling.

I nod smiling "Bellatrix and Hermione, you better answer me now" Aunt Cissa says.

Glancing back I see Aunt Cissa walking calmly able to keep up easily with Mom's strength and stamina still being rebuilt.

"Fucking Gnomes" she screams running out the door, before letting go of my arm driving into the gnome pin.

I shrug diving in laying by her as we hide "Plan?"

"Gardening with gnomes rule one" she says.

I grin hearing Aunt Cissa walking around the pin "You two are making this worse for yourself".

I laugh as Mom screams jumping up lifting a gnome, spinning, and letting it go.

It lands on its ass by Aunt Cissa's both have their arms crossed glaring at us.

"You can't even throw a gnome Bella give up" she says sighing.

Aunt Cissa grabs Mom's arm when she tries to run past her "I can feel death's icy grip" she says dramatically dropping down going limp refusing to move.

Aunt Cissa sighs trying to keep Mom up "Hermione help me with her".

I nod getting out lifting Mom with her "Why not use magic?" I ask confused.

"Your mom can use wandless, and wordless magic. She would stop or block any spell we use
to move her" she grunts.

Moving in the room I look away from Aunt Cissa "Mom had an episode over her room being dark and thought the curtain was a Dementor".

We get Mom in bed and covered "I think, that's enough excitement for her today" Aunt Cissa says

I nod lying down by Mom "Mia" she whispers looking at me.

"Hi Mom" I whisper "I'm so happy your home".

She smiles pulling me close hugging me "My baby, you're so big now, Cissy and Lucius took
care of you right? you were happy?"

I nod smiling "Aunt Cissa and Uncle Luci did, I was happy but I missed you and Dad".

She nods kissing my forehead "We're here now baby, we will never leave you again".

I nod getting up "Hold on, I wanted to show you something".

Running I quickly get my oldest photo books before coming back to the bed, sitting down by her "Uncle Luci helped me make these growing up".

She smiles looking threw the photos of me and Draco till she comes to a photo of me with
my group of friends as toddlers, She chuckles as the photo shows me pulling Pansy's hair and her slapping me in the face.

She moves to the next that show's me kissing Tisi, then Pansy jumping on her screaming and hitting her.

Finally one showing the group at a table with a cake in front of me for my fifth birthday, I blow the candle out and Pansy grabs my face kissing my eye.

"That girl seems to like you".

I nod smiling "That's Pansy Parkinson, I want to marry her".

She freezes looking at me "You want to marry her? Are you sure?"

"I love her mom" I whisper.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now