Long ago....

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CHAPTER:1 Decided

Sarah explaining

I lye in bed today re-living the frightening events from what seemed like so long ago, yet they feel as though they just happened, an despite That, the memories of it haunt me every now and then....

Me and my friends John, Will, Jill, Jack, & May, were hanging out by the Hut, Carlo's Hut, were we usually hangout, but this day was different.
The events that took place in those few days where unseeable, unthinkable, only a cruel wild imagination would've had an ideas of what was going to happen.
It all first started when we were all video chatting in our rooms about a party at a girls house in town-we all know what happens in town party's now don't we, cops, drugs, murders, victims, alcohol, disappearances, and more. But still we didn't know that at the time of deciding.

"So I overheard someone say that there was a party open to everyone in the school, we should go" Jack suggested

"ya definitly! but were is it" Jill asked

"In town on 37 railroad st." Jack told us
"ok sounds good, what do u guys think?" Jill asked

Will an I "I'm down with that how bout you Sarah?" Will asked me

"I don't think I'm doing anything tomorrow night, so sure" I told them,
We all knew that May was up for anything-she always is,

"John?" I asked him "yea lets do it!" John said excited

"Awesome! okay so it's a go, let's meet up at Carlo's before we go," Jack suggested again,
we all agreed then logged off for the night.
That night I lay in my bed thinking of all the little party's I have gone to down the streets, and how this would be the ultimate one of them all - down town - The busiest place of all, wondering what will happen, will it suck? Will it be a grate night? Memorable? I hope so.

The next day I told my ma I was going out with my friends for the night.

"ok see you tomorrow honey, love ya" she said
"love ya to mom" I told her as I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.

I started on my way and once I got I a few feet away from the store I seen my friends walking up to, they looked a little nervous and I didn't know why

"Hey why so glum chums?" I asked, they looked up and they looked pale, like they just seen a ghost.

"guys? What happened?" They stood there in front of me just staring, finally after a bit May said quietly "we se-see-seen-him"

"him? Him who?" I asked them, they were all still quiet,

"me." came a voice from behind me - it was dale.

hey guys! :D
So those that have already read what I have done of this book, i'm just letting you know that I've decided to split the chapters up into 'parts' so that it makes the Chapter part easier to understand.
I've also added some more things into some of the chapters as well. Once i'm done dividing them up, I will go back and edit the Chapters to make it easier to understand whats all going on and who's speaking.
As for the new readers, like i said, I'm changing some thngs to hopefuly make it easier to understand. This was my very first book written on wattpad and didn't know how it worked, or how to make a way to show who's talking in what spots, and how Sarah knows what was happening when she was alseep.
Sorry for VERY long wait guys! I'll try my best to hurry for ya's :D Remember, any comments, suggestions, anything at all, let me know. anything an everything helps :D

Hey guys! So I'm all done dividing them up and adding to them! XD
Now back to writing full chapters!
Although.....that also means it's gonna be longer for the updates, please bare with me and hope you enjoy! :)

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