Return to school

Sitting in the great hall I smile watching Cass being fed by an elf who seems completely happy with the job.

Glancing up I frown seeing the Gryffindor table has a lot of tension around it between housemates.

"Anyone know what's up with them?" I ask the rest of my table.

"House split because some understand why we are so mad and trying to protect our world while others are still devoted to Dumbledore" someone says while passing a plate of food to the nervous girl by them.

Hearing someone come up I glance over seeing Ginny nervously standing by me.

Scooting down I pat the seat before going back to eating "can't handle your house?" Demon asks smirking.

"No because Neville Longbottom keeps trying to make me understand how evil you all are, the more I point out differently the more angry he gets I thought he was going to hit me at one point"

Scoffing I glare at him before looking back to Ginny "he's desperately holding onto the believes he's had because he can't handle knowing his parents were fighting for oppression and wanting to endanger our world, he's just a boy who wants to still see his parents as heros".

She nods taking a plate that's handed to her eating far more calmly then she did before being taken in by us "hey Weasley" looking up we both frown at the Lastrange son I can't stands
"I'm shocked you know how to eat withy shoveling everything down from everyone's plate" he sneers.

"I'm surprised you are dumb enough to run your mouth since everyone knows Hermione is always happy to use any excuse to send you back to Madame Pomfrey" Ginny says smirking.

Seeing him jump up pulling his wand I calmly pull mine throwing up a shield then cast a stunner knocking him back.

Jumping up on the table I hop over to the other side before jumping off landing on his stomach with one foot "you are truly living up to your fathers stupidity Lastrange, you just endanger my wife and daughter to attack someone under my houses protection, that's two reasons I could kill you not including all the times you have tried to challenge me".

Casting another stunners I smirk seeing his head bounce off the floor, turning I walk back to my table cackling loudly "Madame Black"  professor McGonagall calls loudly glaring at me.

Looking at her I raise my brow "he's still alive, don't get your stolen panties in a twist" I snark ignoring my aunt's glaring at me trying not to smile at my answer.

Picking up Cass I see Pansy get up linking our arms "Draco I expect you to protect Weasley like you have Demon".

He nods moving to sit closer to her before we walk out.

Reaching the room I smile as Pansy gets Cass to sleep before putting her in bed, she comes back over putting her arms around my shoulders "you're going to get detention for that" she says smiling.

Humming I nod pulling her closer "that's okay I had to make sure no one else got any ideas about trying to attack her or put you in danger".

"Something is going to happen we're not done fighting" she says softly.

"I know we need to have a meeting with our group to make sure they know the plan"

A few hours later

Sitting in my room I sigh looking around at my friends "this fights not done yet but I have a plan that all of you have to follow Daph when the fight happens you need guard Astoria, Pansy, and Cass. I've got a port key that you can activate it will take you to America, if things look bad someone will come with the rest of the group, stay there everyone going are future heads of house or only children that hold family names endanger of dying out, while Daph and Astoria are not only children they can't fight for personal reasons and will need you all to protect them if we fail".

Seeing everyone agree we all split off for bed but Daph and Astoria stay waiting patiently as I gather up what they need "I can't stop the blood curse on you two but I can stop it from reaching your children this is Black family magic" I say while getting them to lay across the bed.

Waving my wand I softly chant the spell watching as a white glow surrounds them before locking on their stomachs fading away "once you choose who to have a child with the spell will guarantee you get pregnant, it will allow your future child to be able to have children easier without dying, it will also protect you during the birth but you will not be able to have another child without the risks I can only do this once".

Watching them leave I sigh laying on the bed "it's not safe to use family magic alone" Pansy says while laying over me.

"I know but they are the last of their line and our friends I could help them with that and give them peace of mind that their children will have a chance"

Pansy hums before kissing me "since you're in such a giving mood I a request of my own".

Next morning

Getting up I stretch feeling the scratch marks from Pansy sting at the movements.

Humming I pull on my robe before moving to Cass's area passing the door I smile seeing her asleep with her goblin toy.

Hearing knocking on the door I frown moving to it and pushing it open finding Alecto glaring at me "this owl is addressed to you and has attacked everyone that passed who didn't open the door for it".

Nodding I take the package giving it some treats before moving to the table and open the package ignoring Alecto over my shoulder watching.

'Madame Black in response to your request for a way to remove a ghost we have sent you what is needed'

Humming I reach in pulling out four rune stones and a dagger raising my brow I find a second note "if unwanted spirit is captured in the Rune stones it will allow this dagger to be used to remove them from this world permanently" I read out loud.

Feeling Alecto Wrap her hand around my throat I take a deep breath tilting my head back "what ghost are you after?"

"Bloody barran" I answer.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now