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A few days later

I smirk watching the frog blast a hole in the wall to reach the D.A group inside, seeing in the opening I quickly look around seeing many have slipped out Luna included.

I smirk more helping drag them off making sure I grab Potter before twisting his arm around behind his back pulling it up cackling then start shoving him into the frog's office.

She dismisses us so we shrug
leaving the room to "Do whatever we want" as she says.

We start making our way to Madam Pomfrey's, stepping in we see Tisi sat holding Milli's hand looking sad.

"Hey Milli" I say smiling coming over "How's your day going so far beautiful?" I ask sitting by her.

"Am I engaged?" She asks confused.

I sigh slumping slightly "Yes, you're engagement is to Tisi, You have been for most of the year
and were dating before that".

She nods frowning still, so I smile at her "Okay let's remind you again, do you know where we are?"

"Hogwarts, my mother is a witch my dad is a muggle wizard".

"Okay, do you remember us?"

"Hermione Black, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tisiphone Carrow,
Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, I think she's Angel Smith".

I nod smiling "Yes, but she changed her name to Demon".

"You are my distant cousin on my mom's side, in first year we became friends because Blaise
Zabini tried to push you around. I ran up when you put him in a headlock hitting him and helped you with him, After that you hung out with us ever since. I was eventually able to have you and your mother let back into the family and it helped you both get away from your dad, you made it your job to protect our younger Slytherins. You were hurt getting back something that belongs to a first year Slytherin".

She nods "I think I remember somethings" she says frowning.

"Do we all sleep with you?" she asks unsurely.

"Yes from time to time, Pansy likes to share me with you all, it's normal here" I say smiling.

She nods "How often do I forget this stuff?" She asks shaking.

"This is the fourth time we have had to remind you but you remember more each time" I say trying to reassure her.

"Your memories should come back Miss. Bulstrode we had you sent for testing in a muggle hospital that works with us, They believe your memory problems are trauma-related and will clear up over time" Madam Pomfrey says checking her over "They recommend you being released because interaction with your normal life may help you so I am letting you out".

Milli nods going to get up "However no fighting and if you feel tired or overwhelmed with
anything, you are to take a break, am I clear?" she says warningly.

Milli nods frowning "I expect you all to help make sure she follows orders, if I find out you don't I will be very displeased with you" she says glaring at us.

We all nod nervously having never displeased her but don't want to find out what happens if we do.

We quickly and carefully lead Milli out who looks around "Dungeons right?"

I nod smiling at her "Yes Slytherins have the dungeon area" I say passing a window, I stop looking out seeing Potter and Lavender being led into the forest with the frog pointing a wand at them.

"She is so stupid" I mumble "She's willing following them into Centaur territory thinking she's leading them".

"What's wrong with that?" Milli asks frowning.

"Nothing if you are respectful to them and do not go in uninvited but for her, she's already made them mad at her, They will take her hostage" I mumble frowning "they will defile her, as horrible as she is no one should ever have that happen to them" I whisper biting my lip.

"Mia, she's horrible but we can't let that happen It's not right" Pansy says gripping my arm

I sigh watching Potter and his friends fly off, with Luna who's following a special mission for us "Let's go".

We all quickly head out moving into the Forest, I hiss feeling a hand grip my shoulder "Students are not allowed in the forest".

I look back seeing gold eyes and spikey white hair "Madam Hooch the centaurs have Umbridge".

She frowns looking at me seemingly conflicted about the problem before sighing "Very well, stay by me and remember how to respond if spoken to".

I nod following after her as she stalks threw the forest tilting her head slightly, before suddenly changing directions. We come in finding Umbridge curled up in a ball shaking and crying.

"We have an agreement Centaurs, You leave Hogwarts staff and students alone" she says harshly.

"We were informed she is not true staff, she is not under protection".

"She's the DADA teacher you have broken the agreement, children Help her up and get her to Madam Pomfrey" Madam Hooch says staying between us.

I nod making her lighter then pick her up "I'm sorry Madam Umbridge, I will get you help" I
whisper feeling her tense up panicked.

We quickly leave rushing as carefully as possible out of the Forest "Mia will Madam Hooch be okay?" Draco asks glancing back.

"Yes, she's got harpy and fury in her from her mother, she will be fine" I mumble not completely sure but not wanting Draco or anyone to disobey her and make it worse.

Rushing in we quickly reach Madam Pomfrey "We need help" I say loudly.

Placing her on the bed Madame Pomfrey rushes us to I jump back out of the way "Centaurs attacked her" I say quickly.

She nods rushing around "Thank you now leave so I can work".

I nod getting everyone to leave, walking back into our rooms I sigh sitting on the couch, rubbing my temples "they are evil but call us evil" Milli mumbles frowning.

I nod looking at her "Yeah it's what we deal with all the time" I mumble.


I smile looking at Pansy dressed in her best dress robes, looking over to Tisi and Milli who I made sure had the best suit when she started panicking about her outfit.

We make our way to the family room hearing cackling and feet pounding on the floor, Mom comes jumping over the banister rushing past us "Watch out" she screeches ducking a spell throwing up a shield around us.

Aunt Andi comes running down the stairs looking crazed, before taking off after Mom screeching, Aunt Cissa follows glaring at them before looking at us "Where's Draco?"

"He went to fly with the boys".

She nods looking at Milli "Milli, I'm pleased to see you're recovering, You look very nice" she says smiling.

Aunt Cissa turns looking at Pansy "Always happy to have you here Pansy" she says before looking
at me and Tisi "you girls show them to their rooms"

I cackle shrugging "Pans wants our room, and Milli decided to room with Tisi".

She sighs looking at me "If you four decide to do anything, I expect you all to be safe about
it" she warns.

Dad chuckles gliding in "Cissa I'm sure the ladies will be safe no matter what, If I remember correctly young Madam Parkinson would not be happy with Mia should she get someone
pregnant that is not her".

I blush looking down rubbing my neck as Pansy glares at me "No Sir, I would not, We already had a false alarm with Daphne" says then looks to Dad calmly "But I believe we need us married very soon".

Aunt Cissa glares at me "Why so soon Hermione?"

"Our Potions failed ma'am" I whisper "Pansy's pregnant" I finish trying to sound confident.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now