Waking up I groan rubbing my face "Good your awake".

I turn looking at Madam Pomfrey frowning at me "You can't just have a verbal rant, no you had to top your mother's record and shake the whole castle even Hagrid felt it" she fusses while waving her wand over me.

"You used a lot of magic doing that, no magic till I say otherwise and plenty of rest" I nod hearing multiple feet shuffling in.

"Are you okay?" Pansy asks pushing her way to me with Cass.

"She's fine Madam Black, she not allowed to do magic and needs plenty of rest that means you ladies let her rest" she says looking at the females in our group sternly.

They nod looking away from her "Yes ma'am" they all say.

She nods "You may return to your room".

I get up feeling Draco put my hand on his arm leading me out "You missed the drama" he says smirking.

Looking at him I raise my brow "We'll tell you once we reach your room".

I nod laying my head on his shoulder as we walk till we reach the room, Pansy hands Tisi
Cass and rushes to the bed pulling the blankets back, I'm lead over to sit down before she
pulls my pants and shirt off placing my sleep shirt on me.

Once I'm tucked in she fusses with the blanket "Pansy I'm okay calm down" I say softly.

She nods getting Cass before cuddling up to me as the group joins us "What happened?" I ask.

"After you left and caused the castle to shake Mother rushed out leaving Aunt Andi to deal with the everyone, of course everyone not in Slytherin started panicking convinced you where trying to kill everyone here, surprisingly weaselette was the voice of reason. She managed to shut everyone up yelling about them being morons to not recognize a magical discharge from heighten and extreme emotions, then pointed out you're wife and child were in there with many family members and friends so it wasn't an attack" Draco says sounding

Pansy sighs frowning "Andi and her then explained what and how a magical discharge happens, Cissa came back and entered with McGonagall rather dramatically like Snape, it ended with a few students in detention and a few others expelled by Snape when he finally made it in".

"Why do you seem upset about this?" I ask.

"I don't know what to think about Weaselette she's never actually caused problems and tended to stay away from us, she was dragged into most encounters by her brother or Potter" Pansy says frowning.

"I've had the same problem honestly the few times we've talked, it's normally her freaking out demanding to know why I didn't target her or why I was nice passing her" I answer.

"She's not to caught up with houses or good and evil" Luna suddenly says appearing in my
door with her hands placed like she's holding something "I brought someone to see you
Hermione Black" she says lifting her arms slightly.

I frown not seeing anything "Um Luna I don't see anything".

"It's a Demiguise" she says moving closer and I feel something sat on my bed, before a creature that looks like a mix between a sloth and ape appears sitting on the foot of my bed.

"Where did you get him?" I ask shocked.

"She landed in my arms" Luna says shrugging like the fact she has a Demiguise is an everyday thing or not strange that it let itself be caught.

I sigh rubbing my face "Luna you are one of the most amazing witches with creatures, but why did you bring her here?" I ask confused.

Luna shrugs laying on my bed "She wanted to come".

"Okay does she have a name?"

Luna shrugs smiling "I've been calling her Bellatrix she seems
to like it, I think we have a familiar bond".

I sigh shaking my head "Luna only you could somehow have a Demiguise choose you to form a familiar bond".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now