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A few days later

Sitting in the Great Hall listening to the whispers of Daddy Weasel being bitten by a snake, I keep my face blank while glaring at Potter whose face is paler while his eyes have dark rings under them.

They don't seem to understand that the attack is a response to Milli being hurt, My dad's known about the connection and horcrux in Potter since first year, they don't even realize my dad has accounted for this.

I scoff standing up making my way to his table slamming my hands on the table "How's it feel almost killing someone? I'm sure daddy's so proud of you like father like son right" I say loudly.

"I'll be seeing you in the Wizengamot Potter, after that I'll have every last thing your parents left you, down to your very last Knuts for Milli" I hiss.

Turning and walking out to Black Lake I sit down sighing and tilting my head back "Miss. Black".

I groan hearing the Pink Frog saying my name then peek out at her "Yes" I grunt.

"I was sent to inform you that Millicent Bulstrode will be awoken soon" she says cheerfully.

"Wonderful I'm sure you're so disappointed not to gain more sadistic pleasure, for your nightly masturbating enjoyment" I snark standing up shoving past her.

Heading in I find my group waiting for me, we all head for the hospital wing shoving our way in while ignoring that most of the beds are full of Gryffindors.

"Madam Pomfrey please keep that Pink monstrosity away from Milli" I say moving to stand by Tisi holding her hand with Pansy holding her other.

We stand waiting for anything to happen to show us Milli is waking up when Tisi grabs her hand "Wake up Milli, I miss you we also need you to remind Hermione and Draco you're the
boss around here, they are getting out of hand without you to keep them in line".

I smile slightly at that looking to Madam Pomfrey, who looks on sadly she quickly checks the time and sighs after a while.

"You kids have to go to classes" I open my mouth to argue stopping when she glares at me.

"I will have you all called in if anything changes now go" she says ushering us out the doors.

I turn grabbing the door to open it being shocked hard enough I fall back looking surprised at it "You are currently banned from visiting my patients, Try back at a later time" Madam Pomfrey's voice echoes from the door, that now has a shaded design of her on the wood that's mouth moves as it says the words even glaring at us.

"Is it just me or is everyone else slightly terrified of her?" I whisper glancing back to my group seeing them nod silently.

We all quickly rush away walking into Snape's lesson and sit down, I smirk seeing most of the Gryffindors are missing, Snape comes sweeping in slamming the doors behind him.

Starting his lesson I smirk more seeing Pansy quickly drop something into Lavender's Potions when she wasn't paying attention.

We keep watch seeing hers start to smoke a thick sickly green, quickly covering ours We drop under the table casting a shield to protect ourselves.

Hearing a loud bang followed by multiple voices screaming we come out seeing the table melted with holes, burns on the floor and other places burned.

Snape dismisses us taking the students to the medical wing, so we head out back to our room.

Pansy smirks holding a pouch out to me and I frown looking at it "I'll let you have it but you owe me" she warns.

I nod taking it, opening it and seeing an Acid pop that's been crushed up "I get acid pops?" I ask.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now