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Walking into history of magic I sit down holding Cass as Alecto sits at her desk with a goblin talking to him "Madam Black you barely beat the bell".

"Sorry Madam Carrow" I answer.

"I trust you have a reasonable excuse?"

"Reasonable to me, I doubt it is to you"

"What held you up?"

"I was speaking with the Lady Ravenclaw near the library about the Ravenclaw Heir" I answer.

"Seeing as she rarely speaks to anyone I will let this slide this time, you made it in time but do not let it happen again".

I nod "Today we have Mr. Griphook with us as I'm sure you all remember Professor Binns,
repeatedly teaching the same part about the Goblin wars, we will finish this and then move to the next lesson" Alecto says facing everyone.

"Goblins have a long memory and longer life then Witches and Wizards who live past 100
years of age, magic slows our aging to the point that 50-80's is consider middle aged. Goblins
are middle aged around 140-170 the goblin wars started when Wizards and witches started
talking away rights to Creatures, it was more then Goblins in this war before this we lived side by side working together and understood each others cultures. It was even common for creatures and Witches or Wizards to marry and have children, Goblins had Wands not that they needed them they are made off magic".

She turns nodding to Griphook "We would like to hear what happened to cause the war from
your side please".

He smiles looking more like a snarl at her "Of course, goblins have always been trusted to handle money for Witches and Wizards, we did much like now however when you mix power, money, and pride you have problems come up, people became suspicious of us handling money and did not like how powerful we were, they believed taking our wands would make us weaker. They stripped us of our rights the war started with creatures demanding their rights, the fighting stopped because so many on both sides where dying if it kept going we were going to kill our kinds completely, we agreed to stop fighting for our rights if they returned them but, we where lied to now history shows only goblins in the fight not the truth. This is why Goblins are known for being hateful to many who come into the bank depending on how they respond to us will determine how we respond to you, many believe that the more wealth someone has is how we choose to respond it's not. Many wealthy families we do not respect the same as many poor families, we are easier on people coming from the muggle world because they have not been taught anything about this world but, by third year they are judged by how they speak to use very few treat us with respect".

Alecto nods seeing him start going over some papers "Goblins have great pride of their culture and race, it's understandable if you know what they can do, they are who create our house rings and many heirlooms including family trees, Goblin made products are amazing because they do things we could never understand enough to make, in the old days a family would take their children to Goblins to teach them about their culture, the same as Goblin children would meet with us to learn our culture".

Cass slaps her hand on the table babbling and Griphook's head snaps up looking at her, he smiles
getting up from his chair whispering to Alecto who nods quickly transfiguring cloths and

We all watch as he picks up the stuff stitching it together once done a small dragon stuffed toy sits in his hand, with a soft glow around it "we can make the simplest of things into something powerful such as this" he says holding it up.

He walks over to Cass smiling "You will be protected, wise, powerful and smart. May your heart always follow what is fair and just" He says handing the toy to her as the bell sounds.

Leaving class I smile watching Pansy talk to Cass as she chews on her goblin made toy happily "What are you planning?"

"I'm not sure yet there has to be something that can be used on ghosts, I can't be the first person to think of this" I answer.

"What exactly are you wanting to do to a ghost?"

I jump turning seeing Griphook glaring at me.

"Punish one" I answer glancing around.

"What reason do you have to believe they deserve punishment?"

"Crimes they are still commenting with no punishment and living in a castle being praised for still harassing their victim".

"What proof do you have?"

"Everyone has witnessed him chasing her around the castle they find it funny"


"Lady Helena Ravenclaw"

"You're after the Bloody Baron?"

"Yes his crimes are unexcusable and the fact he gets to continue to commit them, and people here think it's funny possible not knowing the truth is disgusting. Do you know of anyone who could help me stop this?" I ask.

"Perhaps but it would cost you"

"What's the cost?"

"Ensuring Creatures have their rights back"

"I'm willing to fight for that no matter what"

He holds his hand out to me "On your magic?"

Nodding I take his hand "I will fight to ensure Creatures have their rights back if needed I swear on my magic".

Seeing the flash around our hands he nods releasing my hand "How would you like him to

"I'd like him forced to the afterlife but would settle for removed from Hogwarts unable to see it or her ever again"

He nods "I'll contact you when finished".

Watching him walk away I smile looking to Pansy "I can't believe you promised on your magic" she hisses.

"Father plans to give them back their rights it's easy to keep the promise, I'm sure he knows this and wanted insurance that it happens"

"It's almost holiday break I'm ready to leave for a while" Pansy says sighing.

"Me too" I answer pulling her close to me.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now