Some time later

I smirk seeing Draco flinch when I look at him "What's wrong Dragon?" I coo.

"Nothing" he mumbles.

I cackle when Dumbledore stands calling for silence, he glares at me when I bang my hands on the table mimicking him in a baby voice then mimic a baby cry.

Getting glares from the Gryffindor table while the Slytherins quietly laugh, I see Snape's mouth twitch almost smiling before he gets control again.

I groan when the competing schools come in with the all boys school sit with us, Krum sits in front of me, I ignore him focusing on Pansy who whispers nodding her head, I glance up to the female she mentioned nodding.

Krum smiles in what he must think is a charming smile at us, when the food appears I see the
girl she pointed out gather two plates and leave.

I huff making a plate while Krum talks to me trying to be charming, Pansy quickly makes hers following me when I stand up, we both walk out of the castle.

Finding the girl with a much younger girl on some benches eating, we walk to the only other
bench across from them and I point at it "Do you mind if we sit here?"

She looks at us then the bench shaking her head "No go ahead".

I nod taking Pansy's plate while she sits down then join her "I did not think girls would leave being anywhere near Krum" she says trying to be friendly.

I chuckle shaking my head "We couldn't get away fast enough, they smell a bit".

Pansy nods curling her nose making them laugh slightly "I'm Fleur, this is my sister Gabrielle".

Pansy smiles "Pansy and this is Hermione".

I shiver feeling her thrall hitting me "You look familiar" Fleur says looking less friendly, once she's really looked at me.

I nod looking at my plate "Bellatrix" I say knowing what she would ask.

Seeing them both tense I sigh standing up leaving my plate "Come on Pans, I don't want to
bother them or make them uncomfortable".

"You care if we are uncomfortable? We are Veela" Gabrielle says sounding confused.

I shrug "Yes I know I could feel the thrall hitting me, but to be honest some of the stuff about
my mom is wrong, she loves creatures our elves are free. They choose to work for us, I love
creatures and beasts they are interesting and learning about them is amazing".

I bow slightly to them "I'll leave you ladies alone, enjoy your meal and welcome to Hogwarts".

Walking away I laugh when Tisi comes running up holding a tiny baby Niffler out to me, I smile picking it up "Where did you get him?" I ask taking it.

"Found him near the forest" I nod pulling off a ring I bought just to buy, holding it out to him and smile when he takes it putting it in his pouch.

"Do you want to keep him?"

"No, I thought you would know what to do".

I nod heading to Hagrid's hut finding him outside, he looks up smiling at me "Hermione what's brought you down?" He asks glancing at Pans and Tisi.

"Tisi found something near the forest, she didn't know what to do with it, I thought you may like it" he nods frown.

I hold my hand out showing him the Niffler "It's a baby, he needs someone to take care of him".

He reaches out taking it smiling "Hello little guy" he coos petting him.

"I gave him one of my rings to start his horde, have fun with him Hagrid" I say walking away
waving back to him, he nods waving before focusing on the Niffler again.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now